If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Sweet Cauliflower Mash

Turn kids on to vegetables when they’re younger and they’ll
have a lifetime of healthy eating ahead of them. One way of
doing this is by dolling those veggies up with all things fun
and delicious. Turn a bland head of cauliflower into a sweet
and crunchy mash, and soon your kids will asking you to make
vegetables all the time!

1 cauliflower head, chopped up
1 cup coconut milk
1⁄8 cup water
½ tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. nutmeg
Dash sea salt
½ cup raisins or cranberries, optional
½ cup of your favorite nut, optional

1. Place cauliflower, coconut milk, water, cinnamon, nutmeg
and salt in a pot. Cover and bring to a boil. Then lower
heat to a simmer and let it cook for 20 minutes until it’s
extremely soft.
2. Use a potato masher or fork to mash the cauliflower until it
resembles mashed potatoes.
3. Add your kid’s favorite dried fruit and/or nuts to the dish.

Get your protein by adding chicken!

Warm Up
5 KB/DB High Pull
5 Box Jumps
Stair Run
5 Ring Rows
5 Burpees
5 Alternating Lunge Jumps
5 Medball Push Press

Push Press

WOD #1
Burpee over Bar

WOD #2
Death By Push Press & Burpees

All in the Family

By Brenda Glidden
First, it was her two sisters. Then it was her parents. Then her husband. Her kids. Some in-laws.
All told, there are roughly a dozen members of Brenda Glidden’s extended family who work out at CrossFit Relentless in West Hartford, Conn.
“I knew that they would like this,” she says of her two sisters.
Others took longer to convince.
“My parents said, ‘Absolutely not. There’s no way on Earth we’re going to do this.’”
“At first I thought she was crazy,” her dad blurts out between breaths while doing a WOD.
“We were like, ‘I don’t know if that’s for us. We’re too old,’” says Glidden’s mom.
But Glidden’s dad came in and was hooked. And when his wife saw how happy he was, she decided to give it a try. For Glidden’s husband, CrossFit has been like returning to childhood, he says.
“I feel like we’ve turned the clock back about 15 years,” he says. “It’s awesome.”

We are seeing this Crossfit thing start to spread within families.  We have a whole family of about 6 doing our Lite Fit program here at CFNA.  We have more and more adults, who have been crossfitting for awhile, start to bring their kids in.  We have wives bringing their husbands in and vice versa.  Maybe its time the parents of our crossfit kids joined in the fun.  We do have a Lite Fit program that you could try out before making the jump to the regular classes!

Warm Up
50 m Row
High Skip To Front
5 Pull Ups
5 Box Jumps
5 Line Plate Pushes (Metal 5#)
5 Double Unders or Attempts
5 Seated Rope Climbs
5 Push Press (Bumper Plate 10#)

Cleans 5x5
1 Min Mobility

100m Row
D&B Farmer Carry 
5 Cleans


Our Crossfit Kids classes have been growing the last few weeks, which is super awesome! But with this growth comes added responsibilities and a need for more attention to detail.  Our evening kids classes take place with an adult class going on at the same time.  We have alot of people doing different things and some of the equipment will need to be set up a specific way to help us have an awesome workout. This growth also means that we have brand new kids coming to classes along with our so called "veteran" kids who have been coming in since the program started.  Time will need to be taken to go over basic movements with the new kids.  All the kids will be asked to do these basic movements together, in a slow and perfect manner. (ie push ups, sit ups, air squats, lunges)  This may seem boring to some of you because you've done them hundreds of times, but that doesn't mean you can't get better at them.  Pay attention to the minor details and really improve on that air squat in particular.  We will also be looking to some of the "veterans" to help teach the new kids and show them how to properly perform the movements.  You kids will take on the responsibility of being a role model to the new kids.  We will also be asking the "veterans" to help set up the equipment for the workouts.   The more help we get from everyone the faster we will be able to progress to weighted movements( front squats, cleans) and more skilled movements (rings, ropes).  So lets all focus on helping each other the best we can and making each other awesome!  Time to have a blast!

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Handstand Push Ups/ Wall Walks

WOD 8 Minute AMRAP
100m Row
3 Handstand Push Ups/ Wall Walks

Finisher: Mobility

I Am Not Cancer. I Am CrossFit.

By Hilary Achauer

Exhausted and overwhelmed after battling thyroid cancer, Kelly Knight discovers CrossFit and newfound energy and confidence. 
When Kelly Knight turns on her phone, the first thing she sees is this quote by Martha Washington: “I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.”
Knight, a 48-year-old registered nurse, has found herself in some dark situations lately. Her son, now 25, has been sick for the past five years. Nobody could figure out the problem until a recent visit to the Mayo Clinic uncovered a tumor in his adrenal glands. In the midst of caring for and worrying about her son, Knight was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in December 2010. The cancer spread to her lymph nodes, and she went through two full rounds of radiation.
In October 2011, Knight visited RSA CrossFit in Kennewick, Wash. Owner Joey Sanchez, a cancer survivor himself, greeted her and showed her around. Sanchez was diagnosed with synovial cell sarcoma when he was 15 years old. He almost lost his left arm, but after several surgeries and chemotherapy, he has been cancer-free for 15 years. Knight started slowly but was immediately hooked.

Check out the whole article on the Crossfit Journal link below:

Warm Up
10 Single Unders
5 Jump To Balance (Parallette)
5 Burpees
5 Ball Slams
5 Sit Ups
5 Push Ups
5 Wall Ball
Stair Run

Ring Rows
DB Hang Squat Clean

4 Rounds
1 Minute For Each Station 
No rest between stations but 2 minute rest after each round

5 Line Touches
5 Wall Ball

10 Floor Press w/ 15# Bumper Plate
10 Single Unders

5 DB Hang Squat Clean
5 Ring Rows

10 KB/DB Swings
10 Box Jumps

CrossFit Kids “Switch”

Sometimes the simplest things are the most engaging for kids. Think empty refrigerator carton vs. expensive, high-tech toy. We have a new game to try out with our CrossFit Kids classes, and hopefully the kids will respond by asking for it over and over again. It is easily adjustable for all age groups by varying the difficulty of the exercises. Divide the class into two teams. Let the teams come up with a name, maybe after well-known local sports teams, or with a current or recent rivalry or matchup (Super Bowl?).

Divide green room play area down the middle with same color cones. Then place different color cones at the opposite edges of playing area (like goals).
Rules of Play
The coach announces an exercise, and upon “go!” teams perform the exercise as fast and accurately as possible while getting to the other team’s side first (past the cones). The first team to have all its players behind the cones scores a point. Here are some exercises that work well: broad jumps, lunges, roving plank, high-knees, skipping, sprinting, side shuffling, karaoke, crab walk, duck walk, bear crawl, army crawl, frog hop. Standard movements can be incorporated by calling out, “Five squats then broad jump,” or, “Five push-ups then lunge.” Maybe try, “Three burpees then sprint.”

Warm Up- 10 Minutes
D&B Partner Band Sprints
10 Perfect Air Squats

Skill-5 Rounds
2 Minutes Double Unders
100m Row


Book Review

I thought this book was right up the alley of our youngsters here at CFNA.  It helps tie the idea of crossfit and real life applications together.  It proves that through hard work and perserverance anything that you set your mind to can be accomplished.
BOOK NAME: Amelia Lost 
AUTHOR: Candace Fleming 

The book Amelia Lost tells the story of Amelia Earhart, a courageous woman pilot who encouraged women to chase their dreams. The story begins with Amelia's birth, and tells the entire story of her life until her disappearance.

Amelia was always an adventurous person. Throughout her entire life, Amelia proved that you can overcome any challenge. She had many difficulties in her family life, like her father's drinking issues, and her parents' divorce. She also had many challenges in aviation, like issues with her airplane's radio, and bad weather. Yet that did not discourage Amelia from doing what she loved most; flying! Amelia broke many aviation records, including being the woman who flew to the highest altitude, being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone, and others.

Amelia's biggest record was to be the first woman to fly around the world at its widest point. Yet unlike her other records, this one she never achieved. She got lost on her trip, and was never found.

In this book, the author tells the story of Amelia Earhart's life in great detail. In between each chapter, the author puts stories of people who heard Amelia's cry for help when she was lost.

It is amazing how much Amelia encouraged women not to give up on their dreams because of their gender. Amelia always showed the world that women can achieve great things just as much as men. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said right after the search for Amelia was terminated, 'I'm sure Amelia's last words were, 'I have no regrets.'

Warm Up
Farmers Carry to Stairs
Stair Climb
1 Forward Roll/ Pencil Roll
Farmers Carry Back to Front Room
5 Drop Squats
Agility Ladder
5 Squatted Pass Throughs
5 Line Touches

Crossfit Style Tic Tac Toe

Plank Hold with weight on back
3 Pull Ups
3 Skin The Cats
3 GHD Sit Ups


By staying home from school (and away from crowds in general), you make it less likely that you will make other people sick. And if it turns out you do have the flu, rest at home is what you need to get better.

What to Do

Take these steps if you feel sick:
  1. Tell your mom or dad, so they can check you out. They might want to call your doctor to talk about whether you have the flu or some other sickness.
  2. Stay home from school and other crowded places. Also, try not to make other people in your family sick. Do that by washing your hands often, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow — not into your hands! — and keeping your distance.
  3. Get rest, drink plenty of fluids, and feel better fast. Be sure to tell your mom or dad how you're feeling so they can take good care of you.
  4. Return to school only when you're feeling better, no longer coughing/sneezing, and you haven't had a fever for at least 24 hours.

Warm Up
5 Minutes of Double Unders
4 Minutes of Rope Climbs
3 Minutes of Rowing
2 Minutes of Pistols
1 Minute of Handstand Walking

Deadlift 5x10
1 Max Distance Broad Jump after each set

WOD-10 Minute AMRAP
4 Deadlifts
6 KB/DB Swings
8 Broad Jumps
D&B Sprint Carrying Medball OH 

Squash This

Getting kids to eat vegetables isn’t as easy as it sounds, but some vegetables are easier than others. This recipe puts a spin on roasted butternut squash and gives it a little kick! Watch the red pepper flakes if you don’t like it too spicy. This recipe is a great carbohydrate side dish to serve with lean protein and a hearty helping of leafy greens.

1 butternut squash (medium size)
2 tsp. coriander seed
2 tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. fennel seed
1-2 tsp. crushed red peppers
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 clove garlic, crushed

1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
2. In a food processor, combine all dry spices and pulse until finely ground. Set aside. 
3. Wash and cut squash lengthwise and peel. Then cut each half horizontally, then into lengthwise wedges (think potato wedges). One squash will yield about 32 total wedges.
4. Place squash in a large bowl, drizzle with olive oil and toss to cover. 
5. Next, rub squash with garlic and dry seasoning mixture.
6. Arrange on baking sheet so the pieces are not touching.
7. Bake 30 minutes, until squash is slightly golden and a little crispy.

Recipe makes 8-10 servings, depending on the size of your squash. Serve the spicy squash wedges (about 3-4) alongside a grilled chicken breast and a plate full of leafy greens for a full meal.

Warm Up-3x
5 Jump Around The World
15 Air Squats

Skin The Cat
Kipping Swings

10 Line Touches
20 Wall Ball
30 DB Push Press
40 Box Jumps
50 Sit Ups
40 Box Jumps
30 DB Push Press
20 Wall Ball
10 Line Touches

Tabata- Ta-what-a? Tabata!

Today we will be doing Tabata circuits for a few different exercises.  In the tabata protocol, each exercise is performed for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for 8 cycles.  Rest for one minute and move on to the next exercise.  This allows the kids to get their form down and move at their own pace at the beginning and gradually they will pick up the pace on their own.  Tabata is fun and short enough to hold that attention span!

Paleo Meatloaf Recipe

1 lbs ground beef (Can substitute beef with ground chicken or turkey)
 5 cloves of minced garlic
 1 small finely chopped green pepper
 1 tsp finely chopped basil
 1 tsp finely chopped rosemary
 1 tsp finely chopped thyme
  ½ cup of ground almonds, pecans and or walnuts (mixed together) ground black pepper (to taste)
 2 eggs

- Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Make sure combined evenly.
- Refrigerate mixture for 30min-1hour.
- Grease loaf pan with olive oil and put beef combination in greased loaf pan.
- Bake for approximately 75 minutes.

Warm Up- 2x
5 Max Height Jumps (Touch as high as possible on pullup structure)
5 Wall Walks
5 Broad Jumps
50 m Row
5 Wall Ball
5 DB Push Press
5 Push Ups
5 Sit ups

3x5 Knees To Elbows(K2E)/ Toes To Bar(T2B) (work on rhythm, stringing them together)
1 Minute Banded Shoulder between sets

3x5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull- SDLHP (focus on keeping head up and shoulders back)
1 Minute Wall Groin between sets

20 Cal Row
30 Wall Ball (small balls up front)
20 K2E/ T2B (Whichever can be strung together)
30 Box Jumps (12")
30 Burpees
20 Push Press (DB)
Sled Pull (length of gym)

Doing Work

Today's workout  is a great Wod to encourage slow, controlled movement with a larger groupand new athletes. It promotes self control and focus, while reinforcing that CFKids is not about racing and being first, but doing your best and finishing proud!  These movements are pretty high difficulty and will definitely be work.  We will practice practice practice to reinforce good form and control and help that hand eye coordination get tuned up.  Be sure to bring your balance and coordination!

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Overhead Squats
Toes To Bar

WOD- 15 Minutes Of Work
(Focus on form, this is not a race)

5 one leg (Right) Box Jumps
45 second Plank Hold
Max L-Sit (Rings)
5 Ice Cream Makers
5 one leg (Left) Box Jumps

Terrific Tuesday

Today we will be doing one of the awesome team workouts from the Regional Competition last spring.  This competition was held right here in Columbus at the Franklin County Fairgrounds Celeste Center.  If you haven't been to a crossfit competition before, you have an opportunity to check one out this weekend right here at Crossfit New Albany!  Our "Winter Throwdown"  will feature athletes from our gym and members of other gyms from around the area.  It will be a great display of hard work, teamwork, and comradery of the crossfit family.  
If you aren't a friend of us on Facebook (Crossfit New Albany & Crossfit New Albany Kids) and a member of our private group then click on our link from this page and ask to be our friend.  If you've joined the Twitter craze then follow us on there as well.  Link is at the bottom of our page.  We post all of our happenings, updates, and holiday schedule changes on those.  

Warm Up
Army Crawl
5 Seated Rope Climbs
Bear Crawl 
1 Line of Handstand Walk/Front Rolls/Pencil Rolls
5 DB Swings
Crab Walk
Monkey Bars
5 Burpees

3x5 DB Clean & Jerk (paired with 1 min banded shoulder between sets)

3x5 Knees To Elbows (paired with 1 min pigeon pose betweeen sets)

Teams of 3-4

20 Cal Row
30 Burpees
30 DB Clean & Jerk
30 Knees To Elbows
D&B OH Walking Lunge (10lb bumper)
D&B&D Sprint

Person in front of you must complete all reps of movement before next person can begin that movement.


Martin Luther King Jr Day
So the kids get of off school tomorrow because of this holiday but I wanted to explain the meaning of the holiday in kid terms. 
Explaining segregation, nonviolence and the assassination of a national hero to a young child is pretty complicated stuff.  But the day presents a great opportunity to convey your core values to your children.
Dr. King is a model of courage, persistence and determination.  He grew up in the hideous time of racial segregation, which really made kids and adults feel they were inferior, and this man preached that hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do it.  What a great lesson in forgiveness, in understanding history and yet insisting that it can be changed.  Children can understand the heart of it.  It wasn't like today when Martin Luther King Jr. was alive.  If something happens today, children can go to the teacher and tell him or her that somebody was misbehaving and your teacher will help you solve the problem.  In the 1950s, black people didn't have someone in power to turn to when white people did the wrong thing.  You can say to children that sometimes when there's no one to help, we try to bring attention to the problem in a different way. And marching and demonstrating and walking and holding signs that say 'We want peace' and 'Freedom now' is another way to show the world what's going on without lifting your fist.  
The Declaration of Independence says that "all men are created equal," but for a long time black people in the U.S. were not treated equally. King was one of many black leaders fighting to make "all men are created equal" come true. He is famous for his "I Have a Dream" speech.  Kids may be familiar with the famous passage, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."


Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Ring Rows

10 Minute AMRAP
7 Thrusters with Bumper Plate
7 Ring Rows
7 Floor Press with Bumper Plate
30 second Bar Hang
7 Lateral Push Ups on Bumper Plate


Have you stayed around to watch some of our kid's classes?  In particular, have you closely watched your kid and how they handle themselves? You definitely should if you haven't had a chance to yet. Most of the kids in our program have been coming in for about 6 months now.  We have an absolutely amazing bunch of young kids and to see the changes that have occurred in this short amount of time is so awesome!  Obviously the physical changes, everyone moves through the warmups so much quicker and easier.  Perfect pushups and situps, quicker feet, and stronger pullups and throws with the weighted balls.  The biggest change that I am referring to however is in everyone's confidence.  The kids know they can do these movements now and that shows in our classes and I'm sure outside of it too.  The first few weeks of classes I can remember kids coming in the front door, behind their parents, not saying very much and kind of unsure about what was going to happen next.  Now we have kids running in the door, talking to each other and to me right away, showing off what they can do on the rings. Since the holidays we have had quite a few new kids join.  The so called "veterans" of the group have done such a great job of taking the newbies under their wings and making the transition into new exercises easy and fun.  Kids were hesitant to be the first one to do an exercise when the program first started and now everyone wants to volunteer to demonstrate the movements.  It is so cool from my perspective to see this and I couldn't be more proud of the group of kids that we have.

Warm Up
3 Step Handstand Walk/ 1 Wall Walk
5 Ring Rows
5 Tuck Jumps
Stair Climb
3 Knees To Elbows (Rings)
1 Pull Up (Bar)
5 Alternating Lunge Jumps
5 Sit Ups

Overhead Squats
Ring Dips (Bands)

WOD-4 Rounds
9 KB Sumo Deadlifts
8 Burpees
7 Box Jumps

Jump Around

The benefits of jumping, especially for kids, is amazing and it can be done anywhere!  It results in a more fit heart, by elevating your heart rate which causes you to breathe more deeply and more oxygen is delivered to your bloodstream and muscles.  This helps develop stronger muscles and bones, a leaner body, and can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  It also improves coordination and targets major muscle groups such as the core, calf, thigh, hamstring, and glutes.  For the warmup today we will be getting our jumping in. Lets' Jump Around!

Warm Up
1 Minute Lateral Line Jumps
1 Minute Calf Stretch
1 Minute Front To Back Line Jumps
1 Minute Wall Hamstring
1 Minute One Leg Lateral Line Jumps (:30 sec Right Leg/ :30 Left)
1 Minute Wall Groin
1 Minute One Leg Front To Back Jumps (:30 Right/ :30 Left)

Floor Wipe & Press
Ring Rows

Knees To Elbows
Floor Wipe & Press
Row (cal)

What's For Dinner?

For those of you unfamiliar with Paleo, this is the blueprint for it.  Try it one night for dinner one night and see what the family thinks!  An example of a paleo dinner would be: a salad with avocado, almonds and olive oil as dressing, baked or grilled chicken, vegetables, and some fruit for desert.  Sound pretty good?  Resist the temptation to put the chicken on bread and make sandwiches.  Our society has been programmed to think bread and sandwiches at every meal are necessary.  Basically kids are going to eat whatever you do and whatever you put in front of them.  Packing your kid's lunch is also a good place to start. 

What the school serves is pretty abysmal: corn dogs, pizza,

french fries, macaroni and cheese, etc.  Lunches can include 

leftovers from dinner, turkey, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. 

Very simple things.  Just try it out and see what your kids

think and more importantly pay attention to changes that may 

occur in both of you like more energy and better 


Warm Up
Ring Hold
Side Shuffle
5 Hot Potato
5 Medball Slams
20 Jumping Jacks

Ring Rows
Ring Push Ups

Circuit :30/:30
2 Rounds

Wall Ball
Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Parallette Jump Throughs

Musical Med Ball

Top Ten

1. Listening to the teacher/trainer/Mom/Dad/other adults
2. A good nights sleep
3. eating healthy
4. drinking plenty of water
5. knowing that it is more important to perform the movements safely, than to compete for the "best time"
6. listening to our bodies. When our bodies say to "rest", then we need to!
7. Always doing the best we can!
8. Always saying "I'll try" never "I can't."
9. cheering on other crossfitters!
10. studying hard in school! 

Warm Up-2x
3 Ring Holds
Front Rolls/ Pencil Rolls
10 Box Jumps
Side Shuffle
10 Single Unders
Bear Crawl
10 Jumping Jacks
Frog Hops
10 Push Ups
Crab Walk

Push Press 5x5
1 Rope Climb between each set

3 Rounds
Circuit 1:00on/ :15 sec Rotation

Wall Ball
Med Ball Sit Ups
Burpee Box Jumps
Med Ball Overhead Walking Lunges
Double Unders/ Single Unders
Push Press