If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Egg-Salad Lunch

While the other kids are noshing away on mayonnaise-filled
egg-salad sandwiches, your little kiddies will happily munch
away on their egg-salad lunch filled with healthy fat.
Which kids do you think will be better fueled to tackle an
afternoon full of advanced algebra: the mayonnaise-and bread
kids or the avocado-and-plantain-chip children?
Makes 3 kid servings

6 hard-boiled eggs, shelled
1 ripe avocado
¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes
1 lemon, for juice
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup roasted plantain chips
You can also add carrots or celery on the side.

1. Place the hard-boiled eggs in a large bowl. Peel the avocado, remove the seed and add it to the bowl. Take a fork and coarsely chop the eggs and avocado.
2. Add the sun-dried tomatoes, squeeze in the juice of 1 lemon, and add salt and pepper to taste.
3. Mix everything together well.
4. Divide onto 3 plates and serve with plantain chips.

Warm Up
Buy In: Fence & Back Run
Push Ups
GHD Sit Ups
Box Dips
Pull Ups
Cash Out: Fence & Back Run

EMOM 5 Mins
5 Dynamic Burpees

4 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
10 Box Dips
10 Sit Ups