If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

What Strength and Flexibility Allow You To Do!

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

10 Minutes
Power Clean
Squat Clean
Front Squat
Push Press

*1 rep of each unbroken
**Barbell or DBs depending on strength/mobility

Five 3 Minute AMRAPs

3 Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

*1 Minute Rest Between Rounds


It's not fair...

- That it that it takes at least 8 hours of sleep each night to get a good night's sleep (when my life only allows me to get 5-6 hrs/night)

- That 3/4 of the food in the grocery store is food that does not support my long term health (when that's the stuff you'd rather be eating)

- That I have a job that makes me sit at a desk for 10+ hours a day (when standing would be so much better for my posture)

- That saying "No" makes you feel guilty (when it actually supports your integrity)

- That you can't get into great shape by just watching TV or walking around the block (when that's all you feel like doing)

- That to maintain a really great diet, you have to spend so much time preparing and focusing on it (when you'd rather just 'let it happen)

- That it's so hard to get out of bed in the morning to work out (when you'd rather just get a few more minu... zzzzz.....)

Nope - it's not fair. Nor is it easy. And every choice means a trade off... giving something up in the moment for something you want long term. The question is... how bad do you want it?

Warm Up
Max Handstand Walk down
Bear Crawl the rest of the way down
2 Cartwheels back
Crab Walk the rest of the way back
Jump To Balance (Parallette)
5 Super Slow Squats
Jump To Balance
5 Super Slow Squats
100m Run

Turkish Get Ups

Skill WOD

*4 cycles of each alternating

50m Sled Pull (On the side to where the white paint ends along the building and back)
5 Wall Climbs
50m Sled Pull
1 Rope Climb (5 Attempts)
50m Sled Pull
5 Tire Flips
50m Sled Pull
5 Tire Jump In & Outs
50m Sled Pull
100m Run

Test Day!

1 Minute Each
Max Distance Run (Fence & Back)
Max Push Ups
Max Rope Jumping Pull Ups
Max Air Squats
Max Calorie Row
Max Box Jumps
Max Sit Ups
Max Lunges
Max Knees To Elbows (Rings)
Max Distance HS Walk

Take Action, Be Different

It is so hard for people to be healthy these days. Everywhere you look you're confronted with it. You know, the food we're all addicted to - sugar, starches, pasta, bread and cheese. I can't watch tv, go online, drive my car, eat out at a restaurant, shop in a market, or pick up a magazine without being reminded of it. I was on vacation last week and when eating out at a restaurant in order to stay Paleo or healthy by my standards, I was essentially relegated to two choices of appetizer and two entrees. Period. That's it. It was very hard to not feel like I was missing out. 

And then at the market - even Whole Foods - it's not only featured, its put on sale. What was cheap already is now ridiculous. Why wouldn't an unsuspecting consumer buy and eat it?

You know what gets me? I KNOW all this stuff - have studied it for years, and yet,  I still struggle with it sometimes. What about the millions of people who don't KNOW it? How hard is it to find a solution for them?

So, what IS the solution? I don't know if I have an answer - other than personal responsibility and baby steps. Our food manufacturers certainly aren't going to do it for us - they are doing exactly the opposite, because bad food is cheap to produce and turns the biggest profit. And temptations, ads, samples, sales, and events with food that doesn't support our health will ALWAYS be there. So it looks like making choices against the flow, in the face of cultural and societal norms, satisfying our own personal needs and knowing the reward and how much better we will feel because of our choices is the only way.  If we take care of ourselves and our family and try to pass on the knowledge one person at a time, it will eventually add up to what is a healthy society once again. 

Waking up is hard. Waking up and taking consistent action is even harder. I'm up for the challenge, the journey. Will you take it with me?

CrossFitLA Image
Warm Up
Obstacle Course

EMOM for 12 Mins
Even-:30 Plank Hold
Odd-5 Medball Squat Clean

10 Rope Jumping Pullups
15 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
25 Sit Ups
300m Row
25 Sit Ups
20 Burpees
15 Box Jumps
10 Rope Jumping Pullups

Our Crossfit Kids

With workouts that are scalable, CrossFit Kids can equally benefit a person who is less active or an accomplished athlete by tailoring workouts so that each participant is challenged just enough to deliver measurable results and personal athletic progress.
CrossFit Kids aims to avoid childhood obesity by creating an excitement about exercising and providing the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating by focusing on the importance of good nutrition that complements physical activity. While workouts are fun, they also increasingly demand strength, stamina and perseverance. The physical and mental demands of CrossFit Kids promote self-confidence, discipline, persistence, problem solving, and integrity that can be applied in all areas of children’s lives.
Start slow. Yes, we want the kids to work hard, but we never demand children to work faster than allows good form and technique during a workout. It is our experience that when children move well consistently over time, they will eventually move faster safely.

Warm Up
3 Rounds
250m Row
Max Push Ups

DB Push Press

Skill WOD
5 Mins
1 HS Kick Up
2 Shoulder Taps
3 Air Squats

DB Push Press
DB Front Squat
Warm up
1 Min Mash Ups

Deadlift w Barbell

Lateral jump over bar (jumps are doubled 2=1)
Warm Up
Obstacle Course

3 Rounds
:30 Hollow Rocks
:30 Rest
:30 Supermen
:30 Rest

Cal Row
KB Swing
Box Jump


What is it to be afraid? Is it an actual trait or characteristic? Is it just the anticipation of doing something new or different and not knowing what it will feel like? There are many things I have been afraid of over the years. Many of these things I have forced myself to try. Some things were not for me like I envisioned beforehand like roller coasters. Other things ended up being awesome and I love to do it like dive into open water from high places. And still other things are just plain hard and require hard work to get like muscle ups, handstands, and pullovers. The bottom line is you will never know where you are at with your fears if you don't test them out, just once. Lets make this our goal in the next year.

Warm Up
30 Box Jumps
100m Run
20 Box Jumps
100m Run
10 Box Jumps
100m Run

Death By Rope Pull-ups

1 To Infinity
10 Minutes

Burpee Wall Climb
Air Squats
Sit Ups
DB Push Press
Calorie Row
Ideas Into Action

Everyday you have ideas right. What if I did this...I wish I had something to make this easier...Some good ideas and some bad. Why not start taking action on some if these ideas? Start living in action. Start with the small, manageable ones. It doesn't take long for a few small actions to add up to something big and you start to see results. This can be done with any aspect of your life. 1 extra set of push-ups after class each day. 10 extra minutes of studying each day. Working on the first step of an invention that everyone in the world will one day use! Are you living in action?

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Forward Roll
Toes To Rope

Buy In: 30 Situps

5 Rounds
1 Forward Roll
3 Burpee Wall Climbs
5 Toes/ Knees To Rope
7 Box Jumps

Cash Out: 100m Sprint
Warm Up
Obstacle Course

DB Walking Lunges
*must do 50 unbroken or start over and accumulate 50 more.

1 Skin The Cat
3 Burpees
5 DB Front Squats
7 Sit Ups
9 Box Jumps


CrossFit Kids action
Kids can run around and play all day which is awesome but when it comes to your child's overall development there is no match to Crossfit Kids. CrossFit Kids has the unique opportunity to address vestibular development through proper programming. Exercise isn’t just about heart rates and blood pressure. By getting our kids moving daily in this way, we are improving their odds for appropriate development and future success in multiple areas of daily functioning. What an amazing responsibility we as trainers have and an amazing opportunity you have to get involved.  I would've given anything to have had Crossfit growing up through school to help with sports and overall maturity and confidence. 

Warm Up
5 Minutes
5 Super Slow Squats
Handstand or Plank Walk Down
5 Super Slow Squats
Walking Lunges Back
Agility Ladder (plastic rings)
High Knees Down
Butt Kicks Back

Rope Climbs
Rope Pullups
Rope Rows

3 Five Minute Rounds
2 Minute Rest Between
12 Lateral Jumps (Parallettes)
9 Air Squats
6 Rope Pullups
3 Handstand Attempts
Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Goblet Box Squats

3 Rounds
20 KB Swings
15 Burpee over the KB
10 Goblet Squats
**Alternate rounds with partner