If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".

The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.

Some extra information on the program can be found "here"

Sport vs. CrossFit Kids

This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.

Sports Parents

Here are a few ideas of how to keep the fun within the family while having your children love to play the sports that they do.  Things can sometimes get hectic and stressful.  It is important to keep the big picture in mind. 

1. Set a good example of an active person.
Active parents produce active children. If children see their mom and dad participating in and enjoying sports, then it’s going to be more natural for them to want to pursue those activities. On the other hand, if parents are couch potatoes . . .
2. Let kids participate in determining when they are ready for sports.
Children who are forced into sports before they are ready usually have bad experiences. When kids say they are interested, parents should start looking earnestly at it. By involving children in the decision making process, they feel a sense of ownership in the outcome. This creates a greater sense of commitment: “I’m doing it because I want to do it, not because I’m made to do it.”
3. Give priority to your child’s own interests.
Most kids develop a sense of their personal interests at an early age. And although parents might prefer their child be active in sports, maybe the child would rather play a musical instrument. Parents should let their children have a say in determining what tune they march to. Remember that youth sports are about what participation can do for kids, and not what parents get out of it.
4. Don’t use sports as a babysitter.
Some parents erroneously believe their involvement merely consists of getting their child signed up and driving them to and from practices and games. But that’s just part of it. Parents not only have a right but a responsibility to oversee their child’s sport participation.
5. Emphasize the process of enjoyment rather than the product of winning.
Research on young athletes’ motives for playing sports has consistently shown that their primary objective is to have fun. Studies also indicate that the main reason why youngsters drop out of sports is, “It isn’t fun any more.” Simply stated, children want to play sports for personal enjoyment. And when the fun disappears, so do they.
6. Emphasize striving to improve skills rather than comparing oneself with others.
Growth and development happen at different rates in youngsters, and this should be made clear to them. It is particularly important that children whose skill is lagging not view this as a permanent condition. Parents who praise self-improvement efforts, can help their kids derive pleasure from their progress over time. This creates many worthwhile experiences in sports—even for athletes who never will be stars.
7. Establish and maintain open lines of communication.
Tell your children what you expect—things like giving maximum effort, listening to their coach, having fun—and ask what they are thinking. Make it very clear you want to know how they feel about what’s happening in practices and games. This type of two-way communication is essential.
8. Evaluate your child’s coach.
Parents should talk to the coach, regularly go to games, and occasionally attend a practice. Additionally, they should ask themselves the following questions:
  • Are the young athletes treated with respect?
  • Are they being taught?
  • Are they given a chance to perform?
  • Are they made to feel what they’re doing is a fun activity?
If not, it may be necessary to find another team for your child.

Warm Up
Obstacle Course

Down Slab Farmer Carry (holding 1 bumper plate in each hand at the top) 
Back Slab Walking Lunges

10 Minutes
Bumper OH 100m Carry
10 Burpees
10 Ring Rows
100m Run
10 Tire Flips
10 Jumping Lunges
100m Backward Run
10 Medball Deadlifts
10 Medball Push Presses