If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Ring Skills

Mammograms in Action

Go to our main site at crossfitnewalbany.com and sign up for this awesome event on October 25th at 6pm!

Today we will do some ring work.  Rings require alot of balance, upper body and core strength.  This will give a great total body workout.  We will work on the skill of ring push ups and ring dips and  incorporate them into workouts in the future after we get the form down.

Warm Up 
Wheelbarrow Races

Ring Push Ups
Seated Ring Dips

Buy In: Max Wall Sit
Lunge Steps
Sit Ups
Row (cal)
Cash Out: Max Handstand Hold

Partner Reading

How To Make Chores Fun

Chores were always boring! They don’t have to be.  If your kid has a messy room, make it fun.
  • Get a stop watch.  As fast as you can, pick up the dirty clothes and make a pile on the floor somewhere opposite the door.  Also, pick up the clean clothes and make a pile on the bed.  Say something like, “I bet you can’t put your clothes in a pile in under 1 minute…”  and usually kids like to prove you are wrong.
  • Next, put the dirty clothes basket in the doorway. Play a hooping game. When your kid makes the basket, you do 1 burpee.  When he/she misses the basket, he does 1 burpee.
  • How about the clean clothes. UHG!  BORING! Make it fun!  Why don’t you pitch in and have a folding contest!   If there’s enough clean clothes, share the responsibility.  Your kid will respect you for helping them, and they’ve already done most of the work.  If there are only a couple shirts and a couple pants, find some clean laundry in your bedroom that could be folded.
  • Find the toy basket. Count how many toys you and your toddler can pick up in 30 seconds.  Wow! The room will get clean super-fast!
  • Got a lot of books on the floor? Sing their favorite song, and see if the books can be put away by the time you’re finished.
  • Are there tons of colorful Legos scattered in your living room?  Get your stop watch and count how long it takes to pick up the green ones.  Can he/she pick up the blue ones faster?  Or, delegate colors to your entire family for help.
Let me know how it goes!

Warm Up
1:00 Jump Rope
5 Toes To Bar
10 Sit Ups
10 Lateral Hops
100m Run

Muscle Up Progressions
Turkish Get Ups

5 Rounds

1 Muscle Up Progression
3 Handstand Push Ups/Wall Walks
5 Turkish Get Ups
10 Hang Squat Cleans

Learning The Hang Squat Clean


Stand with your feet approximately hip width apart.

Squat down and grasp the barbell in an overhand grip, with your hands outside your hips. Your back should be slightly arched like an angry gorilla.

Stand up until the barbell is touching you mid-thigh. Keep your arms straight. You have just done a Deadlift. This is the starting position.

Jump upward and extend your hips and legs. Most of the power for the lift should come from your hips and your jump, not from your arms. As the bar is moving up, pull your body under the bar by bending and lifting your elbows.

Catch the bar on your shoulders while at the same time moving into a Front Squat. Your feet should move out slightly so you land with your feet shoulder width apart. Make sure you keep your elbows up.

Finish by extending your legs and hips to stand straight up. This exercise should be done as one quick, fluid movement.

Warm Up
Duck Duck Goose

Hang Squat Clean

10 Minute AMRAP

Deck of Cards
# on card = # of reps
Hearts=KB Swings
Clubs=Box Jumps
Diamonds=Plate Push Line


Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick!

You've likely heard this rhyme dozens of times. What you probably didn't realize is that it is describing agility. To be agile means to be able to make fast and accurate changes in direction. If Jack is nimble, it means he can move "quickly and lightly." Have you ever played tag during recess? You used agility to dart back and forth, quickly moving one way and then the other in order to avoid being caught. Tennis, soccer and football are all examples of sports that have high demands for agility. In each, a player is required to move left, right, forward and backward without prior notice. As the ball is volleyed or passed, or a fellow player tries to tackle you or steal the ball, you have to react and move in many directions with lightning speed.

Agility is also required in daily life. Imagine walking across a field with your friends. You're laughing and talking. Suddenly, you notice a huge hole in the ground right in front of you. You quickly sidestep the hole and, without thinking any more about it, you continue the conversation with your friends. You quickly moved your entire body in a different direction in order to avoid stepping in the hole. That is a display of agility.

Warm Up
Shuffle Shuttle
5 Push Ups
Ladder Hops
Sprint 20m
180 degree turn, run backward 20 m
10 Dot Jumps

Clapping Push Ups

7 Rounds
5 Clapping Push Ups
7 Ring Pull Ups
:30sec Max Rep Push Press

Will CrossFit Make American Kids Smarter?

Physical activity stimulates neurons in the brain.  It has been shown to improve attention in the classroom.  Areas in the brain involved in movement and learning are intimately connected.  Learning complex movement sequences stimulates areas of the brain used in learning. America is falling behind the rest of the world in the classroom.  A recent study ranks the US 18th out of 24 nations in terms of effectiveness of its educational system.  Just 20 years ago we were #1.  To try to remedy this, more time is being devoted to math, language arts and standardized tests.  This extra time has mostly taken away from PE programs.  Meanwhile, the US is experiencing an epidemic of childhood obesity.  Coincidence? Crossfit Kids provides a challenging and fun outlet for exercise.  What are you waiting for?

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Hang Clean

8 Minute AMRAP
10 Drop Squats
5 Hang Cleans
10 Pull Ups

The Thruster

Today we will learn the Thruster. We will focus on the Thruster during our skill session where we will cover the basics and learn how to perform the movement properly. The Thruster is a combination of the Front Squat and the Push Press, two movements that we have spent lots of time on during the last couple weeks.  Now it's time to combine them into one movement that is a combination of strength, power, speed, flexibility, agility, balance, and coordination. These are a few of the general physical skills that crossfit is known for.  We will learn more about these in future blogs.  In crossfit, no exercise or movement is ever completely mastered.  However, everyone has done awesome on the Front Squat and Push Press so it's time to move on to the next fun challenge!

Warm Up
6 Minutes
Shuffle Shuttle
10 Dot Jumps
10 Burpees
10 Situps
10 Walking Lunges
10 Broad Jumps
Soccer Ball Heave


5 Rounds
200m Run
10 Thrusters
10 Tire Jumps

Teaching the Kettlebell Swing to Young Athletes

The Ketllebell Swing develops crucial posterior chain muscles of the body such as the back, glutes, hamstrings, and core.  These muscles are utilized in all major sports and are intrical in developing a well-rounded athlete.
More Importantly, the KB Swing is BIG FUN!!! The swing is one of the most popular exercises we do here.

Here are some tips for ensuring success:
  • Keep chest big and bowed.
  • Avoid rounded shoulders and keep back flat by keeping shoulders pinned and pulled back throughout movement.
  • Keep abs tight and squeeze mid-section as hip snap drives bell from the bottom of the lift.
  • Focus on hip snap.  Keep heels in contact with the ground. Drive from heels and explode through hips.
  • Keep arms and shoulders out of the lift.  Let your glutes and hamstrings do the work, let the bell float and don’t worry about how high it goes.

Warm Up
Dippin Dots
50m High Skip 
10 Air Squats
50 m Sprint
10 Single Unders
10 Tire Dips
10 Dot Jumps

KB/ DB Swings

8 Minute AMRAP

2 Handstand Push Ups/ Wall Walks
10 Single Unders
10 Medicine Ball Jump Overs
10 KB/DB Swings


Overhead Squat

Sane Nutrition for Kids
Our goal with kids is to get them to think and make good choices about what they eat. Our goal is to teach them very basic concepts, sugar is bad, protein is good and you need to eat some in every meal. Nuts and seeds are good fats. Eat them, don't avoid them. Pasta, white bread, and white rice are not that good for you, stuff that's red, yellow, green and found in the fruit and vegetable aisle is good for you. Eat a lot of it. 

Look at your plate, make a fist, eat that much meat every meal; turn your hand over and fill it with nuts and seeds, eat that much good fat, fill the rest of your plate with stuff you found in the fruit and vegetable aisle. Fill your plate this way at every meal.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Overhead Squat

"Half Nancy"

5 Rounds
200m Run
15 Overhead Squats

Share good meal ideas with each other.

Learning The Kipping Pull Up

CrossFit Kids workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scaleable for any participant at any level.

What Does this mean ?
This means that, for the most part, no two workouts are the same, so kids and teens never get bored and the novelty of each workout keeps them excited about participating.
The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play-pull, push,run, throw, climb, lift and jump. All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of CrossFit Trainers.

With workouts that are scaleable, CrossFit Kids can equally benefit a person who is less active or an accomplished athlete by tailoring workouts so that each participant is challenged just enough to deliver measurable results and personal athletic progress.

Crossfit Kids

Warm Up: 6 Mins. 
5 Wall Ball
5 Pull Ups 
10 Burpees
10 Line Touches

Kipping Pull Ups

Workout of the Day(WOD)

5 Rounds

12 Deadlift
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Press

Draw a balanced meal

Special 9/11 WOD

Bring all the kids you know ages 6-12 to our 4pm 9/11 workout!

Crossfit Kids 101

According to the CDC, Kids should spend at least three days per week doing 60 minutes of aerobic and strengthening exercise.

The Solution

We offer a CrossFit Kids program that focuses on learning basic strength and functional fitness techniques in a safe and healthy environment.  Our classes emphasize fun, proper movement technique, a social environment and teach children the joy of a healthy life.  We currently offer kids classes M, W, F at 5:30pm and Sunday at 5pm.

Warm Up
50m run
50m backwards run
10 air squats 
5 tuck jumps
10 push ups

Push Press

Workout of the Day (WOD)
10 Minute AMRAP
5 dips
7 push press
9 lateral jumps

What is Crossfit Kids?

What is Crossfit Kids?

Crossfit Kids combines the elements of gymnastics, weightlifting and body weight exercises with cardiovascular bursts such as running, skipping, jumping and much more.  During our classes we use a combination of games, circuits and skill development.  Crossfit Kids is the "Sport of Fitness".

Warm Up- 2x
50m high skip
50m run 
5 broad jumps
5 tire flips
5 burpees

L sit holds

Workout of the Day (WOD)
10 minute AMRAP
50m run
10 air squats
50m run 
5 tire jumps
10 burpees
10 situps

Cooldown-Please have your child bring a book or magazine.
Partner Reading
Mobility Stretching