If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.


Public school physical education classes and multiple outdoor recesses used to encourage kids to do plenty of running and playing, increasing academic demands and budget woes have seen non-core subjects cut along with budgets. For the most part, it falls to parents to ensure their children stay active for optimum health and CrossFit Kids can help. Check out our kids schedule online, crossfitnewalbany.com, and stop in to try out a class!

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Sumo Deadlift High Pull

5 Minute AMRAP
10 Lateral Hops over weight
5 Push Ups

Role Models

Photo: Great share for kids class!
"Your words matter, your actions matter. 
We look to each other for inspiration....
so being a role model isn't optional. LIVE WELL."

Warm Up
DB Cleans
Box Dips

5 Rounds
5 DB Stiff Leg Press
5 Air Squats
5 Ring Rows

8 Minute AMRAP
6 Pullups/ Jumping Pullups
8 DB Deadlifts
10 Situps
100m Run

The Crossfit Games

Don't forget no classes this weekend, Friday through Sunday. Get on ESPN3 on your computer and watch the Crossfit Games! Our team will be giving it their all through some grueling and awesome competition. Regular class schedule will resume Monday.

Raising A Rose

Warm Up
10 Minutes
High Knee Skip To Fence
Shuffle Back switching half way
1 Lap around inside of fence
Army Crawl under wall
5 Squats
5 Burpees
Try to climb short wall

DB Front Squats
DB Thrusters

Sandbag Carry Races

8 Minute AMRAP
Sandbag Carry Down & Back (length of barn)
5 DB Thrusters
15 Air Squats

Blueberry Smoothie

Blueberry Pre-Workout Smoothie
It's summer and boy o boy has it been hot and humid the last couple weeks. What better way to cool down than with this healthy blueberry smoothie recipe.


¾ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
¾ cup almond milk
2 tablespoons organic raw honey
1 tablespoon chia seeds
handful crushed ice
1 teaspoon spirulina (optional)


In a blender, combine blueberries, honey, chia seeds, ice and spirulina (if using). It’s easy.
Blend until smooth. Enjoy immediately.

Warm Up
5 Mins to play on the walls

2 Rounds
10 Forward Arm Circles
10 Backward Arm Circles
10 Squats
10 Mountain Climbers
Down High Knee Skip
Back Broad Jumps

DB Snatch

"Randy"- 75 one arm DB Snatches alternating arms each rep
*Every 2 Mins stop and do 5 Burpees until 75 reps of snatch are completed. 

Summer Ain't Over Til The Fat Lady Sings...

...And She Ain't even warming up yet! So the back to school talk, sales, and advertisements have begun. This was always the time that bummed me out.  Summer seems like it just started, how could it be almost over already?! Well, look at the calendar boys and girls, there is still a month left until school actually starts.  Stores start advertising now to make more money.  Teachers start talking about it and class lists are formed because the teachers have to do alot of prep work before the kids actually go back.  So get out there and take advantage of each and every day or true summer you have left! Don't start getting anxious and/or nervous about the new school year until it is actually here and time to.

Warm Up
5 Mins
Bear Crawl Down into Forward Roll
10 Jumping Jacks
10 One legged side to side jumps (Right)
Crab Walk Back into Sit Up 
10 One legged side to side jumps (Left)
10 Super Slow Squats
Down and Back Karaoke

:30 Box Dips (with outloud 3 count in between at top of dip)
:30 Ring Rows (with outloud 3 count in between at top of each row)
100m Run
:30 Box Dips (with outloud 3 count in between each rep at bottom of dip)
:30 Ring Rows (with outloud 3 count in between each rep at bottom or each row)
100m Run

10 Mins
5 Hand Release Pushups (tight when push up)
Lunge Down
5 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Lunge Back

What's Your Jam?

I think it's awesome when someone has something that they are passionate about.  It drives them to work hard and improve as a person.  I really love what I do at the gym. I love CrossFit; it's my jam.
I love intense workouts that leave me feeling totally spent. My jam. I love doing things that I get to get better and better at. Also my jam. Sometimes I share my jam. Especially with people who I think could use a good fitness kick-in-the-butt. "Hey, you should come and check out what I do, it's AWESOME." If it's not for them, then that's fine, I encourage them to find something that is their jam and be passionate about it.  
You know what's not my jam? People doing nothing. So what if my workout's not their workout?
What my jam is, is people learning to make really great choices and having an awesome life. What happens when you share what you love with someone for their good?  Share your jam with others and encourage them to be passionate about whatever it is they do in life.  Whatch how amped up you can get people by just showing a little bit of passion on a day to day basis.  

Warm Up
30 Secs each/ 30 Sec rest between
Hollow Rocks
Push Ups
Hollow Rock Hold
Push Up Hold
Ring Rows
Air Squat
Ring Row Hold (Top)
Squat Hold

Rope Climbs
DB Clean & Jerks

Teams of 2
Accumulate as many points as possible
Each movement for 2 minutes with 1 person working at a time

Rope Climbs-4 pts
clean and jerk-3 pts
pullup-3 pts
sit up-1 pt
push up- 2 pts
100m Run-2 pts
Burpee-2 pts
Ring Row-1 pt
Box Jump-1 Pt
DB Push Press-1 pt.

Milk And Cookie Disease

Milk and cookies istock.jpg
Most kids love a tall glass of milk, mac and cheese, and dessert.  But for some, their love for these indulgences is causing more than just a sugar rush—it’s actually causing a disease.
It’s what is being called ‘Milk and Cookie Disease.’
What is Milk and Cookie Disease?
Treatments have recently been tested on children who were otherwise healthy, but had chronic runny and stuffy noses, coughs, sore throats, constipation, and fatigue.  The children weren’t improving on prescription medications.
It was discovered that in many cases, the kids were eating lots of dairy and sugar throughout the day and snacking right before bedtime.  This food was likely backing up into the stomach, the esophagus, and the throat and causing reflux, cold- and allergy-like symptoms, and sleep problems.
Parents were advised to eliminate all dairy and sugar before bedtime, and their symptoms improved significantly.  So many American children may be suffering from these symptoms for the same reason.
A growing problem
Kids are sitting down less for meals and snacking more than ever. In fact, about 25 percent of children snack after dinner, according to a survey by the American Dietetic Association Foundation.
It is estimated that approximately 50 to 75 percent of children have Milk and Cookie Disease, eating lots of dairy and sugar, as well as snacking before bedtime.  They are otherwise healthy but have these symptoms without any other medical reason.
Five-year-old Jonathan Giambrone is one of these children. A heavy snorer since he was a baby, his enlarged tonsils and adenoids made it difficult to sleep. “It was really hard for him to take in a breath; he sounded like Darth Vader,” said Becky Giambrone, Jonathan’s mother of Winter Park, Fla.
Eating also became such a chore that he would pick foods that were easy to swallow, like yogurt, smoothies, applesauce and cottage cheese. And every night he would drink chocolate milk before going to sleep.
Yet all this dairy and sugar was actually causing reflux, which made it even harder for him to breath. His mother cut down on Jonathan’s nighttime snacking and allowed him to drink only water before bedtime.  In a three week period, a substantial difference was noticed. 
If you think your child may have Milk and Cookie Disease, here’s what you can do:
Keep a food journal
We’re all busy people and no one’s really thinking about what their kids are eating all the time. Parents are often surprised by how much dairy and sugar their kids are eating each day when they started to keep track of it.
Stop the bedtime snack habit
Your child shouldn’t have any snacks 90 minutes to two hours before bedtime to avoid food sitting in the stomach before bed. No milk, juice, soda, and snacks with dairy and sugar – and offer water only.
Offer healthy snacks only
If your kid is still hungry after dinner, rather than a bowl of cereal, offer healthier options like fruits and vegetables and nuts.
Treat constipation
A balanced diet filled with fiber rich foods like fruits and vegetables can relieve constipation. A laxative can temporarily help too, but if your kid isn’t getting better, it’s best to talk with your doctor.  

Warm Up
5 Minutes
5 Air Squats
High Knee Skip Down (To Whiteboard)
Jump over obstacle (Parallette)
Lunge Back (To Rowers)
Monkey Bars

Death By Tire Flips

Beach Day
1 min each station
1 min rest after each round
3 Rounds

Beach Blanket Burpees (On Mat)
Down and Back Sandbag Carry
Jump The Waves (Hurdle hops-parallettes)


"On the whole, tho’ I never arrived at the Perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet as I was, by the Endeavor, a better and a happier Man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it." - Benjamin Franklin

Warm Up
3 Rounds
10 Medball Squat Cleans
10 Box Dips

EMOM 10 Mins
Even: 10 PVC OHS
Odd: 10 Ring Rows

1 Wall Walk
100m Run
2 Wall Walks
100m Run
3 Wall Walks
100m Run
4 Wall Walks 
100m Run
5 Wall Walks
100m Run


Hopefully this heat and humidity doesn't last 15 straight days like the rain. Only in Ohio right. Last night's kids looked pretty sluggish. Make sure to bring tons of water!

Warm Up
Air Squats
Box Jumps

DB Stiff Leg Press
*100m Run and water break after each set.

3 Rounds
10 DB Deadlift
8 Hang Clean
6 Front Squat
4 Front Lunges
6 Push Press
8 Air Squats
10 Burpees
*2 min rest and water break between rounds.

What You Are Missing Out On

I have said it on here before but, research has been emerging for years that learning is optimal when kids are moving. Studies continue to demonstrate that classroom success increases when children and teens are physically active. Intense exercise sessions appear to produce the most striking differences.  Behavioral issues that may hinder the learning experience may be mitigated through the inclusion of physical activity. Take a look at the layout for today's kids workout below.  This will all be accomplished in an hour.  The kids will be sweaty and just a little bit less energetic at the end of this hour.  Everyone, especially kids, were built to move and move freely and easily, running and jumping and pushing and pulling. Tell me you will get as much out of sending your child out to play on their own for an hour.  Tell me where else they will get the structure and focus in an hours time than right here at CFNA Kids. It's summer time, what else is your kid doing over the course of a 24 hour day where they can't spend an hour of it, and what will be the best hour of it I might add, with us.  

Warm Up
1 Minute 
Ring Rows
Dip Hold (Matador)
Air Squats
Push Ups (Hollow)
Box Jumps
*100m Run Between each 

10 RM Squat
(PVC, Goblet Syle, DBs, KBs, Light Bar)
*This is all about form

4 Rounds
1 Minute on/ 1 Minute off
10 Deadlifts (KB)
Max Rope Jumping Pullups
-1 Minute Rest-
4 Minute Row for Distance
-1 Minute Rest-
EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd :30 Max OHS (PVC)
Even :30 Max Sit Ups

The Lara Bar

For those of you familiar with The Lara Bar, these are very similar. The bar is made primarily of dried fruit, dates and nuts.  I absolutely love these bars, but purchasing them can get a little expensive, but making your own can prove to be extremely cost effective, fun, and incredibly easy. Even better – you can make unique creations and experiment with different flavor options!
Here are three different types of bars that can be made.  These bars can be super handy to toss into lunch boxes or to grab for a quick snack in the car or after school.  I hope you enjoy and post to comments some of the creations or ideas you and your family come up with!
Apricot Bars
½ cup raw almonds
1 cup raw pecans
¼ teaspoon sea salt
12 Medjool dates
1 cup dried apricots (unsweetened)
Spice Bars
1 cup raw almonds
½ cup roasted cashews
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
20 Medjool dates
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Coconut-Cherry Bars
1 cup raw almonds
½ cup raw pecans
12 Medjool dates
1 cup dried cherries (unsweetened)
2 tablespoon coconut oil
1/2 cup finely shredded coconut flakes (unsweetened)
¼ teaspoon salt
The directions are the same for the first two recipes with only a couple minor differences for the coconut cherry bars.  For whichever bar you decided to make, follow these steps:
1) In a food processor, pulse only the nuts and the sea salt until finely chopped but still chunky. Some will be ground up almost like almond meal but they will not all be consistent, and that’s totally ok.
2)Pour your nuts into a mixing bowl.
3)Add the dried dates and other dried fruit to the food processor and process until it makes a paste (it will probably turn into a giant sticky ball when it’s done).
4) For the last recipe, add the coconut oil to the dates and cherries and process the three items together.
5) Add the date mixture to the nuts and use your hands to kneed the nuts and the dates together until well mixed (this is messy but fun).  For the last recipe, pour the coconut flakes into the bowl with the nuts and then add the date mixture and kneed away.
6) Grease a baking sheet with either grass fed butter or coconut oil.
7) Make a big ball out of your bar mixture and push it down onto your greased baking sheet.  Cover the ball with some plastic wrap and using a rolling pin (or a bottle of wine if you don’t own a rolling pin), roll out the mixture to your desired thickness. About 1/2 an inch thick or a little less.
8) Cut the rolled out mixture into the desired shape and amount that you would like.  I wouldn't make them as big as the store bought Lara Bars because they are often too big for many kids and making them into small approximately 2 inch squares seems to be perfect!

Warm Up
3 Mins for each movement
1 person working, 1 resting

Sit ups
Push ups
Ring Rows
Box Dips
Air Squats

Pullups (MOD-Bands)
Dips (MOD-Bands on Matador)

5 Rounds
1 Minute Rowing
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute OHS
1 Minute Rest

What Do You Excel At?

We spent a fair amount of time in CrossFit talking about how awful and horrible the workouts are and which exercises we hate the most. We talk about how the community helps get us through the hard work and the challenge. And all that can be true, but if that was the entirety of things, that might be a little strange. The truth is, we all have stuff we love and that we pray is going to show up in the workout. Maybe it's the stuff that comes really easily to you, that you've always been good at or that you've learned particularly quickly. But you shouldn't ever feel bad for wishing for those things. There's nothing wrong with wanting things you enjoy, and that you enjoy continuing to excel at. There's nothing wrong with celebrating our strengths from time to time.

For me I always loved "Cindy" and anything with air squats or pullups.  And sure, it's 'cause I was always good at them, but so what - I enjoyed them and we all deserve some days of pure enjoyment and triumph.

So what about you? What movements do you wish and hope will show up in the workouts? Which ones do you know mean you've got this workout down and make you smile, giddy with delight?

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Hollow Rocks

EMOM for 5 Minutes
10 Supermen
10 Hollow Rocks

2-100m Runs
60 Air Squats
50 Sit Ups
40 Burpees
30 Lunge Steps
20 DB Push Press
10 Pullups
2-100m Runs

Medball Cleans

Warm Up
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Jumping Lunges
15 Sit Ups
20 Calf Jumps
100m Run

Medball Clean & Jerks (Can toss over shoulder if want)

"Waterballoon Toss"
Play with a Medball.  Throw the ball back and forth with partner, backing up a step each throw.  See how far apart you can get without dropping the ball.

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Box Jumps
10 Medball Clean & Jerks
10 Hollow Push Ups
100m Run

Summer Fun!

Warm Up
1 Minute Each
:30 Transition

5 Tallbees
5 Sit Ups

5 Push Ups
5 Air Squats

5 Goblet Squats
5 Goblet Lunges

5 Ring Rows
5 Dips

5 DB Stiff Leg Press
5 Burpees

Knees To Elbow
Toes To Rope
Toes To Rings

10 Minute AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
10 Box Jumps
10 Knees To Elbows