For the past 4 years, Crossfit has been a huge part of my life. The changes across the board for me have been amazing and the great part is the changes keep coming. Crossfit isn't something that you will plateau with and stop getting results, both physically and mentally. It is a new challenge every single day. The best part is that working out is a blast. I just wish I had found it sooner. If we had been doing Crossfit as a kid, imagine how much more beastly we would be than we already are! ;) If you have been doing Crossfit, consider the gains both physically and mentally that have been made within the last year. Now imagine 10+ years of growing up with Crossfit in your life. Get your kids signed up now and they won't have to imagine. Yes we work hard, but when you are running around being a goofball with a pack of kids it is straight up fun!
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
Medball Clean & Jerk