If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Sweet Cheeks

What kid doesn’t like to eat things with his or her hands? Heck,
what adult doesn’t like to either? Dive into these sweet potatoes
with nothing more than your fingers and plenty of napkins!
Serve a half to a whole sweet potato depending upon the
age of your little one.

5 smaller-sized sweet potatoes
5 tsp. olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Wash your sweet potatoes thoroughly.
2. Slice each potato into 10-20 thin slices, making sure not to
cut through the very bottom of the potato. Make slices as
uniform as possible.
3. Place potatoes on a non-stick baking sheet.
4. Pour 1 tsp. of olive oil over each potato and sprinkle with
salt and pepper.
5. Bake in the oven at 350 F for 45 minutes to an hour. The
exact time will vary
depending on the size
and amount of your
potatoes. Bake until the
potatoes are soft.
6. Let the potatoes cool
before eating.
7. Enjoy!

Serve pull-apart potatoes as a snack or a side to a main dish. You
can also add spices: cinnamon and nutmeg for a sweeter effect
or chili powder for a bite!

Warm Up
Death By: Mtn Climbers (L+R=1) & Jump To Touch Pull Up Bar

5 Rounds
5 Floor Press & Wipe
100m Sprint

200m Row
50 Situps
40 Box Jumps
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees
10 Toes To Bar
200m Run

Crossfit Soccer

Set up a play area of about 10M X 10M using four cones, create a midfield line with mini cones or chalk.
Small, white soccer ball located by lighter med balls up front, 4 cones to outline play area, midline cones or chalk mark, Two six foot goal openings using cones.
Play :
Divide the group into teams and assign goalie. Depending on numbers other positions may be assigned as well. Play begins with ball at midline in center, everyone rushes from opposite backfield lines to get to the ball.
Using traditional rules of soccer, everyone plays in Crabwalk position first using only feet to kick the ball. Next, players switch to Bear Crawl and are only allowed to use hands to hit the ball and score.
Goalie may stand. Remember to advise kids to be careful kicking as little heads are down low.

After each goal scored, the team that allows the goal does a movement of the trainers choice (ie. 5 burpees, run, etc.)

Warm Up- 8 Minutes
1 Lap
Monkey Bars (go around as far as you can)
1 Rope Climb (go as high as you can)
1 Line of Front Rolls/ Pencil Rolls
1 Max Height Jump (put chalk on finger tips and jump and touch
a point on wall as high up as possible)

3 Rounds
1 Minute Each
Juggling with Lacrosse Balls
Mobility with Lacrosse Ball

Crossfit Soccer 

Spring Break

For those of you who aren't going away on vacation for spring break, we have some ideas to keep your kids busy and having fun during their week off from school.  Art lessons and classes are offered year round.  A  description of the class is: year-round art lessons for all skill levels.  Mixed media -- including drawing, cartooning, painting and pastels.  Flexible class schedules and times.  Emphasis on self-esteem in creative expression. The studio is called Art Soup and is located at 543 S Main St in Pataskala.
There are also recycling and nature classes.  Emphasis on creative recycling and reuse art in the community based on creating art from reused materials. To support the recycle and go greens, and educate the public through art lesson.  These classes are offered in Columbus at 2891 E Dublin Granville Rd at the community center.
Music lessons are also offered.  Class sizes are small ranging from 3-6, so each child will receive enough individual attention to decide if the instrument interests him or her enough to continue in private music lessons. They will provide the instrument for the class, unless you already have the instrument and choose to bring it. Adult sampler classes are also available.  These classes are available at the Michelle Music Studio in Gahanna at 1173 N Hamilton Rd.
Spanish Camps are also offered and teach the very basics of the language.  These classes are given in Gahanna at the YMCA located at 555 YMCA Pl.
Many good ideas can be found online if you don't have plans for spring break and want to keep your kids occupied and maybe you from going insane! :)

Warm Up
Obstacle Course


EMOM for 10 Mins
3 Snatch
Handstand Walk the rest of minute

Plank Wars

GAME: Plank Wars

This game is a fantastic way to practice holding the plank in a dynamic fashion. Two kids face each other holding the plank position. To start they reach out and clap their right hands, then left, then right again and begin. The object is to force your opponent to touch the ground with any body part other than their feet or hands. When this happens a player has been “dropped” and one point is scored. The two players restart immediately after one has been dropped. They do not need to clap hands before starting again. The goal is to score as many points as possible in 30 seconds. Contact may only be made with the hands and the opponent may only be touched on the elbow, forearm, wrist and hands. Players may move forward, back and side to side but they must maintain an active plank position. After a round of 30 second is complete have the kids find a new partner and go again.

Warm Up
Plank Wars

Handstands (on wall and freestanding)
HSPU (Pike on box or tire and Bands on squat racks)
CrossFit Kids action

Partner 10 Minute AMRAP
D&B Wheel barrow walk (alternate, both do this before moving on)
1 Rope Climb
5 Tire Flips (alternate each flip with partner)
2 HSPU (whatever variation each athlete could perform in skill)
5 Medball Clean & Toss to partner (5 each)


There's absolutely no doubt that kids need exercise, and that most kids aren't getting enough. Less than one-third of kids aged 6 to 17 get at least 20 minutes of daily exercise in one form or another. This is tragic, considering the multitude of short- and long-term health benefits your child can gain from a regular exercise regimen, including:  reduced risk of diabetes and pre diabetes, improved immune system function, improved sleep and mood, stronger bones, weight loss,  reduced restlessness or hyperactivity; helps decrease symptoms of ADHD,  increased energy levels.  
There is a strong belief that regular participation in physical activity is linked to enhancement of brain function and cognition, thereby positively influencing academic performance.The increasing pressures to improve academic scores often lead to additional instructional time for subjects such as mathematics and language at the cost of time for being physically active. 
Allow your child to choose activities that appeal to them, and which are age appropriate. Remember that the trick to getting kids interested in exercise at a young age is to keep it fun (CFNA Kids=Big Fun).  A recent study also revealed that regular exercise not only improved blood flow to the brain, but also helped monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as non-exercising monkeys.  Our kids classes usually resemble a bunch of monkeys running around so this probably holds true for kids as well! :)

Warm Up
Obstacle Course


EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 Cleans
3 Box Jumps

10 Supermen
20 Sit Ups
30 Dot Jumps


Movement Standards


This is a standard thruster in which the weight moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lock out overhead.  The weight starts on the ground.  No racks allowed. The hip crease must pass below the knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground.  The weight must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the weight directly over the heels.


This is a standard  pull-up. Dead-hang, kipping, butterfly, jumping and banded pull-ups are all allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom.  At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.

Warm Up-2x
1 Lap
10 Drop Squats
10 Medball Lateral Jumps
10 Medball Push Press
10 Samson Stretch

Pull Ups
*Review Standards and figure out how each athlete will do their pullups.

7 Minute AMRAP
3 Thrusters
3 Pull Ups
6 Thrusters 
6 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 
9 Pull Ups
12 Thrusters 
12 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pullups
*Continue increasing each by 3 until 7 minutes is up.

Power in Kids

Power is a combination of how strong you are and how fast you can move. What that means is the more weight you move and the faster you move it, the more powerful you are. Each CrossFit workout you complete requires you to use power. Say the WOD calls for wall ball. In order to successfully complete the movement, you must push the ball upward with sufficient strength and speed to cause it move away from your body and toward the target. 
Have you ever played basketball? What helped you get the ball through the hoop? Power. You threw the ball with sufficient strength and speed to get it to drop through the net. What about when you were on the swings and you realized the faster and harder you pumped your legs, the higher the swing would fly? The swing went higher, because you used more power. 
Every day you use power to complete common tasks. When your mom asks for your help putting a box overhead, you use power to move the box onto the shelf. The difference between power and strength is that power is faster. You wouldn't slowly lift the box to the shelf using only your strength, because you would have to hold it longer and the box would start to feel really heavy. Instead, you would push the box up with as much force and as quickly as possible, hoisting it up there in a hurry so it wouldn't begin to feel too heavy and cause you to drop it. You may remember a time when you used this type of movement to get a toy into the top of your closet or on a shelf in the garage. You were using power. 
Functional movements (pretty much everything we do in CrossFit Kids) are unique in their ability to express power, from box jumps, in which body weight is being explosively moved. Compare standard and kipping pull ups. If an individual completes a set of standard pull ups followed by the same number of kipping pull ups, the load and distance moved would be identical. However, kipping pull ups generate more power due to the amount of time it takes to complete them (remember "as time goes down, power goes up"). This means the kipping pull ups place a greater physical demand on the individual and, as such, are more effective. Strength is important. Speed is essential. But power is the metric that we seek. We want our kids to move bigger loads, longer distances, FASTER! In the quest for fitness, power trumps.

Warm Up
D&B Bear Crawl
100m Run
D&B Crab Walk 
100m Row
D&B Frog Hop
100m Run
D&B Duck Walk
100m Row
D&B Gorilla Walk
100m Run


Take a wide stance (sumo stance) and make your hands into a fist. Bring your fists down to the ground in between your feet. Lower the hips and raise your chest (just like a deadlift) and look like an 'angry gorilla.' Swing your arms forward and place them far in front of you. While keeping a nice back position, place all your weight on your hands and swing your body forward. Assume the angry gorilla stance and reset the back. Continue moving forward for the designated distance. 
Here is a video from the CrossFit Journal on the Deadlift, which highlights the Angry Gorilla stance: 

Max Watt Row

3 Rounds
15 Burpees
100m Run
15 Box Jumps
100m Row
15 DB Swings
100m Run
15 Sit Ups
100m Row

Captain Mushroom

Have you ever noticed that getting your kids involved in the
cooking gets them eating? Their participation inspires them
to eat what they produce. This recipe is easy for kids to help
with, from the removal of the mushroom stems to the mixing
and stuffing of the caps. Maybe your kids might even want to
help you eat them!

1 cup almond meal
1 yellow onion
1 tbsp. crushed garlic
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
1 large handful organic baby spinach
12 portabella mushroom caps for stuffing
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
2. Toast almond meal in a dry frying pan until golden brown
in color, and pay close attention not to burn. Constant
movement is key at a medium/high heat. When done,
remove from heat and set aside.
3. Chop onion into small pieces and cook on medium heat
with olive oil until soft and golden.

4. While onions are cooking, remove the stems from the
mushrooms and discard.
5. Just before onions are done, add in crushed garlic, followed
by the baby spinach. Cook until wilted.
6. Remove spinach, onion and garlic mixture from stove and
put in a bowl. Use scissors to cut the mixture into small
pieces for easier stuffing. Season with salt and pepper.
7. Mix in the toasted almond meal.
8. In a 9 x 13 pan, place all mushroom caps empty side up.
9. Stuff each cap with the almond meal, onion, garlic and spinach
mixture until they’re slightly overflowing.
10. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until
golden brown and mushrooms are tender.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course


3 Rounds
15 Deadlift
5 Pullups
100m Run

Steve’s Club

Steve’s Club was started in May of 2007
in a large apartment complex located on the north side
of Camden, New Jersey. Traditionally ranked as one of
“America’s Most Dangerous Cities,” Camden can be
a very rough place for a kid to grow up. It’s a place
that boasts a murder rate more than seven times the
national average, despite occupying a total land area
of only ten square miles. Daily life can prove to be an
uphill battle. For a young kid trying to imagine a world
outside of his or her own, the prospects can seem dark
and bleak when violence and drugs are the orders of
the day. The cycle continues as kids are recruited at a
disturbingly young age to begin a career selling drugs
on the corner and rising through the ranks of the local
gang. Any sliver of hope for a better future or “getting
out” quickly gets washed away by the tempting allure of

fast money, power, and the sense of belonging offered
on the streets.

In order to get the club going, he purchased around
$2,500 in equipment—enough to accommodate 25
students at a given time—along with a used fifteen

passenger van to transport the kids back and forth. His
equipment purchases included barbells, dumbbells, steel
plates and bumpers, stall mats for the floor, materials to
construct homemade equipment, a custom-made pullup
bar (that can be taken down for storage purposes),
a weight bench, plyo boxes, jump ropes, homemade
parallette bars, squat stands, and more.

Steve’s Club builds on the kids’ inherent interest in
athletics to engage them in a fitness program promoting
excellence both on the field and off. While physical
fitness is the heart and soul of Steve’s Club, a sense of
community, belonging, and responsibility is its backbone.
The entire article can be found on the crossfit journal at

Warm Up
1 Lap
5 Alternating Lunge Jumps on Tire
5 Squats on Tire
5 Dot Jumps
5 Seated Rope Climbs
5 Handstand Kick Ups

*Divide the group in half if large. One group will be focusing on thrusters,
while the other can play Jump The Creek, then switch.

4 Rounds
7 Thrusters with Bumper Plate
6 Alternating Lunge Jumps on Tire
5 Bumper Plate Swings
4 Tire Squats
3 Plyo Push Ups on Bumper Plate

"I Will"


Today's class will be discussing goals and how to set goals.  We will be creating "I Will" statements in many different areas from crossfit to school. Some will be individual goals and some we will work as a team to accomplish. We will set certain dates that we will accomplish our goals by and figure out a plan of attack to be able to reach our goals on time. 

Kids that start ahead, stay ahead. And teaching children goal setting is by far the best way to help them start ahead and secure their future.
We want to prepare our kids for adulthood. So if we want our children to have a successful, satisfying and happy life then there are some fundamental life skills we need to teach them:

  • How to be healthy – we all want our kids to grow up to be fit and healthy. Teach them how to set good health goals.

  • How to achieve – teaching children goal setting so they can set goals for life.

  • How to manage themselves – motivation, attitude and knowing that they are the only ones that have full control over their destiny.

  • How to work with other people.

  • Help your child get organized and provide them with a solid foundation for an organized life.
Teaching kids about goal setting involves setting goals in all of the above critical life skill areas.
And it is never too early or too late to start teaching your kids these vital life skills. By teaching children goal setting, you’ll help them guarantee their future.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Hang Cleans
Hang Squat Cleans
Squat Cleans

10 Minute AMRAP
3 Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Squat Cleans
30 Single Unders


It's week 4 of the Crossfit Games Open!

Movement Standards

Wall ball

In the wall ball, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall it is no rep.


This is a standard double-under in which the rope passes twice for each jump. Attempts will be allowed and count as a rep. 


Each athlete will go through the progression that was practiced in the skill portion of class. They will go through the progression as far as they can for each rep.

Warm Up
1 Lap
10 Samson Stretch
10 Toe Touch to Rollover
1 Minute Pigeon Pose
Monkey Bars

Muscle Up Progressions
-Jumping Muscle Ups
-Jumping into the catch position
-Ring Dips

10 Rounds with a partner (5 each)
Partner 1 will begin and do one whole round while Partner 2 counts reps and cheers!

15 Wall Ball
9 Double Unders or attempts
3 Muscle Up Progressions (Jumping, if you can't do a dip just work on holding the catch position)


Why Do I Burp? 
You cover your mouth with your hand, but it's too late. The people at the next table in the lunchroom already heard. As you turn back to your lunch, you think: Where did that burp come from?
A burp — sometimes called a belch — is nothing but gas. When you eat or drink, you don't just swallow food or liquid. You also swallow air at the same time. The air we breathe contains gases, like nitrogen (say: ny-truh-jen) and oxygen (say: ahk-sih-jen).
Sometimes when you swallow these gases, they need to get out. That's where burping comes in! Extra gas is forced out of the stomach, up through the esophagus (say: ih-sah-fuh-gus, the tube for food that connects the back of the throat to the stomach), and out of the mouth as a burp.
Some kids find that drinking soda or other carbonated beverages makes them burp more. Can you guess why? If you're thinking that it's because these drinks contain extra gas, you're right! The gas that makes the drinks fizzy is carbon dioxide (say: kar-bon dy-ahk-side), another gas that can bring on big burps.  So it sounds like avoiding pop is good for many reasons eh?!  We already know pop is unhealthy because of all the sugar it contains. Sometimes eating or drinking too fast can make a person burp because this can send extra air into the stomach. The same thing happens when you drink through a straw: extra air in = more burps out.  Take your time when eating, don't be in a hurry and be sure to chew your food completely
Burping is almost never anything to worry about. Everybody does it at least once in a while, and it's very unusual for burping to mean something is wrong in a kid's body.
It seems like the only people who can get away with really loud burps are little babies — their parents cheer when they burp because it means that the babies won't feel the extra gas in their stomachs and cry. But unless you're tiny and bald, it's probably a good idea to be polite when it's time to burp.
So what can you do if you're around people and you feel a burp coming on? Try to burp quietly and cover your mouth. Of course, whether your burp is loud or quiet, saying "excuse me" can't hurt either.

Warm Up
Sprint Down (50m)
High Skip back
10 Dot Jumps
Backward Run 
Butt Kicks
10 Tire Jumps
Side Shuffle 
Broad Jump
10 Air Squats

Tire Flips
DB Swings


10 Min AMRAP
Farmers Walk D&B (inside)
50m Row
10 Tire Jump Throughs(in & out =1)
100m Run
5 Tire Flips
5 DB Swings
Handstand Walk Attempt (on green turf outside)


This weather is incredible! We definitely will be outside for class and we will be getting our run on!  As usual come ready to work hard and have a blast.  If you get a chance, get outside on your own and enjoy the weather.  Sit on the porch and eat dinner, read or do your homework.  Find a friend or ask mom or dad to play catch with you.  Shoot some hoops in your driveway, or at the local park or school.  

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Relay Races

3 Rounds
10 DB Swings
5 Burpees 
200m Run
10 Front Squats
5 Tire Flips
100m Run

Fellowship of the Doers

What if I said we are going to create an exclusive club? If you were going to join this club, what would be involved? Are you already a member? Were it your club and you were recruiting members, what requirements would you create for joining? 

I recently read a biography on Theodore Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States. When he was 12, he decided to join this "exclusive" club. And what, exactly, was it? Well, he was a rather sickly, weak and non-physical kid; and with the encouragement of his father, took on developing himself physically. He decided that he would be a member of this club... it had no members, other than himself. On his own accord, he trained himself physically, right out of asthma and general all-around scrawniness, working out, swinging things and lifting heavy objects in a gym in the early 1870's. Consider that for a moment - having the internal drive, desire, motivation, and initiative to take on that sort of challenge, with no community support... at 12. I can only imagine the difficulty - for me it would be like taking on a whole life challenge on my own!

In my book, if you're a CFNA CrossFitter, you're already a member of the Fellowship. And although it might not feel like an exclusive club when you're around so many of our members that are with you, consider for a moment the millions of people in the world that simply are not. That CHOOSE not to be (and believe me, it IS a choice). You ARE elite. You ARE taking action. You are not sitting back passively letting life happen to you. You ARE in action. You ARE taking courageous steps daily. You ARE members of the Fellowship of the Doers! 

Warm Up
Alternating Jumping Lunges
Push Ups
*200m Run after each round

Skill (divide into 2 groups)
1)Overhead Squats
2)Rubber Medball Chest Passes Outside

*Switch groups back and forth a couple times until OHS looks good
CrossFit Kids action

CrossFit Kids action

Cooldown: Are you getting enough Sleep?!

Spicy Cilantro Carrot Fries


  • 12 large carrots
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup tightly packed cilantro leaves
  • 1/2 jalapeno pepper, roughly chopped
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • Dash of salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

Cooking Steps

-Preheat oven to 400 F
-Cut carrots into small (about 2 inches long) sticks (we are making fries here, cut them to about the size of a french fry!)
-Toss carrots with 1 tbsp of olive oil and spread out in flat in a single layer on a baking sheet
-Bake for 20 minutes
-While the carrots are baking, add garlic, cilantro, jalapeno, lime juice, salt and pepper, and cumin to a food processor.
-Start processor and while running slowly add the olive oil. Process until smooth.
-Remove carrots from oven and transfer to a large bowl. Toss with pesto. Return to oven for an additional 5 minutes.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Ring Dips/ Holds
Ring Rows

Front Squats
Ring Dips

Workout 12.3

It's time for week 3 of the Crossfit Games Open! This workout is an 18 minute AMRAP of:
15 Box Jumps
12 Push Presses
9 Toes To Bar
We will be adjusting the format a little bit to better suit our youngsters.  The format will make this a partner workout with one kid completing one whole round on their own while their partner acts as their "judge"; making sure standards are met, reps are counted and encouragment is being given to help each other do the best they can.  A valid box jump will consist of the athlete completely opening their hips while standing on top of the box. A valid push press will consist of the arms being locked out overhead while pushing the head through at the top showing the ears.  A valid toe to bar will consist of the toes swinging up to touch the bar. The goal is to be able to maintain a controlled swing or kip and link the reps together.  Standards will be discussed and practiced before the workout begins to make sure everyone is comfortable and confident in what they are doing.
You may jump down or step down but you must jump up. Stepping up is only permitted for the two elder Masters categories (55+), not for anyone else.
Push Press 2
In the Toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must touch the bar together at some point.

Welcome To Crossfit Kids

At Crossfit Kids New Albany your child will learn a variety of skills. These skills will help your child develop and build their fitness.
In addition to learning new skills your child will learn how to make better decisions about their nutrition, will be more focused in school, develop a higher self-esteem, enjoy new sports, and reduce their risk of childhood obesity.
Our goal at CFKNA is to help your child become the best version of themselves as possible. To help us accomplish this we implement the CF Methodology. Using Crossfit will increase the quality of life both inside and outside the gym.
Remember CrossFit Kids is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit, it is entirely absolutely CrossFit geared and designed for your child and the specific developmental needs of your child. That includes nuerological, cognitive, and motor skills!

Warm Up
Buy In: Max Handstand Hold (against wall)
250 m Row
25 Squats
20 Situps
15 Push Ups
10 Jumping Pull Ups
Cash Out: Max Bar Hang

Rack Position 

WOD #1
5 Minute Ladder
DB Front Squat
DB Push Press
Mtn Climber (L+R=1)

1 of each the first round, 2 of each the second round, 3 the third round, getting as far as possible in 5 mins.

WOD #2
5 Rounds
1 Minute of Box Jumps followed by 30 seconds of rest

*For every 10 jumps completed, the athlete stops and does their choice of 1 Cartwheel, Front Roll or Pencil Roll.

Healthy Teeth

Taking Care of Your Teeth
Your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they'll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.
How does taking care of your teeth help with all those things? Taking care of your teeth helps prevent plaque (say: plak), which is a clear film of bacteria (say: bak-teer-ee-uh) that sticks to your teeth.
After you eat, bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, like ants at a picnic. The bacteria break it down into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities.
We're lucky that we know so much now about taking care of our teeth. Long ago, as people got older, their teeth would rot away and be very painful. To get rid of a toothache, they had their teeth pulled out. Finally people learned that cleaning their teeth was important, but they didn't have toothpaste right away. While you're swishing that minty-fresh paste around your mouth, think about what people used long ago to clean teeth:

  • ground-up chalk or charcoal
  • lemon juice
  • ashes (you know, the stuff that's left over after a fire)
  • tobacco and honey mixed together
It's not just brushing and flossing that keep your teeth healthy — you also need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Remember, the plaque on your teeth is just waiting for that sugar to arrive. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. And don't forget to smile!

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Rope Climbs

3 Rounds
50m Row
D&B Plate Push
10 Deadlifts
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Double Unders/ Singles
D&B OH Medball Carry