Kids are wonderful and we love them and their company all the time...right?...well most of the time. Everyone needs a little help and escape sometimes. Especially with it being summer and the kids are out of school a few minute break here and there throughout the day can help you escape. With the crazy heat that we've had this summer here is a cool treat that is easy to make and will keep those little ones occupied and quiet for a few minutes! :)
The average child asks (brace yourself ) 500 to 600 questions
every day. If your ears and brain need a break, make your
inquisitive little guys one of these smoothies. Make it thick
and serve it with a straw. They’ll be sucking on this for at
least 15 minutes, giving you a quiet, question-free heaven.
1 cup full-fat coconut milk
3 bananas (frozen and chopped)
2 tbsp. almond butter
2 tsp. cocoa powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1⁄3 cup of water
1. Add everything into a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Serve immediately and enjoy!
Serves 3
This smoothie can be used for breakfast on the go, as a snack or for
Warm Up
2 Rounds
Down-High Knee Skip
Back- Cartwheels/ HS Walk/ Front Rolls
D- Leg Kicks
B- Crab Walk
D- Lunge & Twist
B- Bear Crawl
200m Run
3 Rounds
* Can work on Pike with feet on boxes, bands, wall walks, etc.
2 Minutes Jump Rope
10 Minute AMRAP
Max Handstand Hold
100m Farmer Carry
10 Tire Jumps
10 Single Unders