If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
Sport vs. CrossFit Kids
This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.
Honey Sesame Chicken
3.5 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
½ cup fresh ginger, minced
½ cup fresh cilantro, rough chop
2 tbsp. tamari, shoyu soy sauce, or coconut aminos
2 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. sesame oil, toasted or raw
½ tbsp. white sesame seeds
½ tbsp. black sesame seeds
1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and marinate for 30
minutes or up to 24 hours.
2. Heat a large, non-stick sauté pan over high heat.
3. Place chicken breasts in the pan, and sear for approximately 2 minutes on each side.
Your goal is to achieve a caramelized outer, which will be
dark brown in color. The goal is to achieve a flavorful crust.
4. Remove chicken and eat immediately!
Warm Up
100m Farmer Carry
Monkey Bars
1 Minute Plank Hold
10 Air Squats
Max OH Bumper Plate Hold
1 Minute DB Front Rack Hold
100m Run
50 Tire/Box Jumps while partner does a farmer carry hold
40 DB Swings while partner does a front rack hold
30 Burpees while partner does an OH Hold
20 Thrusters while partner hangs from the pullup bar
10 Pullups while partner does a plank hold
*Each person does all reps before moving onto next movement.
Reps only count while partner is active in their hold.
Send yourself a message
What if you could write yourself a letter or email and have it delivered in the future? What would you tell yourself? Would it be useful? Would you remind yourself of the good things going on in your life, or the bad? Or would you just say what it is? How do you think your future self would benefit from the information? Would you use it to set short term or long term goals? Would you tell yourself what to do? Would you send one forward a month, 6 months, a year, or longer?
Those are some of the questions I was asking myself when I came across this site - www.futureme.org. It's a site on which you can compose yourself an email today to send to yourself sometime in the future. I just wrote an email to myself for delivery in about 6 months that has my goals for crossfit on it. I think I'm also going to use it to send my short term goals to myself , so that I can see exactly how I've done. I know there are probably as many ways to use this as there are people, so I'm curious - how would YOU use such a tool?
Warm Up
5 Mins
*1 DB per athlete
Goblet Squat
DB Swing
Jump and Touch (target on pullup bar)
5 Rounds for max reps
Floor Press
Pull Ups
Death By
Burpee lateral jump over parallette
*when cut off rest 1 minute and run 4-100m runs.
Forging The Future Of Fitness
Crossfit Kids should be the primary strength and conditioning program for your young athletes. More and more it is becoming the primary P.E program for schools. It is used by athletic teams, martial arts schools and many parents who want their kids to grow up healthy, strong, and have a life long love of working out thus avoiding the common problems associated with child inactivity and obesity.
Warm Up
:30 Box Dip Hold at top
25 Hollow Situps
:20 High Plank Hold
15 Box/ Tire Dips
10 Push Ups
5 Hollow Rocks
Max Hollow Hold
5 Mins
Freestanding Handstands (Spotters)
5 Mins
Wall Ball
:20 on/ :10 off for 4 cycles of each
1 Minute Rest between each movement
Pullups (Bands or Jumping ok)
Push Ups
Air Squats
Box/ Tire Dips
Box/ Tire Jumps
10m Runs
Warm Up
:30 Box Dip Hold at top
25 Hollow Situps
:20 High Plank Hold
15 Box/ Tire Dips
10 Push Ups
5 Hollow Rocks
Max Hollow Hold
5 Mins
Freestanding Handstands (Spotters)
5 Mins
Wall Ball
:20 on/ :10 off for 4 cycles of each
1 Minute Rest between each movement
Pullups (Bands or Jumping ok)
Push Ups
Air Squats
Box/ Tire Dips
Box/ Tire Jumps
10m Runs
Making Your Way Through The Lunchroom
What's everyone's favorite period? Lunch, what else? But with foods like tacos, pizza, or cheeseburgers staring you in the face when you're at your most hungry, it can be hard to make healthy choices.
Here are some tricks to choosing foods that will keep you focused and active throughout the day — as well as help you grow and develop throughout the school year:
- Get a copy of the menu. If your cafeteria provides a weekly or monthly menu, check it out. Knowing what's on the menu puts you in control: You can pick and choose which days you want to buy lunch and when you want to bring your own.
- Head for the salad bar. If your school offers a salad bar, take advantage. If you'd rather pack, consider adding carrot sticks, or a piece of fresh fruit to your lunch bag.
- Think energy. Some foods are better choices than others for maintaining energy during the day. Choose low-fat proteins, like chicken, or yogurt and add lots of fruits and veggies to your meal. They'll provide the vitamins and minerals you need and the energy to get through the day. Foods that have a lot of simple carbohydrates, like breads, sugary snacks, donuts, or french fries may give you a quick rush of energy but it's not sustainable — which means you'll be left wanting more soon after you eat. The same is true of drinks filled with caffeine or sugar. You don't have to cut these out entirely — just enjoy them in moderation.
- Stop for a snack. You can't concentrate or absorb new knowledge without a well-fed mind and body. So take along a healthy snack, like carrot sticks or trail mix, to stave off hunger between classes (don't munch during class, though, or you may face a reprimand!). Not only will this keep you going, it will also help you avoid overeating when mealtime finally arrives.
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
10 Mins
Push Press
3 Rounds
100m Sprint
6 Cleans
6 Push Press
12 Burpees
Back To School
After a summer of sleeping in or doing things on your time, the alarm bell announcing that first day of school can be a rude awakening. Heading back to school signals a time of transition: new classes, new teachers, new schedules, and a new social scene. Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Here are some ways to make the transition from summer to school a little easier.
Here's a simple equation: new place = new emotions. Lots of people feel anxious or excited about school. This is perfectly normal on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routine and adjusting to new workloads takes some getting used to after a long summer break. If you're having a mental meltdown, think back to some previous "first days." Everything probably settled down pretty quickly once you got into the routine.
Meeting new people or getting reacquainted with classmates was always one of my favorite parts of the new school year. Try saying hello to one or two new people a day, the kid at the desk next to yours in homeroom is a good place to start. Or ask new people to sit with you in the cafeteria. Take the time to introduce yourself to your teacher before or after class. Having a good relationship with your teacher is huge. Try not to fall behind. If you feel yourself falling behind and starting to feel frustrated, let your teachers know. It's better to get help early on than to wait and think you can ace the final if you spend a few nights cramming. Almost everyone struggles with a particular subject or class. If you're having trouble with a particular subject or homework project, ask your teacher for extra help after class. Taking a few minutes to address the problem right away can save time later, and if your teacher knows that you're struggling with something, he or she is likely to be more understanding of the situation.
Meeting new people or getting reacquainted with classmates was always one of my favorite parts of the new school year. Try saying hello to one or two new people a day, the kid at the desk next to yours in homeroom is a good place to start. Or ask new people to sit with you in the cafeteria. Take the time to introduce yourself to your teacher before or after class. Having a good relationship with your teacher is huge. Try not to fall behind. If you feel yourself falling behind and starting to feel frustrated, let your teachers know. It's better to get help early on than to wait and think you can ace the final if you spend a few nights cramming. Almost everyone struggles with a particular subject or class. If you're having trouble with a particular subject or homework project, ask your teacher for extra help after class. Taking a few minutes to address the problem right away can save time later, and if your teacher knows that you're struggling with something, he or she is likely to be more understanding of the situation.
Get a wall calendar or personal planner. Mark the dates of midterms, finals, and other tests. Note the due dates of term papers, essays, and other projects as they are assigned. List any other time commitments you have, like basketball practice or play rehearsals. When your calendar starts to fill, learn to say no to additional activities until things calm down.
Paying attention in class can actually pay off in the long run. Sure, it's often easier said than done, but actively listening and taking notes during lectures can make recalling information easier when it comes time to study and remember things.
If you take notes and review them before class begins (or while studying for an exam), you can ask a teacher to go over anything you don't understand. It can also be helpful to go over notes with a friend after class. Learning good note-taking skills now will pay off when you get to high school and help put you ahead of the curve when college comes around, when good lecture notes are key to studying and doing well.
Good luck to everyone, have a blast and we will be excited to hear about your first days of school the next time you're in for class!
Warm Up
3 Rounds
10 Pushups on Parallettes
20 Air Squats
30 Lateral Jumps over Parallette
10-15 Mins
L-Sits on Parallettes
Headstands to Handstands (Freestanding or against wall,
try parallettes if individual athlete is stong on the floor)
Hip and Shoulder Mobility (can divide into 2 groups and rotate back and forth with the handstands)
Partner 15-20 Min AMRAP
8 ring dips (use boxes under feet)
16 knees-to-elbows
24 burpees
32 GHD situps
40 wall ball
48 walking lunges
56 DB swings
64 air squats
800 m run (100m increments)
*1 athlete working at a time, both athletes combine to complete the
specified number of reps.
Yum Trees
Palm trees, pine trees, whatever kind of trees you want—just
make them and eat them. These trees are made with quality
ingredients and can be eaten by both kids and parents.
1 medium-sized sweet potato
1 green bell pepper
10 cherry tomatoes
Coconut oil
1. Slice sweet potato length-wise into wedges, leaving a little
skin (trunk) on each piece.
2. In a large frying pan, heat coconut oil on medium heat.
Add sweet-potato wedges and cook for approximately
15 minutes, until potatoes are soft.
3. While potatoes are cooking, chop tomatoes in half and
slice green pepper length-wise into four pieces. Remove
seeds and slice width-wise into small slices.
4. Sauté green peppers in the same pan as potatoes to give a
sun-kissed look.
5. Plate your trees as you
like: potatoes become
the trunks, peppers
become the leaves, and
tomatoes become the
6. Serve and enjoy.
Warm Up
Musical Chairs with Tires (Tire Flips to get the tires lined up in a straight line)
*The trainer chooses a movement to do in a circle around the tires ie Jog, jog backward, lunge, frog hop, high knees, etc. At the call of STOP, everyone must sit on a tire. The person left without a tire is out.
Tire Flip Shuttle Races (Just the first 2 lines of our shuttle course outside)
10 Mins
5 Turkish Get Ups
25 Lateral Jumps
50m DB Farmer Carry
10 DB Hang Cleans
50m DB Overhead Carry
10 DB Push Press
*3 Burpee penalty on the spot every time the weight is put down on the Farmer Carry and Overhead Carry.
How's Your Nutrition?
Are you coming to the FREE Nutrition Seminar on Saturday evening at 6pm?! It is being hosted by our very own Dr. Brandon and Samantha Shriner of Revive Chiropractic. They just recently opened their practice in Lewis Center. Many of our members have been in and learned a ton about their bodies and already seen improvement in their performance in the gym and overall health. They are awesome people and know a ton about nutrition. They will be discussing a variety of topics about nutrition. I'm excited to learn some new things and make adjustments to my diet that will help me be a healthier person overall. Nutrition is so so important and this is something that will definitely benefit your kids as well as you. Feel free to bring them, but you should atleast show up and pass on and practice some of the information that you will gain. Check them out online!
Warm Up
10 Mins
Empty Sled Pull Races
3 Rounds
5 Hang Snatch
10 GHD Situps
4 Hang Snatch
8 Wall Ball
100m Run
Something To Think About
Because of the widespread availability of unhealthy foods today, teaching children to delay gratification when they are young could help their abilities to make healthy choices later in life. Body Mass Index or BMI which is a measure of body fatness was studied in a group of young children and then about 3 decades later in these same children. Those that resisted temptations (marshmallows, candy) or chose healthier treats (fruits, yogurt) were much thinner and had lower BMI's 3 decades later. The part of the brain associated with self-control is the prefrontal lobe, which doesn't fully develop until age 25, which suggests that self-control can be learned during childhood and into adulthood. The ability to resist temptation does only go so far though. So not having a ton of unhealthy foods readily available in the house is the best way to go. If kids grow up without being offered unhealthy sweets all the time, they will develop better habits that will carry over into adulthood.
Warm Up
3 Rounds
Monkey Bars
Bear Crawl Down
2 Forward Rolls
Crab Walk Back (Hips Up)
50m Karaoke
50m High Knee Skip
3 Rounds
5 Deadlift (Angry Gorilla Back)
1 Rope Climb
100m Sprint
5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift
1-2-3-4-5 Pullup
Game (time permitting)
Jump The Creek
Warm Up
3 Rounds
Monkey Bars
Bear Crawl Down
2 Forward Rolls
Crab Walk Back (Hips Up)
50m Karaoke
50m High Knee Skip
3 Rounds
5 Deadlift (Angry Gorilla Back)
1 Rope Climb
100m Sprint
5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift
1-2-3-4-5 Pullup
Game (time permitting)
Jump The Creek
Healthy Habits
This article was in the USA Today last week.
Nutrition-centered day care helps shape kids' habits
Two-year-old Wesley Huisman doesn't care where his lunch comes from when he's hungry. He just wants to eat. But with about three-fourths of children ages 2 to 6 in the United States spending large parts of each day in day care, what young children eat while mom and dad are away should be a big deal to their parents.
It certainly is to Huisman's mother, Kristi Hill, who has brought the toddler to Amy & Kids Co. Family Child Care in Appleton, Wis., since he was 12 weeks old. "We were very pleased to find that Amy focuses on organic and healthy foods," said Hill, who feeds her son those same foods at home. A study of child care programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota recently found that many children learn food and nutrition attitudes and preferences in child care. Good habits, they discovered, start early. "The schools have to start out with one hand tied behind their backs when a child starts school already thinking that Pop Tarts are breakfast and that pop is what you drink at lunch," said Susan Nitzke, cooperative extension nutrition specialist and professor emerita at the University of Wisconsin. Nitzke and colleague Dave Riley, an expert on child development and early education for Cooperative Extension and a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, wrote Rethinking Nutrition: Connecting Science and Practice in Early Childhood Settings. The book combines the science of childhood nutrition and the practices of good child-care programs that affect a child's nutrition and development. Nearly a quarter of U.S. children between the ages of 2 and 5 are overweight or obese. The rate is 17% for all children and adolescents in the country — triple the rate from one generation ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Federal help
Nutrition is a big piece of the pie at Faith Child Care. The nondenominational Christian center, which has been operating for 23 years, averages about 67 children ages 6 weeks to 11 in the summer. Kids are served breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack as part of the Children and Adult Care Food Program, a federal program that provides more than 3.2 million children and 112,000 adults with nutritious meals and snacks each day and reimburses participating day care centers for meal costs. Most child care providers in the country are part of this program. "We get audited every couple years," said Faith Child Care's administrative director, Sandy Amundson. "And at the end of each month, they look at our menus. We need to track point of service where every classroom that serves meals has to count the number of children that are there for that particular meal." Faith Child Care offers fresh fruit and vegetables, and whole grain and whole wheat products. It tries to steer clear of processed foods. The center's staff implemented Tasty Tuesdays to introduce healthier foods — such as hummus and yogurt-type dips — to children. Older kids tend a garden, where they grow cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and other veggies. Amy Nogar, who has operated Amy & Kids Co. Family Child Care from her Appleton home since October 1999, cares for seven children ages newborn to 5, including Huisman. She offers a mix of fresh foods and organic items, when she can, and determines the child care center's menu based on what's nutritious. "For me, we're (also) trying to do more with our family nutrition so it's important that I incorporate that also in the day care, " Nogar said. "We're going with whole grains. We're trying to avoid high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats. And serve a lot of veggies." Huisman's mother says her son is a healthier child because of the food he consumes at Amy & Kids, and the entire family pays more attention to nutrition because of Nogar's efforts. "Since going to Amy we're even healthier because she's introducing foods that my husband and I have gotten in the habit of not serving," Hill said.
Only organic
Mike Kesselhon, who owns Discover Little Miracles Child Care in Neenah, Wis., with his wife, Roxane, serves only organic food to children enrolled at the center. "We wanted to work with the kids in our center to develop the lifelong habit of not only eating organic foods and clean foods, but portioning the correct way and not overfeeding them," Kesselhorn said. What's been surprising, Kesselhon said, is the kids — ages 6 weeks to 12 years — are eating it up. "You would be surprised, if you go at it with the right attitude and promote it with the kids, they will try it and we usually end up with a winner." Kesselhon said the added cost of organic food is palatable. The monthly food bill at Discover Little Miracles is about $3,500. Without buying organic food, the center might save $750, he estimated. "We don't feel that's a big enough number to warrant not doing it. In other words, we're willing to absorb the cost of that against our bottom line for the benefit of the children."
Warm Up1 Lap
Group Shoulder Mobility
20 Arm Circles each direction
20 Backstrokes (Scooping Water) each direction
:20 High Plank Hold
:20 Side Plank (reach toward the sky, hips up) each side
5 Hollow Push Ups (nose to ground)
3 Chest to each hand pushups
:20 High Plank Hold
1 Lap
Jump The Creek
Headstand to freestanding handstand
5 Mins
DB Deadlift
DB Push Press
Sit Up
*Increase by 1 each round
The Heart
Did you know...Your heart is a muscle and exercise makes it stronger!
Warm Up
5 Mins
100m Run
3 Max Height Wall Ball
5 Tuck Jumps
7 Burpees
10 Sit Ups
5 Rounds
3 Thrusters with 1 DB
1 Wall Walk
3 Rounds
100m Run
7 Thrusters
11 Push Ups
Warm Up
5 Mins
100m Run
3 Max Height Wall Ball
5 Tuck Jumps
7 Burpees
10 Sit Ups
5 Rounds
3 Thrusters with 1 DB
1 Wall Walk
3 Rounds
100m Run
7 Thrusters
11 Push Ups
Flexibility in Crossfit Kids
Flexibility is defined as “the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint”. It is achieved through training that, once again, results in “measurable” changes in the body. To improve flexibility means to “increase range of motion, as well as increasing bone, ligament and joint stability“. Flexibility is an often overlooked aspect of physical fitnes
Warm Up
2 Rounds
100m Run
1 Rope Climb
10 Hollow Rocks
Max Dip Hold
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Sit Ups
5 Rounds
KB Deadlift
5 GHD Situps
2 Rounds
Max Rope Climbs in 2 Mins
Rest 2 Mins
Max Distance Row in 2 Mins
Rest 2 Mins
Max Time in an L-Sit on Parallettes
Rest 2 Mins
s. However, a lack thereof can hinder performance in every other general physical skill. CrossFit stresses flexibility both in relation to multiple movements and in terms of overall fitness.
A comprehensive CrossFit Kids program addresses flexibility training in each and every workout. In some cases the application will be a product of the movement, i.e. elbows up in a thruster or hips back in a squat. Other times we emphasize a specific area of flexibility, i.e. active stretching or various gymnastics movements.
Jump to Support on the rings, Tuck sits, L sits and progressions from parallettes, headstands, handstands, muscle ups, bear crawls, and crab walks are all incorporated to improve flexibility.
Flexibility, as much as any general physical skill, is an ongoing process rather than a static point of achievement. Consistent training offers marked improvement that is continuously countered by aging joints. We are helping our kids embark on a path that will allow them to bend and stretch beyond the years of those “freakishly” flexible (watch the contortions your kids achieve while watching TV) joints of childhood.
A comprehensive CrossFit Kids program addresses flexibility training in each and every workout. In some cases the application will be a product of the movement, i.e. elbows up in a thruster or hips back in a squat. Other times we emphasize a specific area of flexibility, i.e. active stretching or various gymnastics movements.
Jump to Support on the rings, Tuck sits, L sits and progressions from parallettes, headstands, handstands, muscle ups, bear crawls, and crab walks are all incorporated to improve flexibility.
Flexibility, as much as any general physical skill, is an ongoing process rather than a static point of achievement. Consistent training offers marked improvement that is continuously countered by aging joints. We are helping our kids embark on a path that will allow them to bend and stretch beyond the years of those “freakishly” flexible (watch the contortions your kids achieve while watching TV) joints of childhood.
Warm Up
2 Rounds
100m Run
1 Rope Climb
10 Hollow Rocks
Max Dip Hold
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Sit Ups
5 Rounds
KB Deadlift
5 GHD Situps
2 Rounds
Max Rope Climbs in 2 Mins
Rest 2 Mins
Max Distance Row in 2 Mins
Rest 2 Mins
Max Time in an L-Sit on Parallettes
Rest 2 Mins
Chicken Basil Meatloaf Muffins
Muffins made of meat!
2 lb. ground chicken
2 eggs, whisked
1 cup almond flour/meal
1 cup fresh basil, chopped
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp. onion powder
1 tsp. dried parsley
Salt and pepper, to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
3. Use your hands to make golf-ball-sized balls of ground
chicken mixture, then plop them into 20 silicone liners or
muffin liners in a muffin tin.
4. Bake 20-25 minutes or until there is no pink in the muffins
or they “give back” when you poke them.
Warm Up
10 Air Squats (end of gym by garage door)
Bear Crawl Down
10 Air Squats (end by pullup structure)
Bear Crawl Back
10 Dot Jumps outside
10 Pistols (Use something to hold onto if needed at that end of gym)
Crab Walk Down
10 Pistols
Crab Walk Back
Jump/Climb into and out of each of the tires outside
10 Minutes
Max L-sit or 3 attempts (Parallettes)
1/2 Shuttle Run (2 Parts-run to 3.2.1 Go mark and back then all the way to the end and back)
3x4:00 AMRAP
2 Min Rest between
6 Toes To Rope
6 Walking Lunges (L+R=1)
6 Knees To Elbow/Hanging Knee Tucks (Pullup Bar)
6 Burpees
1/2 Shuttle Run
Olympic champion Michael Phelps talks about staying focused on a goal, even when he doesn't feel like it.
Warm Up-2x
200m Run
Walking Knee Hugs To Dumpster
Walking Quad Stretch Back
10 Inch Worms
10 Spidey Lunges
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC Hang Snatches
10 Minutes
2 Hang Snatches (Only allowed to increase weight if both are perfect)
6 Handstand Shoulder Taps (3 Each)
Ball Slams
Box Dips
Warm Up-2x
200m Run
Walking Knee Hugs To Dumpster
Walking Quad Stretch Back
10 Inch Worms
10 Spidey Lunges
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC Hang Snatches
10 Minutes
2 Hang Snatches (Only allowed to increase weight if both are perfect)
6 Handstand Shoulder Taps (3 Each)
Ball Slams
Box Dips
Why Crossfit Kids?
CrossFit Kids is still kind of new. Some of you might say, why not just do sports. Some of you reading this might now even know what we do or why we do it. Well, let me tell you there are many reasons why CrossFit Kids is a awesome activity for your kid.
1. Kids need to move- it's a fact and part of growing up, kids need physical activity. We have way too many things in life that promote inactivity. So, we teach kids moving and and feel better.
2. It's FUN! It's actually a lot of fun. Many of our students don't really know that they are working out. They are having such a good time moving, laughing and playing that the "workout" doesn't seem like anything more than play.
3. Kids will get much more than improved fitness from CrossFit Kids. We use fitness as a method to teach about responsibility, commitment and self confidence. Each day your child comes here we challenge them. We challenge them to make them better, better kids and better people!
Warm Up
2 Rounds
10 Medball Ground To Overhead (Big Ball)
25m Sprint
25m Backpedal
50m Jog
Single Leg Hop Down
Opposite Single Leg Hop Back
10 Tire Jumps
10 Tire Dips
5 Rounds
:20 Handstand Hold
6 Pistols (3 Each Leg)
3 Rounds
200m Run
20 Ground To Overhead with Medball (Small Ball)
20 Box/Tire Jumps
1. Kids need to move- it's a fact and part of growing up, kids need physical activity. We have way too many things in life that promote inactivity. So, we teach kids moving and and feel better.
2. It's FUN! It's actually a lot of fun. Many of our students don't really know that they are working out. They are having such a good time moving, laughing and playing that the "workout" doesn't seem like anything more than play.
3. Kids will get much more than improved fitness from CrossFit Kids. We use fitness as a method to teach about responsibility, commitment and self confidence. Each day your child comes here we challenge them. We challenge them to make them better, better kids and better people!
Warm Up
2 Rounds
10 Medball Ground To Overhead (Big Ball)
25m Sprint
25m Backpedal
50m Jog
Single Leg Hop Down
Opposite Single Leg Hop Back
10 Tire Jumps
10 Tire Dips
5 Rounds
:20 Handstand Hold
6 Pistols (3 Each Leg)
3 Rounds
200m Run
20 Ground To Overhead with Medball (Small Ball)
20 Box/Tire Jumps
Women’s Firsts in the 2012 Olympics
So as many of you may know, there has been an ongoing struggle for equality with women and sports for the longest time. Today, finally after so many years, things are pretty equal. Unfortunately, there is still a struggle for complete equality that goes on. There was a triumphant revival to the modern-day Olympics in 1896 when it was declared, “All sports must be treated on the basis of equality.” The reason given as to why women weren’t allowed to compete in the first Olympic Games was that allowing women is “impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and incorrect." I guess they didn’t mean equality equality. Even the ancient Olympic Games added the Heraea Games in 6 BC for women athletes to compete in honor of the goddess Hera. This is not to say that the ancient Games were equal, but did we really have to start from scratch 2,300 years later?
Women were first allowed to compete in the 1900 Olympic Games in tennis and golf wearing long gowns. They wore long, wool garments when they were allowed to compete in swimming in 1912. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was possibly trying to drown them rather than keep them decent. In 1928, women competed in track and field events for the first time, but because of the "exhausted condition" of some of the women at the end of the 800 meter final, women’s track & field was dropped from the Olympic program until 1960. God forbid women should breathe hard and sweat at the end of competition.
Women have been tossed sports throughout the years ever since. The latest being: the introduction of women’s shooting events and the marathon in 1984, and then women’s judo in 1992. Women couldn’t compete in Olympic weightlifting or the hammer throw, which is still a sport until 2000. 2012 marks the first year women will compete in boxing at the Olympic level.
As we celebrate the thirtieth Olympic Games, we are still setting significant milestones for women in the Olympics. One hundred and sixteen years after the Games’ modern-day revival, we are still fighting to prove the legitimacy of women as athletes at every level. To our female crossfit kids and young girls out there everywhere, let's fight to prove what amazing athletes and individuals you all are!
Olympic Hopeful?
Warm Up
3 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Air Squats
100m Run
5 Broad Jumps
10 Dot Jumps
1 Rope Climb
3 Rounds
5 DB Swings
5 Wall Ball
2 Minutes Max DB Swings
8 Minute AMRAP
8 DB Swings
8 Wall Ball
8 Burpees
Women were first allowed to compete in the 1900 Olympic Games in tennis and golf wearing long gowns. They wore long, wool garments when they were allowed to compete in swimming in 1912. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was possibly trying to drown them rather than keep them decent. In 1928, women competed in track and field events for the first time, but because of the "exhausted condition" of some of the women at the end of the 800 meter final, women’s track & field was dropped from the Olympic program until 1960. God forbid women should breathe hard and sweat at the end of competition.
Women have been tossed sports throughout the years ever since. The latest being: the introduction of women’s shooting events and the marathon in 1984, and then women’s judo in 1992. Women couldn’t compete in Olympic weightlifting or the hammer throw, which is still a sport until 2000. 2012 marks the first year women will compete in boxing at the Olympic level.
As we celebrate the thirtieth Olympic Games, we are still setting significant milestones for women in the Olympics. One hundred and sixteen years after the Games’ modern-day revival, we are still fighting to prove the legitimacy of women as athletes at every level. To our female crossfit kids and young girls out there everywhere, let's fight to prove what amazing athletes and individuals you all are!
Olympic Hopeful?
Warm Up
3 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Air Squats
100m Run
5 Broad Jumps
10 Dot Jumps
1 Rope Climb
3 Rounds
5 DB Swings
5 Wall Ball
2 Minutes Max DB Swings
8 Minute AMRAP
8 DB Swings
8 Wall Ball
8 Burpees
As a kid, I know focusing isn't something that comes naturally. Especially when you are excited to come to the gym and "play" during our workouts. But focus and fun can go together and I think that by focusing the level of fun will actually increase. So we want everyone to make it a point to try it out.
Distractions are everywhere, pulling us off point, away from the things that mean the most to us in our lives. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just slap on a set of blinders, you know, like the ones that go on horses, to keep us looking forward, exactly where we need to go?
Maybe we can... through practice. Each time you walk into the gym, as you walk into the doors, go ahead and put on your blinders. Take all the things going on in the other parts of your life, especially the ones that are most pressing and stressful... and tuck them away - in a place that you can get back to when you're walking out the door. During that 60 minutes, practice being fully present, thinking only about what you need to do to get the most out of your training.
Go ahead. Use the gym to develop your set of blinders. Having this as a refined tool in your belt is something that will pay off in all walks of your life.
Warm Up
5 Minute AMRAP
3 Broad Jumps
2 Forward Rolls
50m High Knee Skip
10 Air Squats
50m Karaoke
5x3 Back Squat
*Air Squats if new or bad form, can have them hold a pvc on back
EMOM for 8 Mins
3 Pull Ups(MOD Jumping)
5 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
Distractions are everywhere, pulling us off point, away from the things that mean the most to us in our lives. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just slap on a set of blinders, you know, like the ones that go on horses, to keep us looking forward, exactly where we need to go?
Maybe we can... through practice. Each time you walk into the gym, as you walk into the doors, go ahead and put on your blinders. Take all the things going on in the other parts of your life, especially the ones that are most pressing and stressful... and tuck them away - in a place that you can get back to when you're walking out the door. During that 60 minutes, practice being fully present, thinking only about what you need to do to get the most out of your training.
Go ahead. Use the gym to develop your set of blinders. Having this as a refined tool in your belt is something that will pay off in all walks of your life.
Warm Up
5 Minute AMRAP
3 Broad Jumps
2 Forward Rolls
50m High Knee Skip
10 Air Squats
50m Karaoke
5x3 Back Squat
*Air Squats if new or bad form, can have them hold a pvc on back
EMOM for 8 Mins
3 Pull Ups(MOD Jumping)
5 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
Sweet Potato Volcano
Healthy food is always more fun when it looks like something
kids can identify with. These sweet potato volcanoes are fun
to build, bake and watch grow. Plus, they taste good, too! This
explosive mountain is packed full of carbohydrates and protein,
making it great for breakfast or as a post-workout snack.
2 medium-sized sweet potatoes
2 eggs
½ onion (sliced)
1 tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp. cinnamon
Onions can be subbed out for roasted red peppers, sun-dried
tomatoes or another topping of your choice.
1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
2. Slice the onion and cook in olive oil on low heat until brown
and tender (approximately 30 minutes or until onions are
3. While the onions are cooking, slice the sweet potatoes into
pieces about 2 inches wide. Microwave the sweet potatoes
until they are tender enough that you can scoop out the
insides (approximately 2 minutes).
4. Remove the potatoes from the microwave and cool. Once
they cool, use a melon baller or a small spoon to hollow
out each potato piece, using the larger end as the base. You
want to leave some potato (approximately ¼ inch thick) for
the base and around the edges. Save the potato insides
and put them in a separate bowl.
5. Beat the eggs in a clean bowl.
6. Line a cookie sheet with tin foil and place the potatoes with
the volcano side up. Fill them with the egg mixture and add
a small amount of the chopped onions into each volcano.
7. Bake for 12 to 16 minutes, until the egg is solid.
8. Mash the sweet potato insides with oil and cinnamon
and put a dollop on each of the volcanoes. Put them back in the
oven for 2 to 3 minutes or until the top is crisp.
9. Serve for breakfast or as an easy handheld snack.
Warm Up-2x
100m Run
1 Min Pigeon Pose
10 Tuck Jumps
1 Min Calf Stretch
10 Burpees
5x3 Back Squat
2 Rounds
400m Run
21 Sit Ups
21 Bicycles (L+R=1)
21 Back Squats (Empty Bar)
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