If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
Sport vs. CrossFit Kids
This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.
We will not be having our 4pm kids class on Saturday. All afternoon classes are cancelled because of our '300' event that will be happening at 7pm with a showing of the movie '300' to follow.
Communit Friday WOD!
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), has become a major childhood mental health disorder, but as with many mental health conditions their isn't a good grasp on what actually causes ADHD. Thedisorder makes it difficult for kids to focus or pay attention in school and other areas of life.
ADHD has received a lot of attention, discussion and debate amongst parents, teachers and the wider community because of the increase in the diagnosis of the condition in recent years. Controversy has arisen over the use of stimulant medication, such as Ritalin, to control symptoms and help manage behavioural and learning problems in children.
Most young children are occasionally inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive. This can make it difficult to diagnose ADHD in youmg children and there’s no single test to make a definite diagnosis. Assessment by an expert in the field involves putting together lots of pieces of information to make a diagnosis (a proper assessment takes much longer than an hour). Diagnosis is based on specific symptoms that occur across a variety of times and situations which again make a diagnosis hard. Some cases feature hyperactivity or impulsiveness while others only show inattentiveness and distractibility. For example girls with ADHD are often shy and self-effacing, while boys tend to be hyperactive. This is quite a different presentation altogether from the commonly painted picture of the ADHD child. It is estimated that between three and five percent of primary school children have ADHD. It is three times more common in boys than in girls and symptoms usually appear before the child starts school.
The most common symptoms fall under three categories:
Inattention- difficulty concentrating, forgetting instructions, moving from one task to another without completing anything.
Impulsivity- talking over the top of others, losing control of emotions easily, being accident prone.
Overactivity- constant fidgeting and restlessness.
It’s well documented that routine physical exercise firms up our brains as well as our muscles. We know exercise turns on our attention system, the so-called executive functions — sequencing, working memory, prioritising, inhibiting, and sustaining attention. On a practical level, it’s easy to comprehend exercise as making everyone, including ADHD children, more primed to learn. The stimulant medicines used to treat ADHD work by increasing the amount of important chemicals in the brain, these same chemicals are released during exercise. So it makes sense that a workout can have many of the same effects on children with ADHD as stimulant medications.Not all children with ADHD require medication and those that do shouldn’t be treated with medication alone.
When kids come into the box and do a WOD as mentioned above, several important chemicals are released in their brain. Endorphins, for one, hormone-like compounds that regulate mood, pleasure, and pain. This same burst of activity also elevates the brains dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels. These brain chemicals affect focus and attention, which are in short supply in kids with ADHD (or even in those with just AHDH-like symptoms). When you increase dopamine levels, you increase the attention systems ability to be regular and consistent, which has many good effects, like increasing alertness. The stimulant medicines used to treat ADHD work by increasing the amount of this same chemical in the brain. So it makes sense that a workout can have many of the same effects in children with ADHD.
Activities (Crossfit Kids) in which kids have to pay close attention to body movements, are extremely valuable for kids with ADHD in regulating their attention. It’s also very empowering to gain control over your body parts so a raise in self-esteem is an obvious added bonus.
This will help many children so give it a chance before medicating your child over ADHD like symptoms. A supportive base of parents, teachers and caregivers is extremely important in all young children.
Warm Up
8 Minutes
Balance Beam (line 6 parallettes up so they make one long straight line, have kids go as far across as possible)
5 Burpees
5 Situps
Medball OH Lunges Down
5 Ring Rows
5 Supermen
2 Jump To Balance (Jump off both feet onto 1 parallette and balance on top as long as possible, use the remaining parallettes)
5 Toe Touch To Back Bend
Box Push Ups (find a box height appropriate so that each kid can do hollow pushups)
1 Arm OH Lunges (kid can use anything from a baseball to a light DB, just so that arm stays above the head locked out)
3 Rounds
1 Leg Hop Down (switch legs halfway)
5 1 Arm OH Lunges
5 Box Push Ups
10 Air Squats
Skin The Cats (For most this should be on low rings on pullup structure in barn)
Jump The Creek (If time left)
Why Sports?
5 Reasons for Kids to Play Sports
We all know that regular physical exercise is good for a kid's body, mind, and spirit. But you can get your daily dose of endorphins from a jog around the block. So why play sports? Sports offer some extra benefits for kids in addition to having fun and getting fit.
Here are a few:
- Kids who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics will take up all your study time. But research shows that kids who play sports do better in school and are more likely to graduate than those who don't. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage when it comes to the classroom.
- Kids who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Working with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and meet goals is great practice for success later in life. Being a team player can make it easier to work with others and solve problems, whether on the field or in the workplace.
- Sports have hidden health benefits. Some benefits of sports are obvious — like improving fitness and maintaining a healthy weight. But kids who play sports are also less likely to smoke and have a reduced chance of cancer and osteoporosis later in life. Sure, you can get these benefits from any type of exercise. But if you have trouble getting to the gym, there may be more incentive to show up and play if you know your coaches or teammates depend on you.
- Playing sports builds self-confidence. Kids involved in athletics feel better about themselves, both physically and socially. It helps to build confidence when you see your skills improving and your goals becoming reality. Other esteem-boosting benefits of sports participation include getting in shape, maintaining a healthy weight, and making new friends.
- Exercise can cut the pressure. Pressure is a big part of life. Playing sports can help you deal with it, since exercise is a natural mood lifter and a great way to relieve stress and fight depression. Plus, when you are on a team, you have friends who support you both on and off the field.
Warm Up
7 Minutes
10 Ball Slams
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
10 Sit Ups
10 Lunge Jumps
KB Deadlift
Skill WOD
6 Minute AMRAP
5 KB Deadlift
One Legged Hop Down & Back
*Other partner holds high plank during this.
Switch after each round
10 Minute AMRAP
1 Handstand Attempt
5 Ring Rows
10 Box Jumps
1 Barn Run
Jump The Creek
(if extra time)
Are You Signed Up?
In a little less than two weeks, one of the most exciting and fun periods in the Crossfit year begins... the Crossfit Games Open. Why is it so exciting and fun you may ask? Well, it's the one time in which ANY Crossfitter, regardless of level or ability to qualify a regional competition, has an opportunity to compete - just for the heck of it. Last year over 60,000 people took part... and got a chance to see themselves ranked on a world-wide scoreboard. Why is this good or a big deal. It's TOTALLY unique in the fitness and sport world - and it gives you a chance to be the person on the playing field, not sitting on the sidelines, watching. Putting yourself out there, slightly at risk, is a great way to feel alive, to test your skills and your fitness, and to see just how you stack up to the rest of the world. Ask any of our current members who have participated the last 2 years and see if any of them didn't love it. We want our kids to be involved and parents, what better way to kickstart your Crossfit career than with this event. You will look back and remember when you started Crossfit forever! I promise your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner!
Every year at CFNA, this will be a big event. Here's how it will work:
Starting on March 6th, CrossFit will announce a new workout every week for 5 weeks. That will become our Competition WOD for Fridays. Additionally, on Saturday and Sunday people will have the opportunity to do it if you couldn't make it in on Friday each week.
Now in order to participate, you must register, and you can do that at games.crossfit.com . For $20, it's well worth the money, just for the opportunity.
So check it out. Get registered. And join CFNA's team once you register. We're REARIN' to go!
Warm Up
7 Minutes
Box Jump Ladder (12, 16, 20, 24, 20, 16, 12)
Agility Ladder (Plastic Rings layed out, small broad jumps through)
Bear Crawl Down
10 one legged side to side hops (right)
High Knee Skip Back
10 one legged side to side hops (left)
Side Shuffle Down
Side Shuffle Back (facing opposite direction)
Handstand Kick Ups
Pull Ups (with band across low squat rack)
10 Minute AMRAP
2 Pull Ups
4 Handstand Kick Ups
8 KB Swings
Salmon Steak
Prep time: 15 minutes
- 2 6-oz. salmon steaks (a normal portion size for meat and fish is 3 oz.)
- coconut oil
- Preheat the broiler. Cover the broiling pan with aluminum foil and lightly grease the foil with oil.
- Place the steaks on the pan and broil the salmon for 5 minutes. Turn the steaks carefully and broil the other side for 4 to 5 minutes or until the fish is firm but still springy and a bit translucent in the center.
- Serve immediately topped with the sauce of your choice.
Serves: 2
Serving size: 1 salmon steak
Nutritional analysis (per serving):
350 calories
34 g protein
20 g fat
114 mg sodium
0 mg calcium
34 g protein
20 g fat
114 mg sodium
0 mg calcium
Variations and suggestions:
This recipe can easily be doubled to serve 4. Salmon freezes well if prepared properly. Freeze each piece separately, wrapped first in plastic and then in aluminum foil to preserve freshness and facilitate defrosting.
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
3 Rounds
100m Row
1 Rope Climb
5 Deadlifts
10 Push Ups
Are You Open?
You know how your wife/husband mom/dad asks you to do something with them and you think it is silly, stupid, boring, etc etc..., but you do it anyway because you know how much it means to them...? The cool part is if you keep an "Open" mind you can actually get enjoyment out of it.... In the long run you actually end up being a better person, a more well rounded person and your relationship becomes so much stronger. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you better Man/Woman up and do something awesome for someone close to you and you better do it QUICK!!!!
The Open is what CrossFit is all about. The Open is so very important to us CrossFitters and the Open means a ton to CrossFit New Albany. By partaking in the Open you are putting a big smile on the face of CrossFitters around the world but most importantly all of us here at CFNA.
It is our opportunity to be a part of the entire world, to compete with the entire world, to compete with the best in the world.
It is our opportunity to share something special with those around us, an opportunity to become better alongside those people whom we see every day.
It is our opportunity to truly see what we are capable of and a glimpse into what our true potential really is!
We're very lucky to be CrossFitters but so much more lucky to get an opportunity to compete alongside one another for 5 weeks testing our level of fitness.
Anyone who doesn't want to or think the Open is necessary is basically lying to themselves and denying those around them a full level of satisfaction. They're taking the easy way out, the way that gives them the excuse to not try that hard and to not have to accept failure. I know, it is our way of living now. Sad but true :(
The problem is that by not doing it, that is a failure. It is like going to a dance and standing on the sideline the entire night.
We're all dancing and you're there so you might as well let loose, have some fun because nobody is judging you (well actually they are but in a good way).
Everyone is capable of doing the Open (all of you are actually doing it in class anyway). If you're under the impression that you are not a CrossFitter then you are mistaken. Everyone is a CrossFitter, even if they haven't CrossFitted yet! Our Functional Fitness class did a 12 minute AMRAP today of KB swings, Burpees and Sit ups(that is totally CrossFit).
I have heard people make 100 excuses to not do the Open and yet they have no issue doing a 5k, speeding up to merge in ahead of another car, interview for a job, go and talk to a guy at a bar, etc etc etc. Life is a competition, might as well join in and crush it!
The Open is just that, open to anyone and everyone (as long as they have $20) no matter their level of fitness. It is an amazing test showing us our current level. A test that gives that extra little boost each year to drive us to be better.
It is so easy to go through the motions to not push that extra in order to get a few more reps and it is easy to not hold yourself or the person next to you accountable. Some of you/us don't know what it feels like to push beyond to do all the reps perfectly, really truly pushing yourself to the limits of your current fitness level.
The Open is an amazing experience because you get to see/know how much more you really are capable of. It allows us to reach to new heights and reap the rewards today and into our future.
All 3 levels will do the Open here and it doesn't matter if you're 5 years old, 80 years old or the fittest person in the world. It doesn't matter who you are, all that matters is that you are making this place, yourself and everything else a better place because of it.
Over the 5 weeks of the Open you will see people doing the WOD's in route to becoming the fittest person or team in the world, you will see people doing it for the first time with no idea of what is going on, you'll see people shooting to improve over last year's standing, you'll see people so happy to compete no matter the result, you'll see people do things they've never done before, etc etc etc.
We have been blessed with an amazing opportunity, one that we don't want anyone to miss out on because we know just how amazing of an experience it is for all.
Please come join us in getting better and having a blast while doing it!
Warm Up
6 Minutes
5 Medball Squat Cleans
5 Burpees Medball Jump Overs
Barn Sprint
Facing Front Squats
*light bar or pvc facing as close as possible to ensure elbows up
alternate rounds.
resting partner holds front rack position
2 Rounds
1 Min each station
1 Min rest at end of each round
Front Squats
Box Jumps
Sit Ups
What's In A Nutrition Label?
It’s time to watch out for the sneaky stuff and AVOID IT. Lots and Lots and LOTS of things that you usually buy at the store have sneaky additives and preservatives in them. Have no fear! Here’s a handy list of words you might not know and what they mean.
Things that are bad:
1) Potassium Sorbate. This is a preservative, and according to Wikipedia most of it is artificially produced and is not natural.
2) Weird words followed by “gum” (Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan Gum, etc.). This stuff is a thickening agent, made from various types of beans/plants. It’s highly processed and definitely not found in Grandma’s kitchen.
3) Any ingredient whose name is a color or number or dye. For example, Red Dye 40. I’ve never seen that stuff growing in my garden. Definitely not natural.
4) Any “Lecithin” ingredient. Usually you’ll see “soy lecithin” and the soy should tip you off right away that it’s bad. This is made from animal or plant fatty tissue but is highly processed.
5) Things ending in “-ose” like Sucrose, Dextrose, Glucose, Sucralose, Fructose, Lactose, Xylose, etc.These are all names for sugar. Though some of them occur naturally in foods – especially fruits – if it’s listed on the ingredient label, it has been added to the food. Hence, it’s an additive and not healthy.
6) Sweeteners with sneaky names, including: maltodextrin, aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium, saccharin, sorbitol, xylitol, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, mogrosides, maltitol, erythritol, cyclamate, and inulin. Yep, sugar is sneaky. Don’t let it trick you!
7) Pretty much any other ingredient you can’t identify or pronounce. When in doubt, skip it and go for fresh real food!
Warm Up
5 Minutes
Bear Crawl Race D&B
*The half of class that finishes first gets to rest,
the second half of the class owes 10 Burpees each
"Put 'Em Up"
3 Rounds for max time
Make a big circle with arms in the air. A medball is passed
around the circle with the person who has the ball having to show
full extension before passing the ball along. All arms must stay
above the head and the ball cannot drop below head level.
Max L-Hold
:20 Sit Ups
8 Minute AMRAP
Ascending Ladder
Hollow Rocks
Lunge Jumps
Kids classes are rocking with consistent big turnouts at every class! We thank you for the support and we love the enthusiasm your children have been bringing to the gym. With bigger classes does come a little added responsibility for everyone. If you are early to class please observe the same rules as the adult class, kids should wait in the front room/lobby area until the it is time for class to start. We will then go as one big group over to the barn side of the gym and begin class. I know it is tempting to want to play with all the awesome equipment we have, but the last thing anyone wants is someone to get hit with a weight while the regular class is going on. See you tomorrow for another day of fun!
Warm Up
5 Rounds
5 Push Ups
5 Broad Jumps
5 Squats
5 Broad Jumps
Skill #1
Medball Cleans
WOD #1
3 Rounds
5 Med Ball Cleans
10 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups
20 Medball Squats
Skill #2
KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
WOD #2
3 Rounds
20 Air Squats
10 Dips
5 DB Push Press
Exercise Is Wise
You've probably heard countless times how exercise is "good for you." But did you know that it can actually help you feel good, too? Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and even help improve your mood.
Rewards and Benefits
Experts recommend that teens get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. Here are some of the reasons:
- Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.Exercising causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy. Exercise can help some people sleep better. It can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal — like beating an old time in the 100-meter dash.
- Exercising can help you look better. People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don't. In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight.
- Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person's risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases, which used to be found mostly in adults, are becoming more common in teens.
- Exercise can help a person age well. This may not seem important now, but your body will thank you later. Women are especially prone to a condition called osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones) as they get older. Studies have found that weight-bearing exercise — like jumping, running, or brisk walking — can help girls (and guys!) keep their bones strong.
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
DB Snatch
10 Minute AMRAP
2 Barn Runs
Max DB Snatch
*switch occurs after 2 barn runs
Medical Myth
No doctor has ever healed an illness or a disease. No drug has ever healed an illness or a disease. The only thing that can heal an illness or a disease is your body. Your body is the miracle. There are no incurable disease. What can’t be healed is incurable attitudes!
Your body will heal itself if you stop giving it information it can’t understand and start giving it information it CAN understand. The only information your body is designed to understand is correct bio-chemical nutrition also known as QUALITY FOOD. Stop looking for the quick fix and start with the basics… what you’re putting into your body day in and day out.
Your body will heal itself if you stop giving it information it can’t understand and start giving it information it CAN understand. The only information your body is designed to understand is correct bio-chemical nutrition also known as QUALITY FOOD. Stop looking for the quick fix and start with the basics… what you’re putting into your body day in and day out.
– Dr. William J Yarwood, D.C.
Warm Up
Teams of 4
Plank Hold
Air Squats
3 Barn Runs
*Runner taps the situp person when finished and the team rotates through the exercises.
Rope Climbs
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Cleans
10 Box Jumps
1 Rope Climb
Just Be A Kid!
Natural Movement Is Efficient
Many of the movements that athletes and olympic weight lifters perform are centered around the idea of moving a weight or their body in the most efficient manner possible. It’s no coincidence that efficiency is also key to natural movement, because it is efficiency that allows one to to generate the maximum necessary force while using the minimum amount of energy. In a nutshell, that is the recipe for survival in a harsh environment.
There are many ways to climb a tree if you find that you need to do so. If you are strong, you can probably just haul yourself up by your arms. If you have some spare time, perhaps you can build a platform of rocks to stand on so you can reach the tree limb. However, if you are being chased by a pack of wolves, time or brute force may be luxuries you can’t afford.
You don’t want to take too long to reach safety, and you don’t want to wear yourself out if you are unsure how long you will be without help. The solution is to use efficient movement to leverage your body’s strength and momentum to swing yourself up into the tree.
Natural Movement Is Situational
While much of civilization is rendered sedentary through a lifestyle of convenience, there is still a lot of movement going on. From lifting boxes, to crawling under the bed to get storage bins, to chasing after the dog when he runs out of the house. Being able to move gracefully and effortlessly in all capacities makes maneuvering through the world we inhabit all that much easier.
Situations that may seem quite mundane like jumping out of your truck are enhanced when one performs the movement through the filter of natural movement principles. Just getting out of a car is an every day activity, but actually one of the biggest causes of sudden back pain for people. Natural movement transfers to these situational needs because it is practical by nature, and not limited to obscure scenarios or equipment.
Natural movement might seem like play, but that really makes sense if you think about it. Children play and do what comes to them naturally, they don’t subscribe to convention until they get older and are educated by society. If you want to feel what the core of natural movement is about, remember what it was like to be a child, running around and exploring the world outside your door. Go act like a kid again!
Warm Up
Max Ring Rows
Max Push Ups
Max L Hold
Max Box Dips
Floor Press & Wipe
2 barn runs
3 rope pull-ups
5 box jumps
7 squats
'Hoop Shoot'
Kids will be divided up into equal teams of 3-4.
There will be 3 cones in a line
Kids can choose where to shoot from
farthest cone = 3 points
middle cone = 2 points
closest cone = 1 point
Kids must shoot from behind the cone into a box turned upside down like a hoop.
If the ball makes it, they get the number of points corresponding with the cone they are standing next to.
Each game last 2-3 minutes. Winning team gets to choose exercise for other teams to do. The reps will equal the number of points the winning team scored.
Hope For Kenya
CrossFit makes people better, and through Hope for Kenya, Crossfit is reaching beyond the barbells and med balls to find solutions, create opportunities and inspire change for generations to come.
CrossFit Inc. is committed to making people's lives better in the 250 square-mile rural area surrounding Mombasa, Kenya. Education, food, and water are three major needs for the population in this area. Through the efforts of many Crossfit gym affiliates, help is being provided to the people of Kenya to commit to, and invest in, improving their own conditions. No handouts are provided. By creating realistic, self-sustaining solutions to specific problems, Kenyans are enabled to stand strong for generations to come.
Warm Up
Push Ups
Barn Sprints
Rope Climbs
Pull Ups
12 Minute AMRAP
50 Squats
30 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups (Jumping, Banded or Rope Pullups OK)
In a circle -teacher whispers word to child on the right, each child passes it on. If it comes back the same then kids do victory lap. If word comes back to teacher wrong then class does 5 burpees.
CrossFit Inc. is committed to making people's lives better in the 250 square-mile rural area surrounding Mombasa, Kenya. Education, food, and water are three major needs for the population in this area. Through the efforts of many Crossfit gym affiliates, help is being provided to the people of Kenya to commit to, and invest in, improving their own conditions. No handouts are provided. By creating realistic, self-sustaining solutions to specific problems, Kenyans are enabled to stand strong for generations to come.
Warm Up
Push Ups
Barn Sprints
Rope Climbs
Pull Ups
12 Minute AMRAP
50 Squats
30 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups (Jumping, Banded or Rope Pullups OK)
In a circle -teacher whispers word to child on the right, each child passes it on. If it comes back the same then kids do victory lap. If word comes back to teacher wrong then class does 5 burpees.
Pep Talk
If life's a game, who's on your team? Who can you call on not matter what?
If wanted to follow a dream, go on an adventure, or take a crazy risk, who could you count on to back you up?
The team might be bigger than you think. I recently went through and thought about all the people in my life. For me, the people I would want on my team who have touched me, shown up as amazing, creative, powerful people, or people that I felt connected to through my experience in life's journey. It took me about 45 minutes. And I chose almost everyone.
It was an amazing moment to discover that in the background of my life there is a team of people that I could call on that I could at least count on to LISTEN to an idea and point me in a direction if they couldn't be a part of it.
Who is on your team? Is it bigger than you know?
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
5 Rounds
100m Row
10 Thrusters
5 Pull Ups
If wanted to follow a dream, go on an adventure, or take a crazy risk, who could you count on to back you up?
The team might be bigger than you think. I recently went through and thought about all the people in my life. For me, the people I would want on my team who have touched me, shown up as amazing, creative, powerful people, or people that I felt connected to through my experience in life's journey. It took me about 45 minutes. And I chose almost everyone.
It was an amazing moment to discover that in the background of my life there is a team of people that I could call on that I could at least count on to LISTEN to an idea and point me in a direction if they couldn't be a part of it.
Who is on your team? Is it bigger than you know?
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
5 Rounds
100m Row
10 Thrusters
5 Pull Ups
Warm Up
Focus: Proper Mountain Climbers
*foot all the way up to hand
Drill: 3 Minutes
Run around crazy until trainer says "stop" then drop and do 6 perfect mountain climbers.
Knees To Elbows
Skill WOD
3 Knees To Elbows
5 Medball Push Press
"Top of the Mountain"
Climb the tower of boxes to the top of the 30" and do 3 celebratory Air Squats at the top, then descend back down the other side.
(Bumper plate, 12", 16". 20, 24. 30, 24, 20, 16, 12, bumper)
3 Minute AMRAP
3 KB Swings
3 Box Jumps
I was watching the Super Bowl the other night, and I got to thinking about momentum. Why did it take something like the power outage in the SuperDome to wake up the 49ers? It was incredible, they were like a completely different team... literally out of nowhere. The energy and momentum of the game swung so far over in their favor, Baltimore was lucky that they had a 3 touchdown lead!
Did they have that inside of them all the time? If so, why couldn't they access it? It's not like they weren't getting breaks during which they could turn it around, they didn't do it at the first quarter break, or at halftime. So what was it that was so special and unique about the power outage that caused this to happen. Was it that it was unexpected? Was it that it was 35 minutes? Or was it the power outage at all - was that just a coincidence, and San Fran was coming back regardless?
I'd love to know what you think... wouldn't it be awesome if we were able to access this sort of power. To be responsible for change in momentum or direction because of something you shift in yourself. I mean, an 'Act of God' never hurt either - but those are far less frequent, and out of your control to make happen.
What if a change in momentum was within any of us to create? And what if that lead to a change in how other people responded to everyday situations for the better. Would everyone be friendlier, happier, work harder. Seems quite possible to me. So try to start initiating your own changes in momentum for yourself and those around you.
Warm Up
1 Barn Run
10 Air Squats
2 Barn Runs
9 Air Squats
3 Barn Runs
8 Air Squats
4 Barn Runs
7 Air Squats
5 Barn Runs
6 Air Squats
1 Deadlift
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
10 Rounds
:20 Max Reps Squat Snatch
:20 Rest
:20 Max Reps Burpees
:20 Rest
Are You In Crossfit Kids Yet?
Well what are you waiting for?!
CrossFit Kids is the principal strength and conditioning program for many young athletes and the primary P.E. program for many schools. It is the choice of many parents that want their kids to grow up healthy, strong and have a life long love of working out thus avoiding the common problems associated with childhood inactivity and obesity.
Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Healthy living requires that our kids push, pull, run, throw, climb, lift, jump, effectively and safely regardless of whether or not they play athletics. Our goal is to have a blast and help your child move better.
The CrossFit Kids program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for 4 year olds and elite high school athletes. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. The needs of our second graders and our high schooler differ by degree not kind.
Warm Up
3 Rounds of EMOM
3 Minutes each round
10 Push Ups
Max Sit Ups Rest of Minute
10 Air Squats
Max Mountain Climbers Rest of Minute
1 Minute of Rollovers To Toe Touch
5 Minutes
4 Pistols (2 Each Leg)
8 Jumping Lunges
12 Sit Ups
5 Mins
1 Handstand Attempt
5 Ball Slams
5 Burpees
CrossFit Kids is the principal strength and conditioning program for many young athletes and the primary P.E. program for many schools. It is the choice of many parents that want their kids to grow up healthy, strong and have a life long love of working out thus avoiding the common problems associated with childhood inactivity and obesity.
Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Healthy living requires that our kids push, pull, run, throw, climb, lift, jump, effectively and safely regardless of whether or not they play athletics. Our goal is to have a blast and help your child move better.
The CrossFit Kids program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for 4 year olds and elite high school athletes. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs. The needs of our second graders and our high schooler differ by degree not kind.
Warm Up
3 Rounds of EMOM
3 Minutes each round
10 Push Ups
Max Sit Ups Rest of Minute
10 Air Squats
Max Mountain Climbers Rest of Minute
1 Minute of Rollovers To Toe Touch
5 Minutes
4 Pistols (2 Each Leg)
8 Jumping Lunges
12 Sit Ups
5 Mins
1 Handstand Attempt
5 Ball Slams
5 Burpees
Who Is Your Superhero?
For the past 4 years, Crossfit has been a huge part of my life. The changes across the board for me have been amazing and the great part is the changes keep coming. Crossfit isn't something that you will plateau with and stop getting results, both physically and mentally. It is a new challenge every single day. The best part is that working out is a blast. I just wish I had found it sooner. If we had been doing Crossfit as a kid, imagine how much more beastly we would be than we already are! ;) If you have been doing Crossfit, consider the gains both physically and mentally that have been made within the last year. Now imagine 10+ years of growing up with Crossfit in your life. Get your kids signed up now and they won't have to imagine. Yes we work hard, but when you are running around being a goofball with a pack of kids it is straight up fun!
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
Medball Clean & Jerk
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