As important and fun as it is to run around and work your hardest during our Crossfit Kids classes here at CFNA, it is equally important to make sure you are adequately warmed up and then cool down after the workout is over. It may not be fast paced and exciting, and may even be a little painful, but it is o so important. As I've gotten older, wiser and stronger, I've started to experience soreness in new places that lasts longer than it used to. I've adopted a new routine of doing more mobility. So far it seems to be working, i'm less sore and not sore as long. I'm getting more flexible and this makes certain movements a ton easier. How many of you struggle to hold an object over your head and squat or lunge with it? We are going to start incorporating more mobility into the next few weeks of classes. As with anything else, we will make it a blast and be ready to attack the workouts with reckless abandon like usual! :)
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
*Mobility between sets
Three 5 Minute AMRPAPs
*2 Minute Rest Between Sets
3 Cleans
6 KB Swings
9 Box Jumps