You know how your wife/husband mom/dad asks you to do something with them and you think it is silly, stupid, boring, etc etc..., but you do it anyway because you know how much it means to them...? The cool part is if you keep an "Open" mind you can actually get enjoyment out of it.... In the long run you actually end up being a better person, a more well rounded person and your relationship becomes so much stronger. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you better Man/Woman up and do something awesome for someone close to you and you better do it QUICK!!!!
The Open is what CrossFit is all about. The Open is so very important to us CrossFitters and the Open means a ton to CrossFit New Albany. By partaking in the Open you are putting a big smile on the face of CrossFitters around the world but most importantly all of us here at CFNA.
It is our opportunity to be a part of the entire world, to compete with the entire world, to compete with the best in the world.
It is our opportunity to share something special with those around us, an opportunity to become better alongside those people whom we see every day.
It is our opportunity to truly see what we are capable of and a glimpse into what our true potential really is!
We're very lucky to be CrossFitters but so much more lucky to get an opportunity to compete alongside one another for 5 weeks testing our level of fitness.
Anyone who doesn't want to or think the Open is necessary is basically lying to themselves and denying those around them a full level of satisfaction. They're taking the easy way out, the way that gives them the excuse to not try that hard and to not have to accept failure. I know, it is our way of living now. Sad but true :(
The problem is that by not doing it, that is a failure. It is like going to a dance and standing on the sideline the entire night.
We're all dancing and you're there so you might as well let loose, have some fun because nobody is judging you (well actually they are but in a good way).
Everyone is capable of doing the Open (all of you are actually doing it in class anyway). If you're under the impression that you are not a CrossFitter then you are mistaken. Everyone is a CrossFitter, even if they haven't CrossFitted yet! Our Functional Fitness class did a 12 minute AMRAP today of KB swings, Burpees and Sit ups(that is totally CrossFit).
I have heard people make 100 excuses to not do the Open and yet they have no issue doing a 5k, speeding up to merge in ahead of another car, interview for a job, go and talk to a guy at a bar, etc etc etc. Life is a competition, might as well join in and crush it!
The Open is just that, open to anyone and everyone (as long as they have $20) no matter their level of fitness. It is an amazing test showing us our current level. A test that gives that extra little boost each year to drive us to be better.
It is so easy to go through the motions to not push that extra in order to get a few more reps and it is easy to not hold yourself or the person next to you accountable. Some of you/us don't know what it feels like to push beyond to do all the reps perfectly, really truly pushing yourself to the limits of your current fitness level.
The Open is an amazing experience because you get to see/know how much more you really are capable of. It allows us to reach to new heights and reap the rewards today and into our future.
All 3 levels will do the Open here and it doesn't matter if you're 5 years old, 80 years old or the fittest person in the world. It doesn't matter who you are, all that matters is that you are making this place, yourself and everything else a better place because of it.
Over the 5 weeks of the Open you will see people doing the WOD's in route to becoming the fittest person or team in the world, you will see people doing it for the first time with no idea of what is going on, you'll see people shooting to improve over last year's standing, you'll see people so happy to compete no matter the result, you'll see people do things they've never done before, etc etc etc.
We have been blessed with an amazing opportunity, one that we don't want anyone to miss out on because we know just how amazing of an experience it is for all.
Please come join us in getting better and having a blast while doing it!
Warm Up
6 Minutes
5 Medball Squat Cleans
5 Burpees Medball Jump Overs
Barn Sprint
Facing Front Squats
*light bar or pvc facing as close as possible to ensure elbows up
alternate rounds.
resting partner holds front rack position
2 Rounds
1 Min each station
1 Min rest at end of each round
Front Squats
Box Jumps
Sit Ups