Over the course of the next few months we will be taking tests at CFNA. I like taking tests that I know I am going to pass with flying colors, but these tests aren't for passing. They're designed to show you everything - strengths and weaknesses. I don't particularly like taking tests that might tell me something that I don't think I want to know -- like I'm not as strong as I think I am or I'm slower than everyone else.
It's really interesting. I don't think I'm outside of the norm, but resisting testing really makes little sense. I show up, week after week and put in a lot of effort to get stronger, faster, and fitter. You'd think I'd want to know definitively whether it's worth my time or not. The pre-testing is designed to pinpoint exactly where I am so that I can track the effectiveness of my training. I want to know, but I don't want to take the risk of finding out I'm not as good as I thought.
I think that we may not like the idea of measurements because we make a mistake about what is being measured. Rather than measuring performance -- how effective the training is, we think they are measuring us. Ever notice how when things don't go the way you planned or hoped -- something like you lift less or run slower than you thought you would -- you find yourself saying something negative about yourself ("I suck") rather than evaluating something about your training? Rather than be interested in how it happened, you make it personal, mostly without even realizing it.
It's hard. We're programmed to protect ourselves from threats. It's safer to expect the worst or not build up expectations. If I bust my own chops, it can't get any worse when someone else does it. It becomes training in not expecting anything from myself. If I don't expect anything, I can't be disappointed.
Funny things, we are. I know that there are two "me"s at work here. The "me" that strives for more, and the "me" that is willing for it not to get any better just as long as it doesn't get any worse. When I think about it, it just seems silly. Knowing all of this, would I really "volunteer" for a life of "just not any worse, please?" It appears that the test, or any objective evaluation, is the only way to what you want if you really want more than just "fine."
So come to class with the same fun loving attitude that you all have and that we love so much. Just be ready to work hard and be able to deal with failing. Failure is the best way to get better and get where you want to be faster. Failure is natural and it is by no means a bad thing if you can learn from it and get better. We want you to push each other to be the best version of you that you can be.
1 Minute Max Burpees
Max Pullups Strict (Banded, Jumping ok)
1 Minute Max Sit Ups
Max Strict Dips/ Dip Support
1 Minute Max Box Jumps
Max L-Hold
1 Minute Max Air Squats
Max Push Ups (Hollow, use boxes, elbows in)
1 Minute Max KB Swings
Max Handstand Hold
Team of 2
200 Lunges
200m Run
200 DB Push Press
200m Run
200 Medball Deadlifts
200m Run