- grilled, chopped chicken
- grilled then chilled chicken-apple sausages or nitrate-free hot dogs
- roast beef
- hard boiled eggs and almond butter
- chopped veggies and dip (guacamole, walnut red-pepper dip)
- trail mix (dried fruit/raisins, banana chips, coconut, nuts)
- homemade larabars or fudge babies
- sweet potato chips
- fruit that packs well: apples, clementines, cubed melons/pineapple, fresh berries, bananas, grapes, unsweetened applesauce, canned peaches (we don't live in the tropics, and it will be January, good selection is limited)
3 Rounds Each
:30 High Plank
:30 Low Plank
*Alternate Rounds with partner
DB Snatch
Turkish Get Ups
4 Rounds
D&B Bear Crawl
D&B Crab Walk
10 DB Snatch
10 Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
*4 Minutes to complete each round.
If you finish before then rest.