In a little less than two weeks, one of the most exciting and fun periods in the Crossfit year begins... the Crossfit Games Open. Why is it so exciting and fun you may ask? Well, it's the one time in which ANY Crossfitter, regardless of level or ability to qualify a regional competition, has an opportunity to compete - just for the heck of it. Last year over 60,000 people took part... and got a chance to see themselves ranked on a world-wide scoreboard. Why is this good or a big deal. It's TOTALLY unique in the fitness and sport world - and it gives you a chance to be the person on the playing field, not sitting on the sidelines, watching. Putting yourself out there, slightly at risk, is a great way to feel alive, to test your skills and your fitness, and to see just how you stack up to the rest of the world. Ask any of our current members who have participated the last 2 years and see if any of them didn't love it. We want our kids to be involved and parents, what better way to kickstart your Crossfit career than with this event. You will look back and remember when you started Crossfit forever! I promise your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner!
Every year at CFNA, this will be a big event. Here's how it will work:
Starting on March 6th, CrossFit will announce a new workout every week for 5 weeks. That will become our Competition WOD for Fridays. Additionally, on Saturday and Sunday people will have the opportunity to do it if you couldn't make it in on Friday each week.
Now in order to participate, you must register, and you can do that at . For $20, it's well worth the money, just for the opportunity.
So check it out. Get registered. And join CFNA's team once you register. We're REARIN' to go!
Warm Up
7 Minutes
Box Jump Ladder (12, 16, 20, 24, 20, 16, 12)
Agility Ladder (Plastic Rings layed out, small broad jumps through)
Bear Crawl Down
10 one legged side to side hops (right)
High Knee Skip Back
10 one legged side to side hops (left)
Side Shuffle Down
Side Shuffle Back (facing opposite direction)
Handstand Kick Ups
Pull Ups (with band across low squat rack)
10 Minute AMRAP
2 Pull Ups
4 Handstand Kick Ups
8 KB Swings