If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Learning The Kipping Pull Up

CrossFit Kids workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scaleable for any participant at any level.

What Does this mean ?
This means that, for the most part, no two workouts are the same, so kids and teens never get bored and the novelty of each workout keeps them excited about participating.
The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things that kids need to do when they play-pull, push,run, throw, climb, lift and jump. All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of CrossFit Trainers.

With workouts that are scaleable, CrossFit Kids can equally benefit a person who is less active or an accomplished athlete by tailoring workouts so that each participant is challenged just enough to deliver measurable results and personal athletic progress.

Crossfit Kids

Warm Up: 6 Mins. 
5 Wall Ball
5 Pull Ups 
10 Burpees
10 Line Touches

Kipping Pull Ups

Workout of the Day(WOD)

5 Rounds

12 Deadlift
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Press

Draw a balanced meal