What are you doing to enjoy the moment that you are living in? As you get older, they say you get wiser. For the most part this is true, I for one try not to be in as big of a rush as I used to be. I try to slow down and enjoy the process of things a little more. Looking back I know I took alot of things for granted and didn't appreciate them like I should have my first couple years at CFNA. If I walk into the end of a big class where the atmosphere is crazy intense, I stop and just watch for a few minutes, take it all in. If I'm coaching a class where someone is doing something they never have before, I go grab my phone and take a picture or video. Life goes fast, so why not try to capture and save some of the awesome moments. So let's all take note of those "special" moments and try to soak them in a little more!
Warm Up
10 Minute EMOM
Plate Push D&B
10 Lunges
*Alternate movements with partner if need be
5 Rounds
100m Row
5 Ring Rows
:30 High Plank
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Medball Slams
10 Medball Push Press
10 Medball Deadlift
10 Medball Front Squats
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps