How much time do you spend thinking about where your food comes from and how much effort do you put into ensuring its quality? What if you had your own personal farm where everything was raised up until the time it showed up on your plate? Although it would take a few years to build up, the goal would be to have a property that can sustain everything. What if you had llamas, sheep, goats, chicken, and rabbits. How about a fruit tree orchard, a walnut grove, and a large vegetable garden. As the farm matures it would provide meat, milk, cheese, eggs, fruit, vegetables, feathers, and wool. It would also have a fresh spring on the property that provides the water for the house, trees, and plants. Bees for honey and beeswax as well. What's impressive to me is that you know from beginning to end how everything there has been fed and raised. You would know your food intimately and completely. While this may be outside the norm or considered extreme, it makes me ponder, how well do I know my food? What's your relationship to the food you eat? Is it an intimate one?
Warm Up
Broad Jumps
DBall Push Press
DBall Ball Slams
PVC Clean & Jerk
WOD #1
3 Rounds
10 Cleans
10 Box Jumps
*Feet on box, or just piked with butt up in air
*Touch top of head to floor
WOD #2
6 Ring Row
9 Sit Ups