If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Second Nature

We take every opportunity to improve coordination levels and increase confidence in even our most awkward children. The gains we have seen made by our CrossFit Kids are phenomenal. Repetition is our greatest ally in enhancing coordination. For example, a lift move, performed in X-number of reps for X-number of sets, naturally begins to develop a competence for that move. Regular practice at handstands trains the body to recognize and apply the force and muscle activation required to invert oneself and remain in place. The same can be said for an unlimited number of physical demands that become easier to perform with repetition. The body's capacity to adopt most any movement as "second nature" inherently increases coordination.

Warm Up
Bridge Tag
*If tagged player creates a body bridge which another player must crawl underneath to get back in the game.


2 Rounds
100m Run
100m Medball Run
100m Farmer Carry
5 Wall Burpees
5 Medball Lunges
5 Medball Deadlifts

Our Best

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves." - Dale Carnegie

What are the "small jobs" when it comes to your health, fitness, and performance? 

Is mobility work a small job that might seem tedious or silly in the moment, but that could pay off later in injury prevention? Is practicing something slowly or with lighter weight a little job that could make your big job actually bigger in terms of the weights you can move? Is skipping out on the sugary dessert a small task that pays on in better health and lower bodyfat?

What are the "small jobs" you can take on every day that result in a better BIG picture and a better performance of the BIG job?

Warm Up
KB Deadlift series 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
Start at the 18# and work up one notch on the KB
until form breaks down. (Angry Gorilla)

KB Swings

Alternate Rounds with your partner
10 Minute AMRAP
15 Burpees
:30 Rest
15 Box Jumps
:30 Rest
15 KB Swings
:30 Rest
*Person resting is to be counting and judging

Healthy Eats

Maybe you started out with healthy goals before lunch started: some steamed vegetables, a heaping bowl of greens from the salad bar. But as you headed to a table, the fries caught your eye. Then you decided you'd better hit the desserts now, because who knows what will be left when you're done with dinner?
Sound familiar? You're back at school, and your parents are no longer looking over your shoulder to make sure you eat your vegetables. This and many other new freedoms might feel great. But they may not be good news for your body.
While many students stock up on fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria, others fill their trays with things they like without paying much attention to what their bodies need. Even people with the best intentions can sometimes find it difficult to resist the less-healthy options.
Your waistline's not the only thing at stake. The foods you choose affect your energy, concentration, and memory, because your body and brain need the right nutrition to function properly.
So before you reach for a soda or another slice of pizza, remember that smart choices from the different food groups will help you feel your best.
Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Back Squat
*10 Spidey Lunges b/t sets

7 Minutes
7 DB Snatches (Each arm)
7 Pullups/Ring Rows

Squats Squats Squats!

Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so. -David Brooks

Warm Up
EMOM for 5 Minutes
100m Run

Back Squats
*:20/:20 Pigeon Between Each Set

3 Rounds
:60 Max Pullups (Jumping OK)
:60 Rest
:60 Max Burpees
:60 Rest

5 Reasons To Pack Your Lunch

5 Reasons to Pack Your Lunch
Most schools are trying hard to upgrade their lunch programs and offer the best food they can. But not every school cafeteria provides appealing, healthy lunch choices. Educate yourself when it comes to what your cafeteria has to offer. For example, did you know chicken nuggets have more fat and calories than a plain burger?
Even if your school provides healthy options, it can be too easy to give in to temptation and pick a less healthy choice when you're feeling really hungry. How do you take control? Take a packed lunch to school!
Here are the top 5 reasons to pack your lunch — and snacks — at least twice a week:
1. Control. Do you ever wait in the lunch line only to find when you get to the front that you don't like what they're serving? So you reach for pizza again. A healthy packed lunch lets you avoid the lunch line (and any temptations). Bringing your own lunch also lets you control exactly what goes into the food you eat.
2. Variety. It doesn't hurt to cave in and enjoy the occasional serving of pizza and hot dogs. But if you're eating these foods all the time, your body probably feels ready for a change. A packed lunch a couple of times a week means you can enjoy some favorites that you might not find at every school — like a piping hot thermos of your mom's chicken soup; hummus; or some crisp, farm-stand apples.
3. Energy. If you have a big game or activity after school, plan a lunch and snacks that combine lean proteins with carbohydrates to give you lasting energy and keep you going through the late afternoon. Some ideas: your own "trail" mix of dried fruit and nuts or sunflower seeds, or a bagful of baby carrots and almond butter.
4. Cold hard cash. Pack healthy snacks so you don't feel tempted to step off campus for a fast-food lunch, or hit the vending machine or corner store for chocolate and a soda! Put the money you save on such snacks aside.
5. That warm and fuzzy feeling. Pack yourself a retro lunch featuring healthy versions of your old faves that your mom and dad make for you.  By preparing and packing it yourself you will be more likely to eat and enjoy it. 
Whether you pack or eat in the cafeteria, what’s important is that you make healthy choices. If you're concerned that your cafeteria doesn't offer enough healthy choices, get involved in trying to make changes. Ask a teacher or someone in food service for advice on how to get started.

Warm Up
3 Rounds
Max Hollow Push Ups
:30 Burpees
Max Hollow Hold
:30 Situps

Tabata Medball Push Press

3 Rounds
20 Wall Ball
20 Russian Twists
10 MB Situp To Stand
100m Run

*Every time the ball is dropped a 5 burpee penalty occurs on the spot. 

10 American Foods that are Banned in Other Countries

10 American Foods that are Banned in Other Countries | REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

Warm Up
Death By Length of Carpet Runs
*Run out toward fence until carpet ends
Rest the remainder of minute
1 the first minute, 2 the second minute...

DB Snatch

5 Rounds
3 Pullups/ Ring Rows
5 OH Lunges
7 DB Snatch (Each Arm)

Being Kind To Yourself

Do you realize the importance of kindness in life? It is so true and has become kind of contagious around CFNA. Here is some great advice about the importance of starting kindness right away and getting practice being kind to others.

There's a place to start practicing being kind that has nothing at all to do with others. It's really a first, a baby step. One that gives you the ability to experience the impact of your own kindness, first hand. And by taking on this kindness practice on a regular basis, gives you a level of experience with kindness that when you're kind to others, it really comes through as authentic because you're walking your talk.

What is this practice I'm referring to? Being kind to yourself.

Think about it for a moment, do you ever really let yourself off the hook? Are you kind to yourself when you don't meet your own expectations? 

My hunch is no, that very much like me, you're not practicing kindness with yourself at all. You're a habitual self-judger. So here's something for you to try on today, tomorrow and this weekend. As things come up that have you using or thinking the phrase "I should have...," try instead practicing acceptance. You didn't. And... it's OK. If you were kind to yourself, what would you be saying about your day, your last workout, your last business deal, your last interaction with your kids? Were you good enough? Yup... you were. How do I know? Because if you could have been any better than you were, you would have been.

Warm Up
1 Minute Rope Play

5 Minutes
10 Jumping Jacks
Handstand Walk Attempt
Bear Crawl Down
10 Air Squats
Crab Walk Back
Monkey Bars
Broad Jumps Down
Lunges Back
100m Run

1 Minute Rope Play

Skill #1
Perfect Push Ups
-Elbows In
-Box for elevation
-Hips up
-Body flat

1 Minute Rope Play

Skill WOD #1
4 Push Ups
4 Air Squats
4 Box Jumps

1 Minute Rope Play

Skill #2
Knees To Elbows

1 Minute Rope Play

Skill WOD #2
5 Sit Ups
5 Knees To Elbows
100m Run

Big Fun

Every child is different and interacts differently. Some are quiet or shy while others are outgoing and noisy. Each one learns differently. Some may learn by watching and others may learn and have more fun by doing. Each one has different comfort levels in how they are praised, corrected, or supervised. Each one will interact with you differently. And every child is different in what makes him or her special and feel special.  Here at CFNA Kids we are learning everyday just like your child.  Our goal is to make each child the best they can possibly be in as many aspects of life as possible.  Every day is a new challenge and one we smile at because fun will definitely be involved!  Check out our schedule for recent changes and additions at crossfitnewalbany.com.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Breaking Down The Squat
-Suck tummy in tight
-Screw feet into floor
-Push knees out
-Sit back
-Look straight

3 Rounds
15 Knees To Elbows
10 Push Press
5 Dips

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Rope Climbs

8 Minute AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
5 Toes To Rings
100m run
:20 Plank Hold
Warm Up
Up, Down, Stop, Go
Trainer yells out commands and the kids are to react as quickly as possible. Possible commands are: burpee, sprint, sit-up, backpedal, high knee skip, bear crawl, karaoke, crab walk, jumping lunges, etc.

Pistol Practice
(Boxes, hold into rig)

50 Lunges
40 DB Push Press
30 Box Jumps
20 Ring Rows
10 Burpees
-Rest 5 Mins-
50 Sit-ups
40 KB Swings
30 Wall Ball
20 Box Dips
100m Run each

Warm Up
5 Minutes
100m Run with 1 Tire Flip on the way out and back.
5 Rope Pull-ups
5 Push ups
100m Row

5 Rounds
5 DB Stiff Leg Press

30 Box Jumps
100m Run
3 Rope Climbs ( 3 Min Time Cap)
100m Run
30 Goblet Squats
100m Run
30 DB Snatch
100m Farmer Carry
1 Wall Climb

Skill Day

Chocolate Brownie Bites
Prep time
Total time
  • 1 cup raw Almonds
  • 1-1/2 cups pitted Medjool Dates (approximately 10-11 dates)
  • 3-1/2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder 
  • 4 Tbsp Shredded Unsweetened Coconut
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract 
  • Water
  1. Add all ingredients except water to the blender, in the order listed (this keeps the dates from getting stuck in the blades).
  2. Pulse a few times until your almonds have been chopped up pretty small (there can still be a few good sized pieces). You may need to scrape the sides 1 or 2 times.
  3. If your mixture is dry, add in a small drizzle of water (I’m guessing no more than ¼ – ½ tsp).
  4. Once everything is combined, scoop the mixture into a bowl and mix/knead just to make sure it’s nice and combined.
  5. Enlist the help of small humans (aka: children) to roll the mixture into Tbsp-size balls.
  6. Eat them all, or maybe share one or two with your small human helpers. It’s your call.
Warm Up
10 PVC Pass Throughs
Bear Crawl Down
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Side to Side Jumps on Left Leg
Crab Walk Back
10 Air Squats
10 Side to Side Jumps on Right Leg
100m Run

KB Swings
Medball Cleans

Skill WOD
2 Rounds
3 KB Swings
5 Medball Cleans
Max Plank Hold

4 Two Minute AMRAPS
6 Ring Rows
9 Medball Front Squats
12 KB Swings