Kids learn primarily through imitation and shared attention, and retention is then further enhanced through repetition, novelty and complexity. Novel experiences are more likely to be retained.
Likewise, kids with short attention spans learning these skills will also benefit and retain more through repetition. This is where these two seem to be at odds at first glance. How can something be repeated over and over and still be novel? Well, this is where creativity comes into play. Just think of how many different environments there are to squat in for example. At the beach, inside, outside, on top of something, while holding something, the possibilities are endless. Thinking back to our definition of Crossfit, constantly varied, functional movements performed at a high intensity. By constantly varying these foundational movements, they will become embedded through the development of motor and neural pathways. With kids, this is just an ongoing project of playfulness to add novelty to what needs repetition. Today lets challenge a few of our typical movements!
Warm Up
5 Air Squats on Parallettes
5 Burpees onto Bumper Plate
DB Swing with 10 second hold overhead
KB Stair Walk (2 18#)
1 Max Distance Medball Toss across room
5 Line Touches
Ring Rows
Power Cleans
Tire Flips/ Plate Flips
Double Unders/ Single Unders
Ring Rows