I know that in the world that we live in today, the last thing people want is choice. Don't get me wrong... they will SAY they want choice... but when it comes right down to it, they'd much rather be told what to do... except, that is, in the case of electing our leaders and officials. In this case, more than half of Americans would rather sit on the sidelines, not bother to vote, and then complain about the leadership, direction, vision, taxes, laws that our legislature is passing.
I know... its easy to feel like your vote doesn't really matter anyway. The thing that matters is your participation in the process... exercising your right to voice your opinion and taking part.
So whether you think it matters or not, get out there and cast your ballot. Do the one thing today that men and women in our Armed Services all over the world are willing to die to protect - your freedom your right to vote!
Warm Up
Review Rowing Technique
5 Rounds
1 Minute Rowing
1 Minute Rest
*use the 1 minute rest to correct errors
DB/KB Swings
Go over proper form
Tabata KB Swings
DB Snatch (Each Arm)