If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.


What will be in store for the last Crossfit Open Workout 14.5?

Warm Up
2 Rounds

Sit Ups
Russian Twists
Hollow Rocks

Pistols (MOD with boxes, squat bars, etc)

4 Minute AMRAP x3 with 1:00 Rest
100m Row
5 Goblet Box Squats
10 Box Jumps

Banana Dolphins

Photo: Close-up view of Banana Dolphins. Made these for my little Andrew's class snack for snack day. They sure loved them!
First you find some nice and bright colored bananas with hardly any bruising on them. Then you wash them under water and dry them gently. Use a sharp knife and cut the stem all the way to the banana and a little past to make a smile and to be able to open them to put a grape into the opening. Take the knife and cut the bottom half off a little past the middle. Stick the banana in a bow with grapes around the dolphin to keep it standing and one into the mouth opening. Brush some lemon juice into the opening so it doesn't turn brown. The last thing is to add the eyes. You can use an edible marker, cloves stuck in, raisins, or chocolate chips. They are fun and most kids love bananas and grapes!

Warm Up
5 PVC Push Press (Head Through)
5 KB Swings 10#
5 Burpee Tuck Jumps

Ring Row with a 2 second hold at the top (in armpits)

3 Rounds
30 OH Walking Lunges (Light Plate or Ball)
40 Sit Ups
50 Box Jumps

Cash Out


Warm Up
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Burpee
2 Kipping Swings
3 Ring Rows
4 Lunges
5 Air Squats
6 Sit Ups
7 Russian KB Swings 10#
8 KB Deadlift
9 Broad Jumps
10 Toe Touch To Back Bend

KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
*Start everyone with 10# and only go up if form is perfect.

8 Minute AMRAP
5 Situps w/ KB (If Possible)
5 Goblet Squats


Warm Up
3 Rounds
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Lunges
2 Cartwheels
10 Spidey Lunges
10 Air Squats

PVC Overhead Squats
*Up in weight only if form perfect

10 Minutes
10 Knees To Elbows
20 Sit Ups
100m Row

Paleo Pizza

‘"can i have one more slice?"’ paleo pizza pie this is one of my lengthier paleo recipes… but when it comes to something as good as an amazingly tasting paleo pizza crust (which is super hard to come by), then it’s worth it. i promise. better yet… make a few crusts, freeze them, save time later. ingredients: 2 cups cooked and shredded cauliflower (about a whole head of cauliflower) til it looks like shredded cheese 2 eggs beaten 2 tbsp almond flour, or almond meal, whatever 2 tbsp coconut flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder sauce and toppings of your choice (my choices are paleo friendly meat sauce, sauteed spinach, onions and mushrooms, and pepperoni)directions: - steam up your head of cauliflower, place into the food processor - preheat your oven to 350  - after running all the cauliflower through your food processor, place in a mound on a clean and dry kitchen towel (or a dishcloth… either way works. just has to be sturdy). wrap up all the cauliflower and wring out excess water from the cauli. there’s gonna be a lot of water. like A LOT of it. just keep wringing it out until you end up with what looks like a little mound of dough that sticks together - incorporate all other ingredients in with the cauliflower, mix well  - divide mixture into two parts, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and spread out to two 1/4 inch thick circles (or squares, whatever. get crazy!) -bake for about 30-45 minutes. i know that’s a big window of time. just depends on how much water was left in the cauliflower. i typically leave it in the oven for about 35 minutes after excessively removing water from the mash. take out of the oven and let sit for about 15 minutes so that the crust has time to settle together and doesn’t fall apart when you try to remove from baking sheet -put all your yummy toppings on top, throw back in the broiler for a few minutes (2 or 3), remove from oven, cut up, and chomp away
this will make two pizza pies, double or triple the recipe to be able to stash some away for later. recipe will feed 2 selfish adults who want their own pizza (me), or a sharing and caring family of 4.
2 cups cooked and shredded cauliflower (about a whole head of cauliflower) til it looks like shredded cheese
2 eggs beaten
2 tbsp almond flour, or almond meal, whatever
2 tbsp coconut flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
sauce and toppings of your choice (my choices are paleo friendly meat sauce, sauteed spinach, onions and mushrooms, and pepperoni)
- steam up your head of cauliflower, place into the food processor
- preheat your oven to 350
- after running all the cauliflower through your food processor, place in a mound on a clean and dry kitchen towel (or a dishcloth… either way works. just has to be sturdy). wrap up all the cauliflower and wring out excess water from the cauli. there’s gonna be a lot of water. like A LOT of it. just keep wringing it out until you end up with what looks like a little mound of dough that sticks together
- incorporate all other ingredients in with the cauliflower, mix well
- divide mixture into two parts, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and spread out to two 1/4 inch thick circles
-bake for about 30-45 minutes. i know that’s a big window of time. just depends on how much water was left in the cauliflower. I typically leave it in the oven for about 35 minutes after excessively removing water from the mash. take out of the oven and let sit for about 15 minutes so that the crust has time to settle together and doesn’t fall apart when you try to remove from baking sheet
-put all your toppings on top, throw back in the broiler for a few minutes (2 or 3), remove from oven, cut up, and chomp away
this will make two pizzas, double or triple the recipe to be able to stash some away for later. recipe will feed 2 bigger appetites or a sharing and caring family of 4.

Warm Up
:45 on/ :15 Transition

Sit Up
Air Squat

3x3 Deadlift
3x3 DB Thruster

14.3 ish
Partner (Alternate Rounds)

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Deadlifts (Same Weight whole time)
10 Box Jumps


Warm Up
3 Rounds
5 Burpees 
5 Ring Rows

3 Rounds
Max Top Of Dip Hold (Rings or Bar)
Max Handstand Hold (Wall) HS Hold or Wall Walk Hold

3 Rounds
100m Row
20 Lunges
-2 Minute Rest-
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
:30 High Plank Hold
-2 Minute Rest-
500m Row

Happy Pi Day!

Warm Up
Level 1 banner with a partner alternating each movement

4x200m Row
Rest 2 Minutes between each

Box Jump
*Alternate rounds with partner
Person 1 does 21 Deadlifts
Person 2 does 21 Deadlifts
Person 1 does 21 Box Jumps
Person 2 does 21 Box Jumps


Warm Up
2 Rounds
3 Minutes
20 Burpees
Row for max calories with time remaining
-Rest 2 Minutes after round 1-

3x20 Box Squats (12")
*add weight if first set is perfect

3 Rounds
10 Knees To Elbows
15 Push Ups (Box)
20 Sit Ups
:30 Row for Calories

Take Action

How many things can you count about yourself that are either a little, or a lot OFF. Pain, injury, faulty movement pattern, tightness, eating too much sugar... things that effect your mood, energy level and performance at crossfit or in sports from day to day?

I have about 5 or 6 things on my list, including some that I could do something about right away.

The thing is, none of them are really big enough, big enough to do something about. Because if they were big enough, I'd be doing something about them.

You see, these little things don't really prevent me from doing anything (like a broken leg or gunshot wound might). I can put up with them and some of them I have, for a very, very long time. And the longer I put up with them, the more engrained and potentially permanent they become. You have tight shoulders like I do? Think they got there overnight? Not a chance. You're probably doing something today to contribute to their tightness - and you're probably not doing anything to make an attempt to change this tightness... why, because it's not bad enough. 

How bad does it need to get to take action? Have you really fallen out of health so that your first symptom is going to be a heart attack (and possibly death)? Or, is the first symptom that will force you into action going to be a torn achilles, blown ACL, sciatica, herniated cervical vertebrae, strained hamstring or groin, or rotator cuff tear? Maybe that injury you got or are going to get is your body's way of forcing you into action to make something big enough, bad enough that you're willing to actually do something about it. 

Think about all the things in life that you put up with because putting up with them isn't so bad... in fact, it's easier to deal with them than it is to take any action. 

What if you took action and didn't wait? 

Life might look a whole lot different. 

Warm Up
10 PVC Pass Throughs
20 Spidey Lunges
10 PVC Squatted Pass Throughs
:30 Pigeon Each Leg
:30 Wall Pigeon Each Leg

*Alternating Rounds With Partner
DB Manmakers
(Push Up, Row Right, Row Left, Push Up, Clean, Press)

Skill WOD
3 Rounds
5 DB Manmakers
25 Situps

DB Turkish Get Ups
1 On Each Arm Until Find Perfect Weight To Keep Arm Locked Out and Balanced

At That Weight Each Athlete Does 5 On Each Arm As SLOW As Possible
The Winner This Time Is The Last Person Done (No Rushing and doing it wrong!)

Skill WOD
3 Rounds
:30 Turkish Get Ups
:30 Rest
:30 Box Jumps
:30 Rest

Sunshine Today, Snow Tomorrow

Warm Up
Run To Fence and Back
20 Ball Slams
Run To Fence and Back
20 Tire Jumps
Run To Fence and Back
20 Knees To Elbows
Run To Fence and Back
20 Burpees

DB Stiff Leg Press

Tire Flips
Tire Jumps
Tire Dips
*Run To Fence and Back after each round


Warm Up
10 Minutes
100m Row
Max Handstand against Wall
5 Perfect Ring Rows

Max Height One Legged Box Jump
(Start with short bumper plates and slowly add)

3 Rounds
1 Short Rope Climb to Pullup Bar + Pullup if able
15 Push Ups (Box)
25 Air Squats


Most kids I know love eggs. And most kids I know love
cupcakes. So why not combine the two into a delicious
breakfast meal? This breakfast is full of protein, fat and carbs
and makes a balanced meal.

8-9 eggs
2 small tomatoes
1 avocado
1-2 spoonfuls of pre-made salsa
Sprinkle of lime juice

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Coat a muffin tin with coconut oil.
3. Beat eggs and a bit of water in a bowl until well
4. Fill each egg cup 2⁄3 full and bake for 15-17 minutes, until
the eggs are firm.
5. While the eggs are baking, slice the tomatoes into rings.
6. Core an avocado and put it into a small bowl. Mash it up
with a fork up and add salt, salsa and lime juice.
7. When the eggs are cooked, remove them from the pan and
plate each egg on top of a tomato slice. Top with guacamole

Warm Up
5 Minute AMRAP
150m Row
10 DB Thrusters

Obstacle Course
5 Minutes To Build
5 Minutes To Enjoy
5 Minutes To Put Everything Back

Max Walking Lunges Without Stopping

3 Rounds
:30 Air Squats
:30 Rest
:30 Box Jumps
:30 Rest
:30 Situps
:30 Rest


Warm Up
10 Reps of Each
Sit Ups
Push Ups (Box)
Ring Rows
Air Squats

KB Swings
5x5 with Perfect Form

Skill WOD
3 Minute AMRAP
5 KB Swings
5 Burpees

Wall Ball
5x5 Perfect Form

Skill WOD
5 Rounds
3 Wall Ball
10 Sit Ups