If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.


Why Do I Burp? 
You cover your mouth with your hand, but it's too late. The people at the next table in the lunchroom already heard. As you turn back to your lunch, you think: Where did that burp come from?
A burp — sometimes called a belch — is nothing but gas. When you eat or drink, you don't just swallow food or liquid. You also swallow air at the same time. The air we breathe contains gases, like nitrogen (say: ny-truh-jen) and oxygen (say: ahk-sih-jen).
Sometimes when you swallow these gases, they need to get out. That's where burping comes in! Extra gas is forced out of the stomach, up through the esophagus (say: ih-sah-fuh-gus, the tube for food that connects the back of the throat to the stomach), and out of the mouth as a burp.
Some kids find that drinking soda or other carbonated beverages makes them burp more. Can you guess why? If you're thinking that it's because these drinks contain extra gas, you're right! The gas that makes the drinks fizzy is carbon dioxide (say: kar-bon dy-ahk-side), another gas that can bring on big burps.  So it sounds like avoiding pop is good for many reasons eh?!  We already know pop is unhealthy because of all the sugar it contains. Sometimes eating or drinking too fast can make a person burp because this can send extra air into the stomach. The same thing happens when you drink through a straw: extra air in = more burps out.  Take your time when eating, don't be in a hurry and be sure to chew your food completely
Burping is almost never anything to worry about. Everybody does it at least once in a while, and it's very unusual for burping to mean something is wrong in a kid's body.
It seems like the only people who can get away with really loud burps are little babies — their parents cheer when they burp because it means that the babies won't feel the extra gas in their stomachs and cry. But unless you're tiny and bald, it's probably a good idea to be polite when it's time to burp.
So what can you do if you're around people and you feel a burp coming on? Try to burp quietly and cover your mouth. Of course, whether your burp is loud or quiet, saying "excuse me" can't hurt either.

Warm Up
Sprint Down (50m)
High Skip back
10 Dot Jumps
Backward Run 
Butt Kicks
10 Tire Jumps
Side Shuffle 
Broad Jump
10 Air Squats

Tire Flips
DB Swings


10 Min AMRAP
Farmers Walk D&B (inside)
50m Row
10 Tire Jump Throughs(in & out =1)
100m Run
5 Tire Flips
5 DB Swings
Handstand Walk Attempt (on green turf outside)