Today we will be focusing on positioning. This is so important. As a youngster your body is at its most flexible, and making adjustments and learning how to do movements correctly at the beginning is crucial. If you learn how to move poorly as a kid, then the movement becomes a habit as you get older. You end up with very tight shoulders and hips that will trouble your simple everyday movements as you get older. Ie sitting in a chair and standing, bending over to pick something up, reaching for something above your head. These may lead to preventable surgeries and medications as an adult. So today may not be very easy for some of you, but please stay focused and try your hardest. If you don't now then it will become impossible years down the road.
Warm Up
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:30 Squat Hold
10 PVC Squatted Pass Throughs
10 Spidey Lunges
10 Sotts Press
10 Walking Lunges
10 Snatch Balance
10 Lunge + Twist
*Must sit at bottom of squat until knee and shoulder adjustments are made
*Start with PVC, must show 3 perfect reps to go heavier each time
3 Rounds
10 OHS
15 Ring Rows (DB Rows if class if big)
100m Row (D&B runs in barn if class if big)