If you bought the GroupOn you simply need to bring it in to your first class (no need to register prior t0). The class schedule for the CrossFit Kids classes can be seen here "times".
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
The GroupOn is not for any classes other than the CrossFit Kids class and for ages 6-12. You do not need to reserve classes online but will simply fill out information on your first class and check marks at each class there after for your month voucher.
Some extra information on the program can be found "here"
Sport vs. CrossFit Kids
This program is so important because it teaches your kids how to take care of themselves now and in the future. Enable them to be healthy for the rest of their life.
Baggage Beasts
You’ve seen your bags heaved into the plane at the airport.
Now we have your kids slugging luggage for fitness!
Divide the class into two teams. Teams can be named
after airlines, such as Delta and United. The start position
is the 3.2.1.Go line and the turnaround point is the 50m mark.
Position the baggage for each team behind the start line, and
position a prowler for each team on the start line. Teams line up behind
the start line.
• 2 prowler sleds
• 2 25-lb. bumper plates
• 2 15-lb. bumper plates
• 2 10-lb. bumper plates
• 2 12-lb. medicine balls
• 2 of the lightest sandbags
Rules of Play
On 3-2-1 … go! teams form circles and begin passing the
“baggage” taken from the start position around as fast as
possible. Encourage kids to move fast and be carefree like
real baggage handlers (beasts).
All baggage must cycle five times around the circle, and
it’s OK for items to be dropped. Each team member must handle
each piece of equipment on its way around the circle.
Once the five passing cycles have been
completed, all items must be transported by the team to the
turnaround point in any manner and any amount. Load some of it
on the prowler, some can be hand carried. It has to be a weight that
the prowler can still be pushed. More than one person can help push.
More than one trip can be made. All equipment must end up behind
the 50m mark. As soon as that happens it will be transported back
in the same manner. The first team to have all baggage back to the
3.2.1.Go line along with the prowler wins!
Warm Up
"The Wave"
Kids will line up in a straight line with the first kid doing a squat, then the second kid right after and the third right after so on and so forth. Like the wave in a football stadium!
This is done continuously for squats, burpees and jumping jacks.
After every kid does 1 of each then round 2 has each kid doing 2 of each movement at a time, 3 of each for round 3 and so on.
The warmup lasts for 7 minutes.
Prowler Sled Push Races
"Baggage Beasts"
Feeling Experimental
How two eyes help you better judge where objects are.
- Five pennies
- Small paper cup or rinsed-out yogurt cup
- A table where you and a partner can sit
- Put a cup in front of your partner. It should be about 2 feet away from him or her.
- Ask your partner to close one eye.
- Hold one of the pennies in the air about 18 inches above the table. Move it around slowly.
- Tell your partner that you'll drop the penny whenever he or she says, "Drop it!" The idea is for your partner — with one eye closed — to judge when the penny is over the cup so the penny will drop into the cup.
- Give your partner five tries with one eye closed, then five tries with both eyes open. Which way worked best?
Warm Up
50 Box/Tire Jumps
40 Sit Ups
30 Walking Lunges
20 Burpees
10 DB Swings
100m Farmers Carry (DB's)
5 Rounds
5 Perfect Push Ups
50m Sprint
*Rest is walk back
2 4 Min AMRAPs
2 Min Rest between
5 DB Swings
4 Sit Ups
3 Push Ups
2 Air Squats
1 Handstand Kick Up/ Wall Walk
Musical Wagon Wheel
Equipment 4 jump ropes 2 medicine balls (or object of your choice) Cones Cone off a large, circular area for the kids to stay in. Lay two jump ropes down, one vertical and the other horizontal, having them each crossover in the middle. Lay the other two jump ropes down slightly diagonal so that you have created a “wagon wheel.” Put the medicine ball or object of your choice, in two of the sections divided by the jump ropes.
Have the kids spread out around the perimeter of the “wagon wheel.'“Turn on music and have the kids lunge around the 'spokes'. Turn off the music after 20 seconds or so and whoever stops in the section that has the object must do 5 squats. Repeat.
Warm Up
"Musical Wagon Wheel"
5 Rounds
5 Floor Press(Bridge-hips & butt up)
1 Minute External Rotation with bar on rack
3 Rounds
5 Tire Flips
10 Floor Press
15 Walking Lunges
200m Run
Avoid Brain Drain This Summer
- Here are a few ways to keep those brain muscles flexed with fun learning exercises.
- Get crafty: Adopt a daily craft activity to do as a family every day.
- Build a treehouse: Combine outside fun with construction by building a backyard treehouse, remembering to discuss measurement (and safety) as you go.
- Create a lemonade stand: The classic lemonade stand offers many lessons in math and business.
- Play board games: Board games build thinking skills and are a fun way for kids to play and learn over the summer.
- Track daily temperatures: Fight the summer slide while tracking the summer heat wave by tracking the temperature each day with your kids.
- Calculate your family’s emissions: Use the EPA personal emissions calculator to discover your emissions as a family, and discuss how you can improve.
- Plant a garden: Teach kids about nutrition and growth with a summer garden.
- Count money when playing Monopoly: A family game time with Monopoly can turn into a math lesson when kids act as the banker.
Try these ideas on summer days when you’re sticking around the house.
Warm Up
5 Wall Ball
100m Run
As Many Reps As Possible in 4 minutes at each station
5 Minute Break in between to work on a specific skill.
Station 1:
10 Wall Ball (20/14)
10 Sit ups
10 Wall Ball (20/14)
10 Sit ups
5 Mins to work on Hollow Rocks
Station 2:
10 Push ups
10 Hollow rocks
Station 2:
10 Push ups
10 Hollow rocks
5 Mins for Rope Climbs
Station 3:
5 Pull ups (Jumping as MOD)
10 Box jumps (12”)
Station 3:
5 Pull ups (Jumping as MOD)
10 Box jumps (12”)
5 Mins on DB Hang Cleans
Station 4:
10 Mountain climbers (L+R=1)
10 DB Hang power cleans
Station 4:
10 Mountain climbers (L+R=1)
10 DB Hang power cleans
5 Mins on Double Unders
Station 5:
10 KB swings (24/16)
10 Single unders
Station 5:
10 KB swings (24/16)
10 Single unders
Why Put Your Kid at A Movement Disadvantage?
This is from MobilityWOD.com. Mobility is oh so important in crossfit and just everyday life. A daily mobility is put up to help people with their joints and tissues and be healthy, active and pain free. At young ages, kids bodies are made perfectly and we want to keep them that way!
Today’s episode is a realty check about our human nature. Over the course of the last 2.5 million years, you have evolved to have your heel flat on the ground (or a flat surface). You are an engineering miracle. The length of your heel cords is not an accident. Any systematic deviation away from heel flat isn’t natural (Sure oly shoes are legit, but you don’t cruze the hood in them do you? And check out the crappy ankle range of motion in some of those oly lifters eh?) You need your heel cords to be full length and functioning at full length. Why are you wearing sneaker/tennis shoe/joggers/running shoe versions of high heel shoes? Oh, you are an adult. You do have the right to hobble yourself (ask my wife when she’s wearing her cute going out shoes..) But your kids? I’m not going to be all crazy and say that putting young kids in shoes with an elevated heel is the equivalent of the old Chinese custom of foot binding, but it kind of is? Seriously, heels flat. An elevated heel is an upstream mechanical nightmare expressing itself at the foot, ankle, knee, hip, low back… You can have some padding and traction of course. But keep that differential between heel and toe to a minimum. Besides, I know you crazies out there want your kids to be smart and super jocks. Don’t hobble them out of the gate. Give them a chance to be badass.
Focus: Paying Attention
Down Walking Lunges
Warm-Up: Paying Attention Drill. Kids will run towards the garage door until the trainer says freeze. Kids stop in their tracks and do one burpee. If kids don't immediately stop and drop to a burpee, then they have to come back and start over. First one to outside wins.
Game: Farmers & Lumberjacks
Set up cones with 2 teams. The lumberjacks try to knock all the cones down while the farmers pick them all up. If at any point all the cones are up or down, then the game ends with that team winning.
WOD: Working on the Ranch
2 Rounds
1:00 Stations /Rotate
1:00 Min Rest at end of Round 1
Station #1 Hay Bale Squats (goblet squats with KB.)
Station #2 Take water to the Farm animals (Farmers Carry with KB's)
Station #3 Cow Pie Jumps (Box jumps)
Station #4 Roping on the Range (Jump Rope)
Today’s episode is a realty check about our human nature. Over the course of the last 2.5 million years, you have evolved to have your heel flat on the ground (or a flat surface). You are an engineering miracle. The length of your heel cords is not an accident. Any systematic deviation away from heel flat isn’t natural (Sure oly shoes are legit, but you don’t cruze the hood in them do you? And check out the crappy ankle range of motion in some of those oly lifters eh?) You need your heel cords to be full length and functioning at full length. Why are you wearing sneaker/tennis shoe/joggers/running shoe versions of high heel shoes? Oh, you are an adult. You do have the right to hobble yourself (ask my wife when she’s wearing her cute going out shoes..) But your kids? I’m not going to be all crazy and say that putting young kids in shoes with an elevated heel is the equivalent of the old Chinese custom of foot binding, but it kind of is? Seriously, heels flat. An elevated heel is an upstream mechanical nightmare expressing itself at the foot, ankle, knee, hip, low back… You can have some padding and traction of course. But keep that differential between heel and toe to a minimum. Besides, I know you crazies out there want your kids to be smart and super jocks. Don’t hobble them out of the gate. Give them a chance to be badass.
Focus: Paying Attention
Down Walking Lunges
10 Perfect Air Squats
*Last one done is the winner!
Staring Contest with Partner
Warm-Up: Paying Attention Drill. Kids will run towards the garage door until the trainer says freeze. Kids stop in their tracks and do one burpee. If kids don't immediately stop and drop to a burpee, then they have to come back and start over. First one to outside wins.
Game: Farmers & Lumberjacks
Set up cones with 2 teams. The lumberjacks try to knock all the cones down while the farmers pick them all up. If at any point all the cones are up or down, then the game ends with that team winning.
WOD: Working on the Ranch
2 Rounds
1:00 Stations /Rotate
1:00 Min Rest at end of Round 1
Station #1 Hay Bale Squats (goblet squats with KB.)
Station #2 Take water to the Farm animals (Farmers Carry with KB's)
Station #3 Cow Pie Jumps (Box jumps)
Station #4 Roping on the Range (Jump Rope)
Cool Treats
This recipe is especially for kids who need a gluten-free diet. Kids who need a gluten-free diet must avoid foods that contain gluten, which is a type of protein found in many foods. It is a good idea to try to keep gluten out of everyone's diet when possible. Gluten can lead to pre-diabetic symptoms and ultimately diabetes among other diseases and allergies. It's hot out and who doesn't like a cool and easy to make treat!
Prep time: 5 minutes to prepare, freeze overnight
- 30 oz. light fruit-flavored yogurt
- 1 c. strawberries
Utensils: - blender
- measuring cup
- 6 paper cups (8 oz.)
- 6 popsicle sticks
- freezer
- Put strawberries in a blender and mix until berries are cut into small pieces.
- Mix yogurt and berries together in a large bowl.
- Equally divide yogurt mixture in 6 paper cups.
- Place a popsicle stick in the middle of the yogurt.
- Put in the freezer and freeze overnight.
- Before eating, remove paper cup.
Warm Up-2x
100m Run
7 DB Push Press
100m Run
7 Burpees
100m Run-
7 Knees To Elbows
5 Rounds
5 Deadlift
1 Rope Climb
Push Up
Summer Camps
Friends, Fun, Learning, Independence
I have talked to a couple of our kids who are attending camps this week. One of our rad kids, Crew, has a few camps she is going to this summer. This week it is a writing camp. Each day they write a little bit and at the end of the week it all gets put together to form a book! Going to camp is a summertime tradition for many kids. You might go to a traditional camp, where kids swim, do crafts, put on plays, and sit around the campfire at night. Or maybe you're going to a special-interest camp, where you'll work on your sports skills, or learn more about computers, outer space, or art. There are even camps that serve kids who have the same health problem, such as asthma or diabetes. No matter which kind of camp you're going to, you're probably excited — and maybe a little nervous if it's your first time. Be proud of yourself for being grown-up enough to go to camp. It's a chance to try new things, like horseback riding, canoeing, playing tennis, or dancing in a dance contest! But camp is even more than just friends and fun. It's also an opportunity to learn a little more about being independent.
Warm Up
2 Teams
Move 100 lbs. of Bumper Plates to the 50m mark then once all 100 lbs is there, you must return it to the starting positon. The weights are as follows for each team: 2 25 lb bumpers, 2 15 lb bumpers, 3 10 lb bumpers. The bumpers can be moved in any way, more than one at a time, and carried by multiple people.
Use your creativity and go fast! The last team finished completes 30 burpees as a team.
Duck Duck Goose
8 Minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups (MOD Jumping)
D&B Bear Crawl
15 Air Squats
Time To Compete or Practice
Ever wonder what you should eat right before your game or practice? When it's time to practice or play, you'll get energy from the foods you've been eating all week. But it's still a good idea to eat well on that day. If you're going to eat a meal, have it 2 to 4 hours before practice or game time. If you have a full stomach, your body will need to spend energy digesting food, leaving less for you to use in your game or practice. The best pre-game meal includes carbohydrates and protein for energy, but is low in fat and fiber, which can slow digestion.
But you don't want to be hungry either. Bring a snack, especially for long practices, competitions, or all-day events. Half a sandwich, fresh or dried fruit, or a small handful of nuts are all good snacks. Sports bars, or energy bars, are convenient, but they aren't necessary for athletes. You can get the same energy from healthy foods.
Avoid sugary stuff like sodas or candy bars right before you practice or compete. You might get a little energy boost, but it will fade fast, leaving you feeling drained. But eating and drinking the right stuff will help you play your best. Now, go out there and have a great season!
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
Hollow Rocks
Hollow Sit Ups
Buy In: 50 GHD Hip Extenstions
3 Rounds
5 Strict Pullups
10 Jumping Lunges
15 Hollow Rocks
Cash Out: 50 Push Ups
Heart of an Olympian
Crossfit has taught me alot of things. The main thing is never to give up, no matter how hard a workout is. I have wanted to stop many a times, but I never have and the feeling of finishing and completing something you thought might be impossible is amazing. I have learned to push through, break mass reps into small sets and play mind games with myself to keep going. These same principles carry into every day life. A long day at school or work, a hard test, or a disagreement with a friend or parent all seem more manageable. Things in life don't always work out the way we want or plan, but you don't give up. You keep trying, working harder and getting better and it always pays off.
What does it mean to be an Olympian? It's something such a very few people on the planet will ever experience. It is something such a very few people are capable of, physically or mentally. As we near the summer Olympics in London, think what it means to be an Olympian. Think about why it is we are so fascinated with their stories, and what we find for ourselves in watching them, cheering for them, and crying with them.Warm Up-2x
Stair Run
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Ring Rows
100m Run
10 Dot Jumps
10 Walking Lunges
10 Knees To Elbows
Snatch (DB/Bar depending on skill level)
3 Rounds
1 Min Each for max reps
1 Min Rest at the end of each round
Box Jump
Pull Up
Crossfit Kids Kitchen
This recipe is super easy and super awesome when chilled on a scorcher of a day like today!
Prep time: 10 minutes
- 2 small red apples
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 2 pinches of cinnamon
- knife (you'll need help from your adult assistant)
- blender or food processor
- measuring spoons
- serving bowls
- Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Throw out the core.
- Put the apple pieces and lemon juice into the blender or food processor. Blend until the mixture is very smooth.
- Pour the mixture into two small bowls and stir in the cinnamon.
- Enjoy your awesome applesauce!
Warm Up
1k Run (Alternate 100m at a time)
800m Row (Alternate 100m at a time)
3 Rounds
5 Strict HSPU elevated on box/tire
5 Hollow Push Ups with hands elevated on box/tire
5 Minute Amrap
100m Run
10 DB Push Press
5 Burpees
Rest 5 Minutes
5 Minute AMRAP
5 Box Jumps
10 Sit Ups
15 Walking Lunges
P.U. — what stinks?
They're your tootsies, your dogs, your piggies. Whatever you call them, feet are an important part of you. Without them, you couldn't stand up, walk around, or run a race. In fact, your feet work so hard for you that sometimes they get sweaty. And stinky.
Think of a hot, summer day when you've been walking around an amusement park all afternoon. Oooh, boy — your feet have been in those sneakers a long time! On the car ride home, you decide to kick off your shoes. It feels good, but it smells bad. In fact, you might get an earful from the other passengers in the car: P.U. — what stinks?
Bacteria are to blame. These tiny critters normally inhabit your feet and love dark, damp places like the insides of sweaty shoes. They multiply in sweat, so if you don't wear socks, that really gets them going.
In the right conditions, bacteria will feast on your feet. These bacteria eat dead skin cells and oils from your skin. Their colonies will grow and start getting rid of waste in the form of organic acids. It's those organic acids that smell bad.
What Can You Do?
So how can you stop your feet from stinking? Well, you might not be able to stop stink completely. But if you cut down on sweat, you'll cut down on the odor.
Try these steps:
- Be clean. Bathe your feet every day. Dipping your feet into a tub of water may be better than just letting the shower water splash on them. Be sure to dry your feet when you're done.
- Wear the right socks. Cotton, some wools, and special knits made for athletes will absorb sweat and allow your feet to breathe. Put on a fresh pair if they get damp.
- Make sure your shoes aren't too tight. If they are, your feet might sweat more than normal.
- Switch shoes. Wearing the same shoes every day can make them smellier. Let them dry out for a couple of days before wearing them again.
- Kill those germs. Ask your mom or dad about using a disinfectant spray to kill bacteria in your shoes. You might also wash your feet with antibacterial soap. Setting shoes out in the sun also may help.
- Wash shoes or insoles. Some insoles or shoes, especially sneakers, may be washable — a great way to kill odors and get clean-smelling shoes again. Be sure to dry them completely before wearing them.
- Avoid shoes made of plastic. Plastic and some human-made materials don't let your feet breathe.
- Go barefoot. Let your feet air out by letting them spend some time in the open air, especially at night.
Warm Up
Buy In: 50 Sit Ups
3 Rounds
200m Run
20 Push Ups
2 Rope Climbs
Cash Out: 50 Supermen
GHD Sit Ups
GHD Hip Extensions
Tabata Burpees
1 Min Rest
Max Squats in 2 Mins
1 Min Rest
Tabata GHD Sit Ups
1 Min Rest
Max GHD Hip Ext in 2 Mins
1 Min Rest
Tabata Row (Cal)
Ever wish you could be as muscular as a superhero or your favorite professional athlete? Well, the big muscles you're thinking about aren't possible for kids. Superheroes, of course, aren't real, and professional athletes are grownups, whose bodies are different from kids' bodies in many ways.
Boys, especially, might wish for bigger muscles, but their bodies can't build that kind of adult muscle until they're older. On the bright side, both boys and girls can do a lot to build strong, healthy muscles. Let's find out how.
Playing Makes Muscles
It sounds too simple, but it's true. Playing, running, jumping, and riding your bike can make your muscles stronger. Any physical activity you like to do — from dancing to playing football — can make you stronger. Why? Because you're using your muscles when you do it.
Eat Strong
What should you eat if you want strong muscles? You might think you need a lot of foods that contain protein (such as meat and eggs) or foods that contain iron.
But no one magical food helps build muscles. Your muscles — and your entire body — will be strong and healthy if you eat a variety of nutritious foods.
Warm Up
DB Mash Up
3 Rounds
5 Deadlift
5/5 Swings
5/5 Hang Clean
5/5 Push Press
*1 DB per person
Super Slow Squat
Hop Races (D&B with feet together)
8 Minute AMRAP
100m Run
15 Walking Lunges
5 Pushups
Functional Fit membership
The $70 rate expires (for new customers) as of Monday June 18th for Functional Fit. The rate jumps up to our normal $100 rate so if anyone wants to join then do it before the 18th to save $30 a month. Anyone before the 18th will keep their $70 rate.
This includes any current groupon/living social members (so sign up).
Wow, is it just me or is the year flying by?! It's June already, where did May go?! School is out or almost out for the summer for everyone. We have a few changes that have happened or are about to happen, so let me update you on that. Starting on Monday, June 11, we will be opening a 12:30pm class on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday and Thursday our 3:45pm class now starts at 3:30pm since their is no school, giving us an entire hour for class instead of 45 minutes! Also, don't forget about our Community Friday schedule where all the classes the entire day are the same and anyone and everyone are welcome to attend any of the classes. 6am, 7, 815, 930, 1030, 1130, 330, 430, 530, & 630. Bring all your bored friends to our giant playground for an absolute blast!
Warm Up-2x
100m Run
5 Clapping Push Ups
5 Wall Ball
5 Handstand Kick Ups/ Tallbees
5 Seated Rope Climbs
5 Dot Jumps
5 Tire Jump In & Outs
Skill-3 Rounds
5 DB Floor Press
1 Min Pigeon Pose
200m Relay Races
5 Minutes
Max Rep DB Floor Press
-Rest 2 Mins-
Max Push Ups in 1 Minute
-5 Minutes of Play Time-
1 Minute Test of Box Jumps (12')
(Beat your previous score on front board!)
Lemon Legs
2 lbs. of chicken drumsticks
Juice of 2 lemons
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
In a glass baking dish combine the juice and olive oil
Add the drumsticks and toss coat
Cover and refrigerate overnight
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees, toss to coat again
Bake for about 40 minutes or until the internal temp reaches 160 degrees.
Serve with a side of your child's favorite vegetable. This is a tangy meal that will leave your kids asking for
more! It makes a mess of your hands, so be sure to have plenty of napkins.
Warm Up
100m Run
1 Rope Climb
:30/:30 Pigeon
10 Burpees
10 Sit Ups
1 Minute Wall Groin
10 Air Squats
10 Walking Lunges
1 Minute Wall Hamstring
Wall Walk
Shoulder Taps from Tallbee
Box/Tire Dips
Shoulder Taps
Push Ups
Hollow Rock
The Hollow Rock is a gymnastic staple, that’s a lot harder than it looks. When done properly, the hollow rock will strengthen your core better than just about any other exercise. Lie down face up with your arms and legs both extended and about one foot off the floor. The goal is to be the shape of a rocking chair. Then, much like a rocking chair, start moving back and forth while keeping your body stiff and without raising your arms and legs.
The key is lowering the lumbar arch of your back to the floor before you begin. Lying on the floor relaxed, you can usually slip your hand underneath the arch in the small of your back. You don’t want that. Force your back flat so that it’s a smooth, round shape from your shoulders to your butt. This really forces the lower abs to work, which is the point of the exercise. Start in a V with your feet and arms almost touching, then slowly lower down until the lower back starts to come off the floor. This will be different for each athlete depending on flexibility and strength. The knees can be tucked in toward your chest and the arms can be brought forward beside your hips to make it a little easier to start. This modification will be what we do today for Tuck Rocks.
Warm Up
10 Hollow Situps (Pull ribs in, tuck chin)
10 Hollow Supermen (Squeeze butt, tuck chin)
1 Lap
Max Ring Hold
10 Frog Jumps (Jump straight up, land softly, maintain tight core)
10 Tuck Rocks (Keep lower back on floor)
3x10 Handstand Hold (on wall, can face either direction, point toes)
3x10 Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs with PVC
3 Rounds
100m Row
10 Hollow Situps
10 Hollow Supermen
10 Ball Slams
10 Tire Jumps
100m Run
We attended a gymnastics seminar this weekend and boy o boy do we have some cool stuff to share with you youngsters! We all know you like to play on the rings and try to stand and walk on your hands, but then again who doesn't. We will be teaching you some new drills and skills to turn everyone into lean, mean, strong and awesome athletes. Body control and being able to feel where your balance points are in different positions is extremely difficult but at the same time extremely important. It takes a combination of skill, strength, and flexibility to be able to do crossfit movements and more specifically gymnastics movements correctly and efficiently. Over the next month, we will really be focusing on basic skills required to allow everyone to do some really cool stuff, even cooler than you already can do!
Warm Up
Obstacle Course
The Hollow Position
Sit Ups
Push Ups
4 Rounds
:30 second stations
Ring Holds
False Grip
Chin Ups
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