The Hollow Rock is a gymnastic staple, that’s a lot harder than it looks. When done properly, the hollow rock will strengthen your core better than just about any other exercise. Lie down face up with your arms and legs both extended and about one foot off the floor. The goal is to be the shape of a rocking chair. Then, much like a rocking chair, start moving back and forth while keeping your body stiff and without raising your arms and legs.
The key is lowering the lumbar arch of your back to the floor before you begin. Lying on the floor relaxed, you can usually slip your hand underneath the arch in the small of your back. You don’t want that. Force your back flat so that it’s a smooth, round shape from your shoulders to your butt. This really forces the lower abs to work, which is the point of the exercise. Start in a V with your feet and arms almost touching, then slowly lower down until the lower back starts to come off the floor. This will be different for each athlete depending on flexibility and strength. The knees can be tucked in toward your chest and the arms can be brought forward beside your hips to make it a little easier to start. This modification will be what we do today for Tuck Rocks.
Warm Up
10 Hollow Situps (Pull ribs in, tuck chin)
10 Hollow Supermen (Squeeze butt, tuck chin)
1 Lap
Max Ring Hold
10 Frog Jumps (Jump straight up, land softly, maintain tight core)
10 Tuck Rocks (Keep lower back on floor)
3x10 Handstand Hold (on wall, can face either direction, point toes)
3x10 Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs with PVC
3 Rounds
100m Row
10 Hollow Situps
10 Hollow Supermen
10 Ball Slams
10 Tire Jumps
100m Run