I have about 5 or 6 things on my list, including some that I could do something about right away.
The thing is, none of them are really big enough, big enough to do something about. Because if they were big enough, I'd be doing something about them.
You see, these little things don't really prevent me from doing anything (like a broken leg or gunshot wound might). I can put up with them and some of them I have, for a very, very long time. And the longer I put up with them, the more engrained and potentially permanent they become. You have tight shoulders like I do? Think they got there overnight? Not a chance. You're probably doing something today to contribute to their tightness - and you're probably not doing anything to make an attempt to change this tightness... why, because it's not bad enough.
How bad does it need to get to take action? Have you really fallen out of health so that your first symptom is going to be a heart attack (and possibly death)? Or, is the first symptom that will force you into action going to be a torn achilles, blown ACL, sciatica, herniated cervical vertebrae, strained hamstring or groin, or rotator cuff tear? Maybe that injury you got or are going to get is your body's way of forcing you into action to make something big enough, bad enough that you're willing to actually do something about it.
Think about all the things in life that you put up with because putting up with them isn't so bad... in fact, it's easier to deal with them than it is to take any action.
What if you took action and didn't wait?
Life might look a whole lot different.
Warm Up
10 PVC Pass Throughs
20 Spidey Lunges
10 PVC Squatted Pass Throughs
:30 Pigeon Each Leg
:30 Wall Pigeon Each Leg
*Alternating Rounds With Partner
DB Manmakers
(Push Up, Row Right, Row Left, Push Up, Clean, Press)
Skill WOD
3 Rounds
5 DB Manmakers
25 Situps
DB Turkish Get Ups
1 On Each Arm Until Find Perfect Weight To Keep Arm Locked Out and Balanced
At That Weight Each Athlete Does 5 On Each Arm As SLOW As Possible
The Winner This Time Is The Last Person Done (No Rushing and doing it wrong!)
Skill WOD
3 Rounds
:30 Turkish Get Ups
:30 Rest
:30 Box Jumps
:30 Rest