If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

The Holiday Trap

Are you ready for the next four weeks? You know, that time of year that you get pulled in every direction, kids school performances, travel, parties, baking, shopping, planning, family visiting, wrapping, making lists and checking twice... the one thing that isn't actually pulling on you is you.  Don't get me wrong, as a parent all these things are super important, but don't forget about you.

As a result though, this is the time of year that people tend to let their own priorities slip, giving up on themselves because of all the other things pulling. And the idea of just waiting until the New Years for a resolution, makes it that much easier now to simply let it go... knowing that you'll make up for it in the New Year. 

It's a trap! Don't be fooled. Don't be one of the statistics. Stick with your commitment to yourself - in how you eat, how you show up for workouts, and how you give yourself the time you need to make your life work. Believe me, after letting it go for a month, it's MUCH harder to get it back than if you just gave yourself a little bit every day between now and December 31!

Take care of your kids and family but also be an awesome example for them of how to balance everything and still take care of yourself and have an awesome holiday season! Challenge your crossfit kids to keep up with you in the gym and get some killer workouts in.  Maybe challenge them around the house to help with keeping the house clean, keeping up on homework, wrapping gifts, entertaining family, etc. If you are able to avoid becoming a stressball and stay happy and energized, then everyone will be better off.  

Warm Up
1 Min Each For Max Reps
1 Min Rest after Each

Sit Ups
Air Squats

Push Ups

Hang Squat Clean (DB's)


3 Rounds
25 Air Squats
20 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
10 Knees To Elbows
5 DB Hang Squat Cleans