So school is cancelled yet again. Kids jump for joy and parents want to pull their hair out. This weather has been crazy this month. The worst its been in a long time if not ever. Just keep in mind it is for everyone's safety. Having to go an extra day or two in the summer is worth saving an accident or life now.
Bring your wild and energetic kids into class tonight, get a break from them and let them burn off some craziness! See you tonight!
Warm Up
3 Rounds
45 second Plank R
45 sec Plank L
10 sec L-Sit or Hold (Bar, Rings, Parallettes)
*1 min rest between rounds
4 Rounds
Max Handstand Hold (Tallbee Hold)
Max Hang (Rope or Bar)
*Rest as needed between, share ropes
10 Min AMRAP
10 Pushups (Box)
15 Box Jumps
25 Sit Ups