If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.


With Halloween just ending, I'm sure everyone has tons of candy laying around the house tempting you everytime you walk by it.  I want to spend a little time talking about sugar and the effects it has on your body. Sugar raises the insulin level at a rapid pace, which inhibits the release of growth hormones which depresses the immune system.  This is why kids are always getting sick.. because they eat way TOO MUCH SUGAR!!!
Here is just a small list on the affects SUGAR can have on your health.
  • -Asthma
  • -Mood Swings
  • -Diabetes
  • -Hypertension
  • -Arthritis
  • -Heart Disease
  • -Contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.
  • -Kidney damager
  • -Tooth Decay
  • -Interferes with absorption of calcium. Bone density.
  • -Weight gain & obesity
  • -Headaches
So kids, parents, anyone reading this who cares about their health. Just say no to sugar. But if you are going to indulge don’t over do it. Everything is okay in moderation. Don't feel like you need to eat all of the candy that is leftover.  Give it away or better yet just throw it away. Here are some healthier alternatives to some treats, FRUIT, trail mix with nuts and seeds, cut up colorful veggies. 

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Kipping Pullups
Sled Races

100 m Sled Pull
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Tire Jumps
10 Air Squats 
10 Burpees