CrossFit Kids has a unique opportunity to address vestibular development through proper programming. Vestibular development is basically the growth and development of the mind and body in unison with each other. It is related to body coordination and your sense of balance. That is why you will see constantly varied use of vestibular challenging activities in the daily WODs, buy-ins and cash-outs. We are always looking for the most efficient and FUN ways to bring vestibular development to CrossFit Kids. We incorporate vast amounts of gymnastics movements, including swinging, rolling over, handstands (and handstand push-ups), cartwheels, push-ups, toes-to-bars, knees-to-elbows, wheelbarrows, and bar and ring work, to name a few. Agility work is used to challenge the vestibular system. A few examples include hurdling, jumping, dot drills, agility ladders, lateral hops and runs. Olympic lifts are an extremely effective way to develop the vestibular system, because the changes in direction required to complete the movement engage it in a unique and effective way.
This is something we get excited about at CrossFit Kids. Exercise isn’t just about heart rates and blood pressure. By getting our kids moving in this way, we are improving their odds for appropriate development and future success in multiple areas of daily functioning. What an amazing opportunity and responsibility!
Warm Up
20 of each
Air Squats
Push Ups
Sit Ups
10 of each
Pullups (Banded)
Ring Rows
Ring or Bar Support/ Dips
L-Hold (Seconds)
1 Minute of Each
Banded (Rope) Shoulder
Calf (on Pullup rig)
Toes To Bar
Two 5 Minute AMRAPs
1 Minute rest between
6 Toes To Bar
9 Push Ups
12 Medball Front Squats