CrossFit Kids is committed to developing the whole child. Its methodology provides opportunities for cross-curricular education. Examples include the following:
◦ Science as it relates to levers, force, distance, time and power input.
◦ Math support using percentages, averaging, addition and metric-to-standard measurements.
◦ Health education in its support for healthy body image and provision of nutrition and exercise knowledge.
◦ Language arts as kids are encouraged to keep journals and track progress of individualized goals.
In addition, studies have proven the direct correlation between physical activity and higher academic test scores, improved classroom behaviors and reduced classroom disruptions.
Warm Up
With a continuously running clock...
0-2 Minutes Max Rep Box Jumps
2-12 Find 3 RM Front Squat (DB or Bar)
13-15 Max Calories Rowed
Ring Rows (who can have their nose under the rings and touch their armpits)
Skill WOD
3 Minutes
3 Ring Rows
:30 High Plank Hold
3 Rounds
5 DB Squat Clean
5 Burpees