CrossFit allows parents to set an example. It’s easier to discuss a healthy lifestyle when the kids see their parents live according to the principles of hard work, fitness and sound nutrition. The interaction that I've seen between some of the parents and kids that are in our program is awesome! After the workout is over, parent and child reunite and will stay after to share what they just learned and help teach other. Parents will help the kids with rope climbs or pullups and in turn kids help parents overcome a hesitance to jump on that 20" or 24" box.
We are so blessed to have an official Crossfit Kids program with the great staff of trainers that we have and the amount of space that we have. Bring your kids in to watch you workout if they aren't a member of the kids program yet or aren't old enough. We have a daycare program set up to start this week. Take advantage of it! Being active should be a fun and normal part of your life. Talk with your kids about the benefits of being active and making healthy choices.
For kids, Crossfit is a game. The parents think its funny to watch the kids play on the equipment, but it's really just a reminder that we're in a big playground for adults too. Kids see an endless potential to have fun and we should too!
Warm Up
5 Minutes
Snow Angel Up(Jumping Jacks) & Downs(Snow angel on back on ground)
*Instructor says up or down and the kids react
Snowball Medball Deadlifts
2 Rounds
1 Minute Stations
Roll the snowball D&B (Medball)
Snow Drift Jumps (Box Jumps)
Snow Angels (Jumping Jacks)
Snowball Goblet Squats (10# KB)
*1 Min rest between rounds